- the source for market opinions


May 20, 2022 | Will Markets Recover Only to Crash Again?

Biden cancels Alaska oil leases during record high gasoline

May 12, 2022 | Perfect Storm Hitting the Stock Market

Why is the US Dollar in such good shape?

May 5, 2022 | Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Interest Rates, Inflation

Recession, Food Shortages

May 5, 2022 | Any Place to Hide from Market Meltdown?

Robinhood traders disappearing by the millions

May 5, 2022 | Panic Selling on Wall Street

USD and Natural Gas the only market positives

April 30, 2022 | This Week in Money

April 16, 2022 | This Week in Money

April 13, 2022 | Misery Index, Russia/Ukraine

Inflation, Inverted Yield Curve

April 9, 2022 | This Week in Money

April 8, 2022 | Are We in For Stagflation?

Biden wants more Canadian oil but still against pipelines

April 7, 2022 | Uranium, Crude Oil, Gold, Cryptos

War on cash, one world government.  Special Offer! Receive 50% Off VR Trader Newsletters! Enter Promo Code 2021HALFOFF.

April 7, 2022 | No Guarantee Oil Prices Won’t Balloon Again

Churchill, Manitoba could ship Canadian LNG to Europe

April 7, 2022 | Oil, Natural Gas, Gasoline, Gold, Silver, Copper

Dow, S&P, Nasdaq, Agricultural Commodities

April 2, 2022 | This Week in Money

March 19, 2022 | This Week in Money

  • Ross Clark – Stock Markets, Nickel, Gold, Oil, US Dollar, Canadian Dollar
  • Victor Adair –  Wild Swings in Commodities, Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Market Risk
  • Gerald Celente – Russia/Ukraine, Inflation, Cryptos, Freedom

March 17, 2022 | Why Gold and Treasuries Are Best Long Term Bet

Out of control world events making the markets hard to predict

March 17, 2022 | World Wide Recession Ahead?

Crude Oil, Canadian Dollar, Housing Bubble

March 12, 2022 | This Week in Money

March 11, 2022 | Canadian Oil and US Gas Prices

Russia, China, Nickel, Copper

March 10, 2022 | How Long Can Sky High Oil Prices Last?

Will energy pressures lead to more or renewed pipeline construction?

March 5, 2022 | This Week in Money

March 3, 2022 | Even Canadian Oil Super Hot

Sanctions making stock picks tricky

March 3, 2022 | Strong US Dollar Biggest Threat to Markets?

Could Inflation kill itself?

March 3, 2022 | Why Haven’t High Oil Prices Boosted the Canadian Dollar?

Borrowing to invest, the highway to madness

February 26, 2022 | This Week in Money

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