- the source for market opinions


December 29, 2022 | Princely Finance and Taxation For More Than Twenty Years an Annual Piece

One would have hoped that financial rip-offs committed by medieval princes would have been permanently shelved when liberal enlightenment ended the divine right of kings. Instead, the divine right of bureaucrats has forced too much in-your-face and in-your-wallet government. Today’s supposedly classless version of greedy royalty.

December 29, 2022 | Federal Reserve & Misconception

There is an onslaught of misinformation about the Federal Reserve from everything that it can go bankrupt, and the Treasury will become a second central bank, and of course, the Fed is really the cause of inflation and its balance sheet. The proposal by Janet Yellen to buy in long-term debt and swap it with […]

December 28, 2022 | Home Prices Are Falling For Good Reasons

I recently reviewed Canadian real estate metrics in Canadian home prices need to fall. The segment below reviews similar affordability deficits in US home prices. The median US household income is $54,000, while the household income needed to qualify to buy the median US single-family home is $87,000 (up nearly 50% year over year). Real estate presently […]

December 27, 2022 | Understanding the Neocons

QUESTION: I saw you on TV here in Russia. I think you are more respected in Russia than in the United States. You are the only person ever to say that war is created by politicians and not the people. Do you see any hope of avoiding war? VR ANSWER: Unfortunately, no! The only real […]

December 26, 2022 | The Government Unconstitutional Manipulation of News

Perhaps you will recall when Edward Snowden exposed the truth that the government was spying on American citizens, they called him a traitor and want to imprison him for life or even execute him for revealing that the government no longer complies with the Constitution. Absolutely NOTHING came out of that and the government claimed […]

December 25, 2022 | Santa Rally Crawls Toward the New Year

In an economy that over decades has grown increasingly dependent on revved-up holiday sales, investors have responded by praying more fervently each year for a Santa rally. It’s an odd metaphor, however, considering that Wall Street even at its seasonal cheeriest has a heart as cold and dark as volcanic glass. The Santa of investors’ […]

December 24, 2022 | Zelensky – Not What You Thought

  This is a video of Zelensky before he became President. He married a Christian girl and his children were baptized Christians. He suddenly became a Jew when soliciting money from Israel. List to his jokes. It is funny to rob the property of both Russian and Jews. The systemic ethnic hatred in Ukraine will […]

December 23, 2022 | Liquor, Ladies and Leverage

  A smart person knows that leverage comes with forward and reverse gears. Leverage works wonders when home prices are rising – but it can ruin you when prices are falling. I can give you research and signals, but it’s up to you to manage your own risk. Merry Christmas everybody!

December 22, 2022 | FBI Tells Social Media Who to Censor

Anyone who trusts the government is an absolute fool. I have stated that the First Amendment was intended to protect us from free speech. The interpretation is that as long as the government does not “direct;y” censor the people, whatever social media does is fair game. But they have violated that line and have been […]

December 22, 2022 | How Strung-Out Are Households with their Debt Service & Financial Obligations as the Miracle of Free-Money Fades?

hat is the burden on households from servicing their debts and other financial obligations, in terms of their disposable income? That’s perhaps the most important debt measure, and the question we’re going to grapple with in a moment. The pandemic-era policies left households flush with money, allowed them to catch up with past-dues, and allowed […]

December 21, 2022 | Further Tightening

In the past week, Ted Butler uncovered two new and potentially bullish circumstances relating to silver. I’ve monitored the daily movement and total levels of the COMEX silver warehouse inventories for more than 35 years. A remarkable physical turnover of metal in and out from the COMEX silver warehouses continues and seems to be accelerating […]

December 21, 2022 | United Nations Preparing for their One World Government

The resolution “Towards a New International Economic Order,” reaffirmed the United Nation’s need for power to continue working towards a new international economic order based on the principles of equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest, cooperation, and solidarity among all States. It passed from 123 to 50. Back during the 1970s, in the aftermath of […]

December 21, 2022 | The Saretsky Report – December 2022

Sales activity remains subdued across Greater Vancouver as we close out the year. Buyers are tepid, not eager to write offers and are looking to negotiate, can you blame them? Sales activity remains historically weak.  In the month of November, sales across Greater Vancouver totalled 1624, down 54% from November 2021 and marking the third […]

December 20, 2022 | Fun with Stocks and Curves

The S&P 500 is down just over 20% since January 4th and a seasonally unusual -6.4% month to date. Under the hood, the most widely held stocks are leading the descent. The top five most expensive S&P 500 companies are now: Apple (6.23% of index) -27% Microsoft (5.65% of index) -28% Amazon ( 2.42% of the index) […]

December 20, 2022 | A Tale of Two Housing Bubbles

Home equity increased from $5 trillion to $15 trillion during the previous housing bubble – a 200% increase. During the current housing bubble, home equity increased from $8 trillion to $32 trillion – a 300% increase. What makes a superior real estate investor? Have market timing skills and know when to hold winning positions as […]

December 19, 2022 | Criminally Prosecuting Trump?

There was NEVER a question that the Democrats began their January 6th investigation with the intent to charge Trump criminally with an insurrection all to prevent him from running for office again in 2024. They have “recommended” that former President Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attacks. This was […]

December 19, 2022 | Canadian Home Prices Need To Fall

According to Statscan, 89% of Canadian individuals earn less than $100,000 annually. The median household income is $75,000 nationally (see more here) and just over $80,000 per year in the Greater Toronto (GTA) and Vancouver (GVA) areas. According to CMHC (calculator here), a household with $100,000 in annual income ($8,333 a month before tax) and no other debt can qualify […]

December 19, 2022 | Better Balance

Bank of Canada Governor, Tiff Macklem, delivered some final comments this week at a keynote speech in BC. He didn’t mince words following the fastest rate hiking cycle in recent history. “There’s no question that if you bought a house near the peak, you took a variable rate mortgage with a high loan to income […]

December 18, 2022 | Why the US will Collapse under Civil Unrest

  I have been asked about our computer forecast regarding civil unrest that would turn upward from 2014, become critical in 2023, and escalate into 2032. There is the economic breakdown that is being deliberately created by those in the Biden Administration under the misguided vision of Climate Change and how they must end fossil […]

December 18, 2022 | ‘AAPL Indicator’ Predicting a 10% Plunge

The modest bear market rally begun in October likely ended last week when stocks turned sharply lower after failing to achieve clear ‘Hidden Pivot’ rally targets. Now, if the selling should continue to exceed minor abcd targets as occurred last week, that would affirm that Papa Bear is back. AAPL in particular, the world’s most […]

December 18, 2022 | Higher for Longer

This will be my last letter of 2022. I want to use this letter as a set-up for my annual forecast issue the first week of January. That means we will touch on a variety of topics, kind of a snapshot into where my mind is today. Get ready to travel the world but let’s […]

December 17, 2022 | Trading Desk Notes For December 17, 2022

Market sentiment: the Big Question has changed For the past several months, the Big Question has been, “When will we get Peak Fed?” The sentiment was that Peak Fed would be a “green light” buy signal, and risk assets were bid up in anticipation of that magic moment arriving.   More recently, another Big Question began to weigh on market sentiment, “When will […]

December 17, 2022 | The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles in Canada: December Update on a Housing Bust

The Canada MLS Home Price Index, which tracks all types of homes, dropped by 1.3% in November from October, and is now down 16.4% from the peak in March 2022, according to data from the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). This brought the year-over-year decline to 4.4%. In Canadian dollars, the composite benchmark price dropped […]

December 16, 2022 | A Breakthrough in Fusion Energy Could Change The World

Commercial fusion energy would change the world. This week U.S. researchers showed that more energy could be produced by fusion than was used in the process. This is called a “net gain”. Is this the energy breakthrough the world was waiting for? Fusion promises to provide a source of energy that is plentiful and cheap, […]

December 16, 2022 | Bill White on Cascading Risks in a Highly Levered System

Bill White is a rare former central banker with decades of experience and a truth chip. Always refreshing to hear. Canada comes up in this discussion specifically. Here is a direct video link. Former central bank insider William White one-on-one with Quill Intelligence CEO & Chief Strategist Danielle DiMartino Booth. There’s no more consequential time to […]

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