- the source for market opinions


November 9, 2022 | Market Reaction to US Midterms

Could Bitcoin’s $3000 drop just be the start?

October 23, 2022 | Bear Market Kabuki

The seemingly strong rally that ended the week merely balanced out three days of bland weakness that had preceded it. In the S&P 500, the upthr ust steepened by the hour but ultimately failed to surpass any important prior peaks. The bear seems out to challenge bulls and bears alike with its obviousness. For one, […]

October 16, 2022 | October ‘Surprise’ Too Widely Advertised?

The spread between permabulls and permabears is at an extreme these days, even for October. This is the month when pessimists’ hopes are highest that an epic bear market will correct dangerous excesses that have been building up in the financial system for more than 50 years. A presumptive and welcome side effect of such […]

October 13, 2022 | Will Cash Survive a Move to Digital Currencies?

US hitting 40 year inflation high

October 10, 2022 | What Rough Beast Cometh?

A pen-pal from the world of very high-tech inventions is a self-described ‘collapsitarian’. He wrote me recently to say he enjoys these weekly screeds for their relentlessly glum insightfulness. (For your information, he is 50% in cash, 25% in gold, and 25% short stocks.) Longtime readers will know that I seldom shout ‘The Sky Is […]

October 2, 2022 | Investment Advice from a Millionaire Barber

[Louie Piro, my barber when I lived in Mountain View CA shortly before Google arrived, became a multimillionaire with a simple investment strategy. I thought of him the other day when a Rick’s Picks subscriber wondered aloud in the chat room which investments are most likely to prosper in the recessionary hard times that Americans will soon […]

September 29, 2022 | Bear Market, Gold, Lithium, Real Estate

Trader Confidence, Key Indicators

September 25, 2022 | Traders use Rick’s Picks to slash risk and boost their win rate:

Yields on 10-Year Treasury Notes, currently at 3.70%, are likely to hit 4.90% before they level off. It is hard to imagine an increase of that magnitude not disrupting the U.S. and global economies severely. America is already in a recession that looks all but certain to deepen before we hit bottom in a year […]

September 18, 2022 | Hope and Confidence Are on the Downslope Now

I’ve been reluctant to give permabears the all-clear because, being one myself, I’ve seen the bull market roar back from death a dozen times since 2009, turning my smug eulogies into embarrassments. The most punitive and outrageous of the rallies was the monster eruption begun in March 2020, when stocks exploded from the depths of […]

September 15, 2022 | Just How Bad Could The Stock Market Get?

Would Gold hold its value in a deflationary world?

September 11, 2022 | Yet Another Short Squeeze Colors the World Rosy

Leave it to the pundits to tell us what the hell the stock market was celebrating on Friday. The FAANG stocks inspired an inexplicable rampage, just like in the good-old days, and everything seemed right with the world. In the view of those anointed by television producers to make sense of Wall Street’s non-stop nuttiness, […]

September 4, 2022 | As Apple Goes, So Goes the Global Economy

Although I am on a busman’s holiday and will not resume publishing The Morning Line until Sep 17, here’s a timely note concerning AAPL. We’ve been using a 151.38 downside target that remains viable, but I expect the stock to go much lower in the months and years ahead — well beneath $100, that is. When the company announced a week […]

August 28, 2022 | Bozo-dom’s Friday Frisson

[The Morning Line commentary will resume on Sunday, September 17, to allow your editor a holiday break.  In the interim I will continue to update ‘touts’ and to post in the Rick’s Picks trading room as usual. RA]    The way stocks plummeted on Friday, one could almost believe that Fed blatherer-in-chief Jerome Powell made it happen.  We know […]

August 21, 2022 | Recession? What We Call It Is Irrelevant…

Call it a recession or anything else you prefer, but the bottom line is that the prosperity of decades past is not coming back. Thinking expansively about the economy is no longer part of the American mindset, since, as should be perfectly clear to everyone by now, the Fed’s epic, easy-credit hoax can do little […]

August 18, 2022 | Is Manipulation Keeping Summer Markets Afloat?

Is Crude Oil likely to continue price decline?

August 14, 2022 | New Record Highs Coming?

Is the stock market on its way to new record highs? The thought would have seemed preposterous just a week ago, when the Dow’s still-presumptive bear rally had yet to exceed even a single peak on the daily chart. But it did so last Wednesday, with a gap-up opening that demonstrated how spectacular daily gains […]

August 7, 2022 | Thoughts on ‘The Drive’

[The following went out last month to clients of my friend Doug Behnfield, a wealth management advisor and senior vice president at Morgan Stanley in Boulder CO.  Like your editor, he is skeptical that consumer inflation can persist for long with the U.S. economy in recession and a bear market in progress. Deflation is coming, he […]

July 31, 2022 | How Bad News Trapped Bears

Last week’s price action served to remind us that big rallies and even entire bull markets are driven mainly by short covering. This doesn’t happen by accident; Wall Street’s quasi-criminal masterminds set short squeezes in motion using news as a catalyst. The booby traps they employ are more or less predictable, but they succeed anyway […]

July 24, 2022 | Why Liberals Dump Their Oldest Friends

[With stocks in a boring, stage-managed bear rally, we go well off the beaten path in this week’s commentary with a discussion of the amygdala. Let me explain. Since 2020, I’ve lost four close friends over political differences. I’d known all of them for at least 30 years and one for 65 years.  All had […]

July 19, 2022 | A Monstrously Strong Dollar Is Stalking the Markets

There was a point last Thursday when virtually all of the hundred or so market symbols I track were ‘red’ except for the U.S. Dollar Index. This was unusual and unsettling but hardly mysterious, since the dollar’s strength was the reason everything else was falling in value. The trend unfortunately is only just beginning and […]

July 10, 2022 | Another 3%, Then Kiss the Rally Goodbye

How high is the bear rally begun in mid-June likely to go before buyers run out of gas? The 4029.75 target shown in the chart is a logical answer, even if the hubris of billboarding it here could queer its voodoo magic. A run-up to 4029 would represent a 3.1% gain over Friday’s close and […]

July 3, 2022 | Street Can’t Scare Up a Decent Bear Rally

Bullish seasonality was at gale force last week, but just look at the tired chart! Is this the best that Wall Street’s quasi-criminal masterminds can do? Have they grown so despairing that they can’t even detonate a 100-point short squeeze when Jerome Powell is bloviating on TV? That was manifestly the case, and torpor could […]

May 4, 2024 | This Week in Money

  • Victor Adair:  Stock Markets, Gold, Oil, Currencies, Copper, Cocoa
  • Rick Ackerman: (14:01) Interest Rates, Gold, Silver, Oil, Bitcoin, Inflation, Deflation
  • Wolf Richter: (43:28) Interest Rates, US Consumer, Government and Business Debt, Auto Sales, Canada’s Housing Bubble

November 11, 2023 | This Week in Money

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