- the source for market opinions


October 14, 2022 | EPB Macro: October 2022 Monthly Cyclical Trends Update

EPB Macro does an excellent job of summarizing key trends in economic and market data. The latest Monthly Cyclical Trends Update: October 2022 is out today for subscribers only, but Eric has generously allowed me to share the video overview with my readers below. Twenty-one minutes worth watching. The [Monthly Cyclical Trends Update] is a once-per-month, […]

October 14, 2022 | Stand Up and Make a Difference

If you are tired of witnessing silver (and gold) continuing to be manipulated in price, here’s a no-cost, no-risk, high potential return action you can take that will only involve a few minutes of your time. Quite literally, there’s absolutely nothing to lose and quite a lot of potential good to be had. The Commodity […]

October 13, 2022 | Pfizer Never Tested the Vaccine Against Transmission

Socrates has been predicting a downturn for Pfizer’s stock. Could this newly released admission be one of the culprits? A senior Pfizer executive, Janine Small, testified before the European Parliament’s COVID committee. When Dutch MEP Rob Roos asked about the vaccine’s ability to prevent transmission, Small revealed a well-kept secret. “Did we know about stopping […]

October 13, 2022 | Services Now Drive Inflation: Worst in 40 Years Services CPI & “Core CPI” Show Inflation Is Entrenched in Broad Economy. Some Goods Prices Fall, Gasoline Plunges

Nearly two-thirds of consumer spending goes to services. And they’re now the driver of inflation. The CPI for services spiked in September for the 13th month in a row, and by the most since 1982, and it accelerated month-to-month. Housing costs spiked, but also all kinds of other services, such as health insurance (+2.1% month-to-month […]

October 13, 2022 | San Francisco Exodus

Tens of thousands of people are fleeing San Francisco, due in large part to the city’s problems of increasing crime and homelessness, U.S. Census data and local polling shows. San Francisco County lost 6.7% of its population, or 58,764 residents between April 1, 2020, and July 1, 2021 – according to a March 2022 report […]

October 12, 2022 | Noncitizens Encouraged to Vote

This is yet another reason why voter identification is crucial. We show identification at the airport, DMV, and even at the doctor’s office. There is absolutely no reason that we should not prove our citizenship via identification when we vote on policies that impact the direction of our country. Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s […]

October 12, 2022 | The Everything Bust Will Take Some Time

Yesterday, Canada’s TSX stock index closed at 18,215, breaking below its previous July low of 18,329. As I noted in Tech leading lower, the February 2020 high of 17,944 is the next price test on deck for the TSX. As of today’s open, the Canadian benchmark is -18% since March and just 1.5% above where it […]

October 12, 2022 | America Quietly Prepares for Nuclear War

I mentioned in a prior post that the US was purchasing anti-radiation medication. The media is urging the public not to fear as this is simply a precaution. Yet, the US would not have shelled out $290 million on a drug if the intelligence agencies did not fear the potential of a nuclear attack. The […]

October 11, 2022 | Waiting For a Pivot

More housing data trickling out of Canada’s two largest major metros. Greater Vancouver home sales fell 46% year-over-year. It was one of the slowest Septembers on record, other than 2008, 2012, and 2018. Prices are still moving lower, albeit mostly in suburban markets which saw excessive price gains during the pandemic. For example, the median […]

October 11, 2022 | Self-Dealing is Rampant and We Keep Paying For It

Self-dealing is when a fiduciary acts in their own best interest in a transaction. It is text-book corruption and apparently widespread among government and regulatory representatives on the left and the right. Undermining objectively determined policies and the rule of law is indefensible and socially destructive, so why do we tolerate it? See Government officials invest in companies […]

October 10, 2022 | The Bank of Canada Should Admit QE FAILED

In 2020, Pierre Poilievre, chief Conservative spokesman on finance issues, said Canada’s central bank “should not be an ATM for Trudeau’s insatiable spending appetites.” Conservatives cooperated with the Liberals when it came to COVID-19 emergency spending. Everyone was in on that power grab. Now the nation is in worse shape, further in debt, and inflation […]

October 10, 2022 | Tech Leading Lower

Technology shares led overall markets higher from 2020 through 2021 as government hand-outs, low-interest rates, and spare time enabled both a retail spending boom and a gambling frenzy in financial markets. From the March 20, 2020, COVID crash lows of 6,879, the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index broke through 10,000 by July 2020 (not 3 months […]

October 10, 2022 | What Rough Beast Cometh?

A pen-pal from the world of very high-tech inventions is a self-described ‘collapsitarian’. He wrote me recently to say he enjoys these weekly screeds for their relentlessly glum insightfulness. (For your information, he is 50% in cash, 25% in gold, and 25% short stocks.) Longtime readers will know that I seldom shout ‘The Sky Is […]

October 9, 2022 | Russia v USA

Reports are coming in from a protest in Moscow against the United States after the Ukrainian attack upon the Crimea Bridge Saturday. Russians are calling for nuking Washington DC. No matter what country you go to, there is always going to be a pro-government and an anti-government position. The Ukrainian propaganda keeps claiming that some […]

October 9, 2022 | Where Are the Workers?

By now it should be clear Federal Reserve leaders intend to keep hiking until the economy breaks. Their recent speeches and interviews all underline this. Specifically, they want to reduce the strong consumer demand that has been keeping goods and service prices elevated. Interest rate hikes are merely a tool they have to that end—and […]

October 8, 2022 | Trading Desk Notes For October 8, 2022

WTI crude oil soared ~$17 (22%) from last week’s low to this week’s high/close Front-month WTI futures closed ~$76 on Monday, September 26 – the lowest level since the first week of January. The damage to the Nordstream pipelines was discovered that day. Since then, prices have rallied sharply and closed this week at ~$93.30. The […]

October 7, 2022 | OPEC Cuts Crude Oil Supply Again

OPEC cuts oil production by another 2 million barrels per day, adding to upward pressure on the crude oil price. Will OPEC keep control of the market for crude? On October 5, 2022, OPEC+ announced another 2-million-barrel reduction in crude oil production. OPEC+ refers to the OPEC members plus other large producers who are not […]

October 7, 2022 | Timing the Markets – Including Real Estate

  As many of my followers know, I use chart patterns and momentum to help make market timing decisions. To illustrate, look at the chart of the US Dollar Index that is featured above. As a result of the Fed raising interest rates to fight inflation, the US Dollar Index has risen 15% in the last […]

October 7, 2022 | US National Debt Reaches Historic High

The US national debt has reached a historic high under Biden after surpassing $31 trillion. The national debt has always been chaotic as politicians push spending agendas with no plans to pay their debts. The only time the national debt was paid in full was in January 1835 under President Andrew Jackson. The US fell […]

October 6, 2022 | The Japan Outlook

QUESTION: Marty, I greatly appreciate all you do to try to prevent this war cycle. You have said many times Socrates beats you. With missiles flying over Japan here, what do you see ahead? AS ANSWER: Nice to hear from you. It does not look very good. A year-end closing below 6805 will warn of a major […]

October 6, 2022 | Remember, USD Love is Cyclical Not Permanent

With most assets dropping in 2022, the US dollar (DXY) has been a rare standout, up 25% against a basket of global trade currencies since December 20, 2020, and 17% year to date. As with most trends, it’s common for humans to expect the status quo to continue indefinitely. Nothing ever does. After bouncing for […]

October 5, 2022 | Poland Goes Nuclear as NATO Breaks Past Promises

The war in Ukraine escalated as a direct result of NATO’s interference. Russia felt backed into a corner, on the defensive, and felt it had no choice but to invade Ukraine in response to heightened tensions with NATO. Even the pope came out and said that NATO was antagonizing Russia by “barking at the Gates […]

October 5, 2022 | Housing Bubble Woes: Mortgage Demand Plunges, Rates Near 7%, Spread Between Mortgage Rate & 10-Year Treasury Yield Blows Out Most since Dec. 2008 and 1986

In the week ended September 30, demand for mortgages to purchase a home plunged by 13%, seasonally adjusted, from the already beaten-down levels in the prior week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association today. Compared to the same week last year, purchase mortgage applications dropped by 37%. They fell through the lows during the lockdowns […]

October 4, 2022 | Trump Sues CNN

Former President Trump has filed a defamation lawsuit against CNN. It is of no surprise that the network repeatedly bashed the president before, during, and after his presidency. Trump’s attorney claims the network “has sought to use its massive influence — purportedly as a ‘trusted’ news source — to defame the Plaintiff in the minds […]

October 4, 2022 | Fed Intent on Crushing Inflation

Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO & Chief Strategist for Quill Intelligence, is joining us today. She was a former advisor to the Dallas Federal Reserve during the great financial crisis, working with Richard Fisher, and she’s author of the book Fed Up. Here is a direct video link.

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