- the source for market opinions


November 11, 2023 | The Ben Gurion Canal Project – Declassified Documents Reveal Truth

  The US and Israel have been discussing plans to build a canal to rival the Suez Canal for over 50 years. We must look at recent history to see the motives for the war occurring today. Around 20% of all world trade moves through the Suez Canal, which is controlled by Egypt. The Suez […]

November 10, 2023 | Judge Arthur Engoron May Have Doomed New York City

QUESTION: You have not commented on Trump’s NY case. What do you think of this case? EK ANSWER: It is a typical New York rigged trial. NOBODY ever gets a fair trial in New York. It is a cesspool of legal corruption. Judge Arthur Engoron is a national disgrace. When Trump’s lawyer Habba stood up to […]

November 9, 2023 | The Migrant Crisis – You Ain’ Seen Nuffin Yet!

We have a monumental crisis with the migrants, for we already know that Middle East terrorists have already entered thanks to Biden’s look-the-other-way policy. The proposal Republicans are pushing is that migrants would also be ineligible for asylum if they have been convicted of felonies or other “serious crimes,” including DUI or certain drug offenses. […]

November 7, 2023 | Central Bank & The Taking of Assets?

I will be covering this in detail at the WEC in a couple of weeks. We are getting the same Conspiracy Theories regurgitated and twisted around. People are asking what is real and what is not. Suffice it to say, when you buy shares and leave them at the brokerage house, they remain in THEIR […]

November 6, 2023 | Canada App Bans and Online News Act

A Chinese-owned app called WeChat, made for instant messaging, social media, and mobile payments, has been banned from Canada effective immediately as of Monday, October 30, 2023. The application was said to be removed from all government-issued devices and has been blocked for future downloads by anyone. While they did do a sweep through the app to […]

November 6, 2023 | The Coming Great Crash?

I fully understand that there are now so many calling for a Great Crash of all time as they have during each correction, big and small, for over 30 years, and they just never get it right, even once. Some tout the rise in interest rates. Others look at this chart and nothing else. If […]

November 5, 2023 | Medical Care for Migrants Crisis

Over 900 thousand migrants have crossed the border legally over the last year and over 600 thousand have crossed illegally. It is estimated at about 105 million migrants to have crossed over the border in just a year according to a Biden- appointed secretary. It has been an ongoing issue of seeking shelter across the […]

November 2, 2023 | Nordic Countries Promise Mass Deportations

Religious zealots have come out in full force in recent weeks. European nations are now realizing that they made a grave mistake by opening their doors to countless migrants who do not share the same culture or values. Reuters reported that Nordic governments are now planning to deport immigrants who have not established legal residence. Denmark has […]

November 1, 2023 | US Treasury Secretary Unclear on the Concept of a “Deficit”

  I have both good and bad news. The bad news is that the US government is continually spending with no end in sight. The proxy wars have eliminated even a level-headed discussion of anything akin to a real budget. In a move that angered Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen (also good news) Republicans introduced legislation to reduce […]

October 31, 2023 | World War III – It’s Inevitable

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It is safe to say that nobody can hold a light to Socrates. Nobody has forecast war three years in advance as you did in 2011. Nobody has predicted a Middle East War in advance as you did two years ago. Even your posts on Turkey and its conflict with NATO, our […]

October 28, 2023 | It’s Just Our Turn

   This is not my only source about terrorist cells moving into the USA because Biden has opened the borders. The open border has had two objectives. Democrats in Texas are already pushing that illegal aliens should be allowed to vote. They are being joined nationally and Biden will do an executive order to […]

October 26, 2023 | Biden: If There Were Not An Israel We’d Have to Invent One

For those wondering if the US is using Israel as a vassal state, simply look at what President Biden has been spewing since the 80s. “If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one,” Biden first said during a Senate session in 1986 after sending Israel $3 billion. Straight from the horse’s mouth, […]

October 25, 2023 | Mercantilism v Consumerism – China’s Direction

Mercantilism is the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism, according to the Oxford Dictionary. We see nations like Germany rely on this model as they produce various products to export through trade. German manufacturing has provided the […]

October 24, 2023 | The Unfolding Recession & The Coup

QUESTION: Mrt. Armstrong, Socrates has been a real lifesaver. It is refreshing not to have someone spinning their political views into everything. Socrates called for the high in GDP here in 2023 and that the high took place in May. Here, we have Biden creating money without regard for fiscal responsibility. Socrates has shown the […]

October 23, 2023 | Tyson Foods to Use BUGS to Create Our Food

The climate change psy-ops has simply gone too far. Schwab’s World Economic Forum has become like a cult declaring our last days are ahead unless we abide by asinine laws. Those promoting the Great Reset have said countless times that WE will begin to eat bugs to save the planet, and meat will no longer […]

October 22, 2023 | Golden Passports

The European Union (EU) has a new excuse to tighten travel restrictions. The European Commission published a report claiming five Caribbean states have sold “golden passports” citizenship to 88,000 individuals from around the globe, including China, Iran, and Russia. “Investor citizenship schemes (or citizenship-by-investment programmes, also commonly referred to as “golden passports”) run by third […]

October 21, 2023 | Has the Rule of Law Collapsed in Germany?

  I want to explain an incident when I was doing a world tour for the Forecaster Movie. In Europe, there would be a question-and-answer period after the film concluded. I was in Frankfurt, and a woman stood up and said this is what was wrong with America. It always protected the bankers. She was […]

October 20, 2023 | German Authorities KIDNAP Reiner Fuellmich in Mexico – Interview with Fuellmich and the COVID Investigation Committee

Reiner Fuellmich, an attorney and international freedom advocate, has been detained by German authorities. Fuellmich is the leader of the International Crimes Investigative Committee and works with the Corona Investigation Committee, which is working to unveil the criminality surrounding the release of Covid and the criminal response that engulfed basically every country in the world. […]

October 19, 2023 | Soros Open Society Behind the Left’s Support for Hamas

The far left in America is supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization. They make it clear that they are supporting Hamas and not merely the innocent civilians of Palestine. Groups like Black Lives Matter have posted images of paragliders, which would have been akin to someone posting a plane crashing into a building shortly after 9/11. […]

October 18, 2023 | Why Was the 1987 Crash Important Even for Today

  COMMENT: I watched a pretend analyst who claimed the 1987 Crash was nothing. It is amazing how these people claim to be analysts yet do not understand the first thing about what took place behind the chart. I was there at your WEC in Princeton the weekend of the crash. I don’t remember if […]

October 17, 2023 | War is Coming

COMMENT: Thank you for your analysis of the Israel incident. We have to wonder what took place. Nothing makes sense. REPLY:  Israel did not respond to the attack for many hours. This is not realistically possible. This appears to be a setup to expand the war against Russia, assuming they will support Iran, Syria, and Hamas. […]

October 16, 2023 | Did Israel Know About the Attack?

If this were a similar situation to 9/11, that would mean that the government was involved and allowed innocent civilians to die to promote an agenda. A false flag to create a global conflict. House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) claims that Egypt notified Israel of a potential incoming strike from Hamas. Israel […]

October 15, 2023 | The Coming Middle East War

QUESTION: Why does Biden never discuss Iran, and the Democrats keep handing money back to Iran to fund their terror against Israelis and Sunnis? Are they trying to creat World War III? FG ANSWER: Look, there is much more going on behind the curtain than mainstream media reports. On August 3, 2023, a feud with […]

October 14, 2023 | Argentine Follows US Charging Political Oppoent To Influence Election

A prosecutor launched a criminal case Friday against Argentina’s frontrunner in this month’s presidential elections, accusing Javier Milei of deliberately causing a drop in the Argentine currency when he encouraged citizens not to save in pesos. What the United States has done to Donald Trump has set the standard for the world. We will see […]

October 13, 2023 | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run as an Independent – The Death of the Two-Party System?

This news was overshadowed by the pandemonium occurring in the Middle East. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he will run as an Independent candidate and is no longer aligned with the Democratic Party. The Democrats have prevented Kennedy from speaking and have offered absolutely no support. In fact, they have been trying to silence […]

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