- the source for market opinions


July 10, 2023 | De-Dollarization Just Got Real, Part 2: BRICS To Introduce Gold-Backed Currency In August

There’s an old saying about predictions: It’s okay to forecast an event or a date, but not both. But lately, Jim Rickards has been predicting both the introduction by the BRICS coalition of gold-backed currency and the date, August 22. Here’s a short video where he lays it out. Based on subsequent headlines, it seems […]

July 9, 2023 | CBDCs Are Coming. Mark Jeftovic Explains Why You Should Worry

Most central banks have decided that 2024 is the year of the CBDC Big Bang. So…what exactly are these things and why should we find their imposition worth opposing? Mark Jeftovic, publisher of the Bitcoin Capitalist newsletter, just posted a detailed explanation. Here’s an excerpt: BIS: CBDC Roll-outs may require changing The Constitution Also: “Tiered remuneration” means no […]

June 29, 2023 | Until Something Breaks…

There’s a sense among some investors — or at least among some commenters on finance-oriented podcasts — that the current equities bull market will never end because [fill in your preferred variation on “the Powers That Be won’t let it end”]. This kind of frustration is understandable. A thing that shouldn’t happen has been happening […]

June 27, 2023 | Strategic Relocation — Why, Where, And How

A lot of people are moving these days, for a lot of reasons. But one of the biggest reasons is fear. Some badly-run cities and states are accumulating debt at a rate that guarantees massive future tax increases and cuts in essential services. Others have normalized crime to the point that city centers resemble a zombie apocalypse. […]

June 23, 2023 | Which Of These Currencies Will Collapse First?

Inflation was supposed to moderate this year. But in the UK, EU, and Japan that’s not happening. Here’s the UK… … the EU… Euro rallies after ECB raises rates and inflation forecasts European policymakers now expect core inflation to average past the 5% mark, while in March projection this forecast was only at around 4.6%. […]

June 21, 2023 | Becoming Invisible, Part 5: Your Phone Is A Surveillance Machine

This started as a post on how our phones are spying on us and what we can do about it. But it turns out that the first part — how they’re spying on us — is so big and complex that it needs its own post. So the “what we can do” part will come […]

June 19, 2023 | Easy Money Makes You Stupid, Europe Edition

The eurozone is like a big Rube Goldberg machine sitting on a slab of bedrock called Germany. As long as the German economy — and the European Central Bank that Germany controls — are okay, then the currency union is viable. But recently several things have happened: Interest rates have spiked across the eurozone in response to […]

June 18, 2023 | They’re Coming For Your Bank Account

Two trends are converging to end the era of local bank accounts: Central banks are conspiring to force us out of traditional savings and checking accounts and into central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Deposits are now fleeing local and regional banks because an inverted yield curve makes it impossible for those banks to pay competitive […]

June 15, 2023 | How You Store It, Part 1: Gold In Hand

Gold bugs have a saying: “If you can’t hold it, you don’t own it.” This is emphatically true. Our banks, brokers, and crypto wallets can be looted by hackers or rapacious governments, or they can simply go dark during a power outage, cyberattack, or bank holiday. So the only wealth we truly own is what […]

June 10, 2023 | Becoming Invisible: How To Choose And Use A VPN

It’s creepy but true: Most of what we do online is observed by an ecosystem of predators ranging from marketers to hackers to foreign and domestic governments, many of which are out to trick, coerce, or rob us. There’s no one silver bullet to blind and/or repel them all. But there are tools that address specific threats […]

June 6, 2023 | Art Of The Collapse, June 2023

Let’s start with the ongoing debate over who owns public spaces. In New York’s subways, is it mental patients or commuters (with their “sometimes delicious faces”)? In Australia, is it government bureaucrats or so-called “peaceful protesters”? On a less contentious note, Oxi-Clean has released a new ‘Clinton-Strength’ Formula guaranteed to get blood out of carpet:   In […]

June 2, 2023 | People We Should know: Caitlin Johnstone

Sometimes you have to be outside a situation to see it clearly. And never has that been more true than with today’s late-stage, decadent, pseudo-capitalist global order. Libertarians, who are emphatically not part of the fiat currency/fractional reserve money system, understand that this financial arrangement is a recipe for disaster. What remains of the left, […]

May 27, 2023 | More “In Gold We Trust” Charts

The US just reported that core PCE, “the Fed’s favorite inflation measure,” accelerated in April. This worsens the central bank’s dilemma: Growth is clearly slowing, while inflation, already at crisis levels, is rising. Luckily, the genius chart makers at Incrementum AG are on hand with a new “In Gold We Trust” report that addresses this very issue. Here’s a short […]

May 24, 2023 | Recession Watch: 10 “Hard Landing” Charts

firmly in the rearview mirror. Most Americans still have jobs. And the debt limit pseudo crisis is in its final inning and — if history is any guide — will be resolved soon. So why does it seem like we’re tipping into a recession, or something much worse? The general answer is that behind the […]

May 22, 2023 | Becoming Invisible, Part 3: Hiding From Google

The ultimate goal, of course, is to completely dispense with Google, Facebook, and all their surveillance capitalist brethren. But for most people (including me) that’s a huge leap into the unknown. So … baby steps. For now let’s say you’re using Gmail, the Chrome browser, and/or Google Search and you’d like to minimize the amount […]

May 19, 2023 | Real Estate Icon Sam Zell: Right One Last Time

I’m old enough to have followed Sam Zell during the second half of his storied real estate career. And in that time he’s been right in a big way on the major financial turning points. At the bubble peaks of 1999 and 2007, for instance, he sold most of his commercial real estate and loaded […]

May 17, 2023 | Next Generation Money, Part 1: Texas Re-Imagines The Dollar

With all the (completely justified) angst surrounding central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), it’s easy to forget that the concept of digital money isn’t the problem. It’s just a tool like any other and can be used for good or evil, depending on who’s wielding it. Obviously, if a CBDC is managed by some combination of the Federal […]

May 16, 2023 | Becoming Invisible, Part 2: Other Ways They’re Tracking (and Manipulating) Us

Turns out that my original list of ways they’re spying on us was incomplete. Readers have been fleshing out the story: Robert Wilkins I would like to mention that Google owns 23 and Me, the genetic analysis service that many people give as presents to friends and family members or use themselves. They send in a gene sample […]

May 12, 2023 | Becoming Invisible, Part 1: How They Track Us

  In an ideal world, personal information would be more or less private. This includes whom we communicate with and what we say, the location and contents of our financial accounts, our shopping and search habits, and where we are physically at any given time. But this is not an ideal world. Just the opposite, […]

May 8, 2023 | The Epic Failure Of Modern Experts

There’s a debate in the comments section here about whether Americans have gotten suddenly dumber, leading them to elect populist presidents and refuse vaccines. I started to weigh in but quickly realized that the story is broader and deeper than just vaccines and Donald Trump. So here’s some context: Starting in the 1960s, the US […]

May 7, 2023 | Art Of The Collapse, May 2023

There’s a lot going on out there. But not all of it is bad. The Babylon Bee, for instance, broke some (relatively) good news on Artificial Intelligence: A.I. Calculates It Will Be More Efficient To Just Let Humanity Destroy Itself ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Despite stern warnings of artificial intelligence attacking humanity’s digital infrastructure from the […]

May 3, 2023 | How Will The Aristocracy Keep What They’ve Stolen? Part 1

Say you’re a billionaire who’s drained about as much as you can from your employees (who are starting to unionize) and the financial markets (which are crashing as inflation spikes and credit tightens). With financial collapse and political chaos now approaching, your challenge has shifted from how to steal as much as possible, to how […]

May 2, 2023 | Crash Alert: This Market Has Really Bad Breadth

Way back in the late 1990s, as the dot-com bubble was in its blow-off phase, a well-known short seller named Bill Fleckenstein liked to tell interviewers that “The global economy depends on the US economy, the US economy depends on the US stock market, and the US stock market depends on 20 stocks, most of which […]

April 30, 2023 | Fooling Us With Fake Stats: Household Net Worth

Towards the end of a financial bubble, the people who benefit from the bubble’s continuation — politicians hoping to be reelected, bankers hoping to complete the next deal, money managers talking their books — start touting “record household net worth” as a sign of societal health. But they’re wrong, for the following reasons: Deceptive leverage. Pretend […]

April 27, 2023 | Two Experts Agree: Home Prices Are Headed Down Hard

Wealthion’s Adam Taggart tried something different today. Instead of interviewing an expert, he had one expert interview another. It worked perfectly, producing a great discussion with chilling conclusions: If you’re in real estate as either a buyer or seller, the tenor of the market is about to change dramatically. If you’re a landlord, expect a “painful, […]

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