- the source for market opinions


October 22, 2021 | Powell on the “Economic Exit from the Pandemic”

At last, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has begun speaking independently as he departs from the Biden agenda. Former President Trump and Powell notoriously clashed over interest rates, and we heard time and time again that the central bank was independent of government rule. Once Biden entered the White House, Powell seemed to be more […]

October 21, 2021 | Manipulating VAERS Data through Underreporting

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was designed for medical providers to report any complications with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, which would seem to be a valuable tool considering the effects are widely unknown. However, there is no mandate for medical care providers to report side effects to the system. Whistleblower and Physician Assistant […]

October 20, 2021 | Florida Ports are Open for Business

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis proudly announced: “Florida ports are open for business!” The Jacksonville Port Authority (“Jaxport”) is on board and has received a record number of containers at 1.4 million this fiscal year alone. Jaxport CEO Eric Green said that Florida is not experiencing the same congestion back up issues as California and New […]

October 19, 2021 | Are the US Supply Chain Disruptions Deliberate?

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo may have accidentally leaked the cause of America’s supply chain issues. “The reality is the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated,” Adeyemo admitted in an interview with ABC News. […]

October 18, 2021 | Viewing Inflation Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Once “we get the pandemic under control, the global economy comes back, these pressures will mitigate and I believe will go back to normal levels,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated, echoing “transitory” sentiments by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. Powell believes supply chain bottlenecks are the main culprit for inflation. Well, the Biden Administration appointed the […]

October 16, 2021 | Joe Rogan Forces Truth Out of Dr. Sanjay Gupta – Ivermectin is NOT Veterinary Medicine

  “You know that they know they’re lying,” Joe Rogan told CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta. “Don’t you think that a lie like that is dangerous on a news network when you know that they know they’re lying? … Do you think that that’s a problem that your news network lies?” After a tough interrogation, Dr. […]

October 13, 2021 | Schumer Confirms the Deep State Runs the Country

Here is that interview people have asked about where Chuck Schumer confirms that no politicians will EVER investigate the intelligence branch — NSA, CIA, FBI, or DOJ. They hold unbridled power to do as they like when they like. The probability that the CIA took out John F. Kennedy has long been suspected, and the […]

October 12, 2021 | Pfizer Using Aborted Fetus for Vaccines

 Deliberately hiding that fact to prevent religious exemptions both from Governments and from the people. They are making way too much money, to tell the truth! And they are feeding the politicians with lobbying fees for them to even ask questions.

October 11, 2021 | The Real Deep State

What Greenwald is talking about is so true, and nobody will ever investigate. When I was in contempt, the FBI set up the girlfriend of a manager at Resorts Casino in Atlantic City. They had his girlfriend “help” a friend who said if she did not deliver drugs they would kill her. She tried to […]

October 7, 2021 | Soros trying to Overthrow the USA?

George Soros is providing money to perhaps overthrow essentially our way of life. He donated $500,000 in Austin Texas to defund the police in order to destabilize society. Why Austin Texas? It is a Republican state and the objective is to destabilize Texas with also all the illegal immigrants to flip it to Democrat. This […]

October 6, 2021 | The Global Corruption

COMMENT: Hi Martin I’m a Kiwi living in France with a French wife. We have chosen not to take the covid jabs and it’s been a bad week for us. On Monday we found out that New Zealand will no longer allow non citizens into the country without evidence of the covid jab. Both my […]

October 5, 2021 | Facebook Crisis

Here is a video of Senator Ed Markley calling out Mark Zuckerberg after the damning whistleblower testimony. Perhaps at last we may begin to see some action of breaking up Zuckerberg’s toy. The seven-hour blackout of Facebook raises another problem entirely. Zuckerberg claimed that the issue was an internal technical problem rather than a hack. […]

October 4, 2021 | The New Age of Treason

The media calls it a conspiracy theory to even suggest that what is behind this Great Reset is Marxism. Well, the World Economic Forum, the bastion of modern feudalistic-Marxism where the elite get to keep their toys but nobody else, outright and openly says that Capitalism needs more Marxism. The fact that mainstream media dares […]

October 3, 2021 | Norway Abandons all Restrictions & US Turns Authoritarian

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, You’ve taught the current “loss of confidence in government” cycle doesn’t peak until 2032. Are you surprised how much confidence has been lost and how authoritative government has become this early in the cycle? Hell, it’s only 2021 and it’s already a shit show. Thanks, Jack T ANSWER: No. Everything is […]

September 29, 2021 | This is Getting Really Insane

Well, my phone has been red hot today. There are still some people in Washington who have to call to get a reality check. Biden’s plan for spending is in trouble even with Democrats starting to wonder who the hell is pulling these strings. There have been proposals to save the planet and impost about […]

September 28, 2021 | Bill Gates’ Idol

John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (1839–1937) was born into a large, poor family in upstate New York that moved to Cleveland, Ohio. He became an assistant bookkeeper at age 16 and went into several business partnerships beginning at age 20, concentrating his business on oil refining. He became rich when he founded the Standard Oil Company […]

September 27, 2021 | Friends – Who Needs Them?

  QUESTION:  Marty, computers in schools started to appear in the ’90’s. Do you see any relationship between societal shifts and classroom learning? Bill Gates influence? LP ANSWER: I don’t think so. I outfitted the grade school I went to with computers in the early 90s. I think it improved their skills to be able […]

September 26, 2021 | Earl’s Restaurant in Vancouver Has Unvaccinated Arrested?

  A protest in Vancouver is lining up to boycott Earl’s in Vancouver who allegedly called the cops and had a man arrested for not having a COVID Passport. Indeed, if vaccinated people can still get and spread COVID, then what is the point behind COVID Passports? The unvaccinated would be the ones at risk – not […]

September 24, 2021 | New Book Confirms Biden Corruption


September 23, 2021 | Are Former Communist Countries the Only Sensible Places?

    The head of Croatia fires back against a brainwashed journalist complaining that Croatia is only 50% vaccinated compared to the EU. He responds that 50% is enough. He straight-up states: “We need to know what the goal of this frenzy is!” Journalists are aiding Bill Gates and others, terrorizing the people over a […]

September 22, 2021 | COMMENTS on the Future

      COMMENT #1: Hi Marty, It does not feel like we are winning at all here in Canada. In Ontario, as of today, the unvaxxed cannot go to a restaurant, concerts, gym or any indoor event deemed by the ‘authorities’ as not essential. Soon enough, we will not be able to buy a […]

September 19, 2021 | Rigging Elections

  There are allegations in California that Republicans found that they already allegedly voted Democrat, supporting Newsom. But this entire trend of rigging elections even goes back to the allegations that Pope Francis became pope to support this Socialist agenda at the perfect timing amidst similar allegations that the election was rigged. Archbishop Carlo Maria […]

September 15, 2021 | Boris Johnson Poster Child for Morally Corrupt Politicians?

QUESTION: You refused to advise Boris Johnson. Do you think that was a mistake? WJ ANSWER: No. You have to understand that there are meetings where people are seriously interested in talking about options. Then there are people where you are simply there as window-dressing so they can pretend that they listened to experts. All […]

September 14, 2021 | The Public is Growing Tired of COVID – Window is Closing

There are members of the press that are starting to question this narrative in different parts of the world from Germany to Australia. I was in a store and the girl did not have a mask on. I said great. Glad to do business with you. She replied she has had enough of masks and […]

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