- the source for market opinions


October 26, 2021 | Does Canada Really Have 1.3 Million Vacant Homes?

The impact of rising mortgage rates

October 19, 2021 | Alberta Civic Election a Warning for Jason Kenney?

What are the best ways to get value from your home?

October 5, 2021 | Toronto Housing Market Cools for 3 Consecutive Months

Investors Gobbling Up Ontario Homes is a Turkey Analysis

October 5, 2021 | Spillover from Evergrande Crisis, Home Prices, Mortgages

Junk Bonds, Tesla Sales, William Shatner Into Space

September 28, 2021 | Canadian Home Purchase Price Falls for 4th Month

CMHC failed to warn of pending House Price Tsunami

September 7, 2021 | Why Do Realtors Keep Changing “Historic” Stats?

Housing Affordability is NOT Cashflow

August 24, 2021 | Canada’s Missing 843,000 Backyards

Will GTA and GVA diverge this fall?

August 17, 2021 | What Can Politicians Do to Make Housing Affordable?

Why can’t CMHC get housing start information right?

August 3, 2021 | Slowing Housing Market equals Slowing Economy

Guaranteed Sold Plan Scam

July 27, 2021 | Canada Wide Housing Assessment

Brand New vs Used Homes in Canada

July 14, 2021 | Higher Wage Demands Likely Due to Inflation

Will downtown cores ever recover from business, office closures?

July 6, 2021 | Have Mortgage Affordability Rules Really Changed?

Is Canadian farmland threatened by foreign buyers?

June 15, 2021 | Debunking the Above Asking Price Myth

Bears, Bulls and Rascals in Housing Markets

June 8, 2021 | Do Slumping Sales Cause Rising Prices?

Government Grants and Loans to Home Owners

June 1, 2021 | New Mortgage Stress Test Tough on Major Cities

Middle class home owners devastated by taxes

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