- the source for market opinions


March 1, 2024 | Gold to Bitcoin Portfolio Ratio

Explosion of the biggest bubble ever?

February 24, 2024 | This Week in Money

February 15, 2024 | Putin, Trump Won, Cancer Vaccine

20% Unemployment, Bond Market Crisis.

February 10, 2024 | This Week in Money

  • Ross Clark: Stock Markets, Oil, Gold, USD, Canadian Dollar, Bitcoin
  • Martin Armstrong: (8:32) The 2024 Outlook, Stock Markets, Housing, Global Debt Bubbles, China
  • Eric Hadik: (53:06) Market Cycles, USD, Interest Rates, Bitcoin, Real Estate, Gold

February 9, 2024 | Lower Interest Rates Do Not Equal Good Times

Will Canada and the US ever become affordable again?

February 3, 2024 | This Week in Money

  • Ross Clark: Stock Markets, Dow, S&P 500, Jobs, Oil, Gold, Chocolate
  • Mark Leibovit: (9:49)  Stock Markets, Interest Rates, Cannabis, Gold.  Special Offer! Receive 50% Off VR Trader Newsletters! Enter Promo Code 2022HALFOFF.
  • Wolf Richter: (52:05)  US Real Estate, Inflation, Autos, Electric Vehicles

February 1, 2024 | Why a USA “Hard Landing” More Likely than “Soft”

Will Gold be a safe haven from an economic crash?

February 1, 2024 | A Glowing Report on Uranium

The Fed may hold on off on anticipated rate cuts

January 26, 2024 | Could Lower Interest Rates Boost The Stock Market?

Chinese economy in trouble

January 25, 2024 | Recession Warning Signals Flashing

Real Interest Rates rising even as Central Banks hold off hikes

January 20, 2024 | This Week in Money

  • Ross Clark: Stock Markets, S&P, Nasdaq 100, Bitcoin ETF
  • Gerald Celente:(11:26) Stock Markets, Interest Rates, USD, China, Germany, Recession
  • Victor Adair: (40:04) Stock Markets, Bonds, Gold, Oil, Uranium

January 18, 2024 | Only One Major Canadian City Has Rising Home Prices

How big a drop could Canadian Real Estate see?

January 12, 2024 | Interest Rate Cuts Equal Good Times?

US Bitcoin ETF, Interest Rates, Car Theft, Arson

January 11, 2024 | How To Short Bitcoin

Gold Juniors, Interest Rates, US Dollar

January 6, 2024 | This Week in Money

  • Ross Clark: Stock Markets, Crude Oil, Gold, USD, Canadian Dollar
  • Larry Williams: (11:02) 2024 Outlook for Stock Markets, Gold, Interest Rates, USD, Canadian Dollar, China, LIT
  • Martin Straith: (38:01) Canada’s Job Growth, USA National Debt hits $34 Trillion, over $100,000 per citizen

January 4, 2024 | How Long Can the Wall Street Party Last?

Will Gold keep you safe in any market downturn?

December 29, 2023 | Will Canada See a Real Estate Bust in 2024?

What would a Universal Income do to inflation and housing?

December 14, 2023 | Could Santa Claus Rally Be a Good Sign for the New Year?

Inflation, Interest Rates, Gold, Crude oil, Bitcoin.  Receive 50% Off VR Trader Newsletters! Enter Promo Code 2022HALFOFF.

December 14, 2023 | Is the Fed Really Finished Hiking Rates?

Which stock will tell you where the stock market is going?

December 14, 2023 | Even if Interest Rates Fall, Is Recession Likely?

Supply not the problem behind Canada’s housing crisis

December 7, 2023 | The Fed Isn’t as Powerful as Many Think It Is

Has Gold topped out?

December 7, 2023 | Stock Markets in 2024

Gold and other Commodities

November 30, 2023 | Canada’s Economy and Expectations Shrinking

If you can wait a year, some great opportunities coming up

November 24, 2023 | Why Commodity Perma-Bulls Have it Wrong

What is the long term prospect for Gold?

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