- the source for market opinions


November 25, 2022 | Canada’s Central Bank Downplays The Risks of a Financial Crisis

Canada’s private sector debt problem keeps growing larger. With private sector debt at about 230 percent of GDP, Canada has no room for error. And rising interest rates could force large numbers of mortgage borrowers into default, which could create a financial crisis. But the Bank of Canada is not worried. Bank of Canada staff […]

November 25, 2022 | G20 To Impose COVID Vaccine to Restrictions on International Travel

The world masters dictating to us, the scum of the earth, have adopted under the pretense of the COVID vaccine the means to shut down migration and travel internationally. This will naturally further restrict global economic growth, and everywhere we turn, these people claiming to be world leaders are leading us into a cliff on […]

November 24, 2022 | Further Downside For Risk Markets

On today’s edition of “Boiler Room,” Alfonso Peccatiello is joined by Eric Basmajian for a discussion on the rising risks of recession into 2023. With a focus on the cyclical & secular forces driving the global economy, Eric shares his framework for assessing the risks of recession in Q1 of 2023. Using both real-time and […]

November 24, 2022 | Climate Reparations

The United Nations proposed a new method to funnel money out of developed nations during the COP27 meeting – climate reparations. The United Nations is still negotiating who will pay what, but rest assured, the US will likely pay the most. President Biden fully supports the idea in addition to the $1 billion he was […]

November 23, 2022 | Paid Promoters Hired To Lure The Unsuspecting

I, and others, have written for years about the charlatan that is Kevin O’Leary. You can see some of my past articles here and here. The latest FTX scam is just another installment. The story of Sam Bankman Fried & FTX is far from over and it has become wilder and wilder the more I dig. But I […]

November 23, 2022 | Died Suddenly

The question is why are those in government acting so recklessly? They need money that bad?

November 22, 2022 | Capital Goes Poof

Last November, the global market value of crypto assets amounted to $3.2 trillion (FT Wilshire Digital Asset Index). Today, it is something less than $ 861 billion. In other words, the 73% loss in the crypto and NFT (non-fungible token) space in one-year is, so far, nearing $3 trillion and about 38% of the $8 […]

November 22, 2022 | FTX Deep Fake- The Funds are Gone

  Disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is hiding out in the Bahamas, where he is allegedly attempting to recover “lost” funds. “I hate what happened and deeply wish that I had been more careful,” Bankman-Fried passively told reporters at CNBC after causing his own customers to lose billions in crypto. No one is going to […]

November 21, 2022 | EPB Macro: The Economic Data Just Got Worse

  Last week, the entire US yield curve inverted (a diffusion index of all spreads is shown below via since 1981), with the one-month Treasury yield rising above the 30-year Treasury yield. The spread on two and 10-year Treasury bonds widened to -71bp–the most negative since before the double dip recession of the early 1980s (shown below […]

November 21, 2022 | The House ATM Doesn’t Work Like it Used To

No bottom yet. Data published by CREA last week showed national house prices slid lower in the month of October, dropping 1.2% month-over-month. The national home price index is now down 15% since peaking in March earlier this year, the steepest correction on record since the index was created in 2005. Just for comparison sake, […]

November 21, 2022 | There is Nobody Coming on a White Horse to Save the Day

QUESTION: Marty, this was my first WEC. I had already met so many people and made friendships that the trip alone was worth it. I also found it interesting that you said nobody is coming in on a white horse from the Republican Party to save us. That struck me for you are really middle-of-the-road […]

November 20, 2022 | Digital Shiny Objects

Financial crises are really about trust. They tend to occur when people lose trust in assets, institutions, or people they had thought trustworthy. Whether the lost trust was a consequence of the crisis, or its cause is a different question. But they do seem to go together. Sometimes trust is misplaced from the beginning. No […]

November 20, 2022 | The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles in Canada, November Update: Fastest 5-Month Plunge on Record

The overall 11-City Teranet-National Bank House Price Index dropped 0.8% in October from September, and is down 7.7% from the peak in May, the largest five-month drop in the history of the data going back to 1997. It slashed the year-over-year gain to 4.9%, from the 19% range in March and April. Nine of the […]

November 20, 2022 | Trading Desk Notes For November 19, 2022

The “too far, too fast” moves have stalled In several of my Notes over the past few months, I’ve made the point that traders have been hunting “Peak Fed Hawkishness” – because they believe that will the best time to “Buy The Dip.” I’ve also made the point that they’ve been hunting for that “magic moment” without success – because Jay […]

November 20, 2022 | What Twitter and Bitcoin Have in Common

Twitter and bitcoin share a key similarity in that their success while it lasted was just hubris. Realize that both were birthed by a virtual medium capable of monetizing turds if there is any discoverable demand for them whatsoever. Cardi B’s megahit single Wet Ass Pussy was proof of this. Twitter proffered turds in the form of […]

November 19, 2022 | The Bernanke Nobel Prize Should Have Gone To a Different Economist

Ben Bernanke, then-chair of the Federal Reserve, made his wrong prediction about real estate in a 2005 interview, just a year before the collapse in house prices in the US. The collapse in housing and subprime mortgages triggered the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) from 2006 to 2009. In October Bernanke was awarded a Nobel Prize […]

November 19, 2022 | 2023 – The coming Year of Chaos

QUESTION: Marty, It was a fantastic WEC. You tied it all together brilliantly and how the real issue is this liquidity crisis. Suddenly the ECB came out and said that inflation will not subside given a recession. It appears they were watching the WEC. Do you think that the ECB is at least listening now? […]

November 18, 2022 | Home Sales Plunge, Investors Pull Back Too, Prices Drop 8.4% in 4 Months, Active Listings & Price Cuts Rise Further

Sales of all types of previously owned homes – houses, condos, and co-ops – fell by 5.9% in October from September, the ninth month in a row of declines, to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of sales of 4.43 million homes, just a hair above the lockdown-month of April 2020, according to the National Association […]

November 17, 2022 | The Saretsky Report – November 2022

As we expected and discussed in last months report, the Bank of Canada raised interest rates another 50bps in October. Markets were pricing in a 75bps rate hike but the Bank of Canada failed to deliver, citing growing concerns around financial stability. It’s the first time in awhile they have flagged financial stability concerns, which […]

November 17, 2022 | President Xi Scolds Trudeau for G20 Media Leak

  The fear on Trudeau’s face is priceless. Everyone knows Justin Trudeau loves the spotlight. He is merely a celebrity like Zelensky. Justin is not a true statesman but a political puppet who does what he is told, as a good World Economic Forum Young Leader should. Within hours of what should have been a […]

November 17, 2022 | Empty Office Space Weighs on Rents, Investors and Lenders

Private equity firms and funds have doubled down on the realty space during the low-rate boondoggle of the last decade. As usual, this led to a massive surge in supply and leverage as most forgot (or never realized?) that real estate is a cycle. Now pounds of flesh are due. In 2021, the tech sector […]

November 16, 2022 | Trump is Back

Donald Trump announced that he is officially running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. The only president in American history to win re-election after a defeat was Grover Cleveland in 1892. The establishment repeatedly tried to impeach Trump to prevent him from seeking a second term, but he’s back. Trump wanted to keep America out […]

November 16, 2022 | KTX is Part of Financial Scam Ethos

After 26 years with a front-row seat in the revolving door, wild-west finance sector, I am not surprised at the unfolding crypto-doom; neither am I confident that better public protection policies will follow, nor the disgorging of ill-gotten gains from those who promoted and perpetrated the carnage. I have also long noted that people can […]

November 15, 2022 | Russia Denies they Were Their Missile

  Russia has come out and denied that their missiles entered Poland. It is time the West calls out Zelensky for what he is – a ruthless liar who should be removed from power to save humanity – forget the planet. I warned from the outset, this would be the man who will create World War III. He […]

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