- the source for market opinions


June 29, 2023 | Inflation Now Slowing Luxury Purchases

The set up for the commercial retail glut started a decade ago

June 22, 2023 | Could We See Higher Oil Prices Later This Year?

A “military misadventure” could skyrocket energy prices

June 15, 2023 | Summer Solstice Could See Change in Markets

The Fed non-hike just part of market manipulation.  Receive 50% Off VR Trader Newsletters! Enter Promo Code 2022HALFOFF.

June 15, 2023 | The Fed Needs To Get Housing Prices Down

Long term high rates would clean out companies that need culling

June 15, 2023 | Inflation Could Really Take Off in a Few Years

Stock Market rise could end suddenly

June 10, 2023 | This Week in Money

  • Ross Clark – Stock Markets, Dow, Oil, Gold, Silver, USD, Canadian Dollar
  • Mark Leibovit –  (8:50) AI Mania, Stock Markets, Economy. Special Offer! Receive 50% Off VR Trader Newsletters! Enter Promo Code 2022HALFOFF
  • Ian Prittie –  (44:38) Canadian Real Estate, Inflation, Economy, HELOC

May 27, 2023 | This Week in Money

May 25, 2023 | Debt, Debt, Debt and the Banks?

Commercial Real Estate – empty office towers

May 18, 2023 | Commercial Real Estate Bubbles Bursting

People still putting their money in the wrong places.  Link to Charts.

May 18, 2023 | US Debt Ceiling Worries

AI getting all the attention

May 18, 2023 | Dow Theory, Interest Rates, Gougeflation

US Dollar, Gold, Crude Oil

May 13, 2023 | This Week in Money

May 11, 2023 | Stock Markets vs. Economic Data

Government manipulated stats vs. reality

May 6, 2023 | This Week in Money

  • Ross Clark – Stock Markets, Gold, Oil, USD, Canadian Dollar
  • Martin Armstrong –  (7:10) Real Rate of Inflation, Government Debt, Interest Rates, Digital Currencies, Gold and The Panic Cycle
  • Victor Adair – (42:27)  Inflation, USD, Commodities and the Stock Market

May 4, 2023 | Three Reasons to be Upbeat About Gold Stocks

US regional banks still have a lot to worry about

May 4, 2023 | US Debt Ceiling, The Fed, Gold, Cryptos, Marijuana

Interest Rates, Inflation

April 29, 2023 | This Week in Money

  • Ross Clark – Nasdaq, Oil, Gold, USD, Canadian Dollar, Natural Gas
  • John Rubino – (9:25) Recession, Office Vacancy Rates, Physical Silver Shortage, Cable News
  • Hilliard MacBeth –  (38:00) Canadian Real Estate, HELOCs, Inflation, Affordable Homes

April 22, 2023 | This Week in Money

April 21, 2023 | A Very Interesting Year in Commodities

US institutions lose depositors looking for better returns

April 8, 2023 | This Week in Money

April 6, 2023 | Should You Worry About US Dollar in Post Bubble Contraction?

Blackstone limits withdrawals following $4.5 billion in withdrawal requests

March 31, 2023 | Is Inflation Really That Scary?

The case for Gold

March 30, 2023 |  Canada Now Pushing Critical Metals and Nuclear Technology

Incompetent Fed Responsible for Bad Banks

March 30, 2023 | The Real Pain From Higher Interest Rates Yet To Come

The problems that caused the recent banking crisis not solved

March 23, 2023 | Gold, The Fed, Bitcoin, Real Estate

Lithium, Copper, Geo-cosmic Events.  Receive 50% Off VR Trader Newsletters! Enter Promo Code 2022HALFOFF.

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