- the source for market opinions


July 11, 2023 | Yields Testing Resistance (and Nerves)

The Visual Capitalist chart below shows the pace (in months) and percentage points of Fed hiking cycles since 1988 and confirms that the 2022-23 cycle (in yellow) has, by far, been the sharpest in at least 35 years. In the process, interest-sensitive assets–commodities, bonds, equities and real estate–have all sold off. In the last week, […]

July 10, 2023 | De-Dollarization Just Got Real, Part 2: BRICS To Introduce Gold-Backed Currency In August

There’s an old saying about predictions: It’s okay to forecast an event or a date, but not both. But lately, Jim Rickards has been predicting both the introduction by the BRICS coalition of gold-backed currency and the date, August 22. Here’s a short video where he lays it out. Based on subsequent headlines, it seems […]

July 10, 2023 | Sound of Freedom Blacklisted by Woke Elite

  The movie “Sound of Freedom” exposes the darkest corner of our society – child trafficking. The film should not be controversial but the mainstream media and Hollywood blacklisted the film because they are protecting those involved. Simply Google the film and you will see articles from EVERY news outlet condemning the film as a […]

July 10, 2023 | Healthy Cleansing

Happy Monday Morning! There are growing concerns about the state of variable rate mortgage holders across the country. At this point nearly everyone who’s on a variable rate mortgage has essentially hit their trigger rate. It’s become front page news, and rightfully so. Unfortunately this story isn’t going away anytime soon, as Tiff Macklem and […]

July 10, 2023 | US Sending Most Deadly of All Weapons to Ukraine That Kills More Civilian Than Soldiers

Cluster Bombs kill more civilians than soldiers and are one of the most lethal weapons that destroy any territory. More than 120 countries have signed on to an international treaty banning the weapons, which typically scatter a large number of smaller so-called bomblets over a large area that can kill or maim unwary civilians months or […]

July 9, 2023 | CBDCs Are Coming. Mark Jeftovic Explains Why You Should Worry

Most central banks have decided that 2024 is the year of the CBDC Big Bang. So…what exactly are these things and why should we find their imposition worth opposing? Mark Jeftovic, publisher of the Bitcoin Capitalist newsletter, just posted a detailed explanation. Here’s an excerpt: BIS: CBDC Roll-outs may require changing The Constitution Also: “Tiered remuneration” means no […]

July 9, 2023 | Few Big Winners in the Hard Times Ahead

Will the rich and powerful own everything when the global financial system collapses from too much debt? Supposedly, “they” have been plotting and preparing for this all along — even getting a new money system ready to make the takeover complete. But this theory makes no more sense than the one that puts the same evil geniuses […]

July 9, 2023 | Muddled Optimism

“A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest…” —The Boxer, Paul Simon, 1969 One of the hardest parts of economic forecasting is separating what we expect from what we want. Actually, this is part of the human condition, genetically programmed into us and affecting every part of our society and lives, not just economic […]

July 8, 2023 | Trading Desk Notes For July 8, 2023

Real and nominal interest rates surged higher this week Interest rates across Europe, Canada and the US rose this week, with yields on the long end sharply higher.   The yield on the US 10-year T-Note (~4.07%) is at a 15-year high; the 10-year UK bond yield (~4.70%) is also at a 15-year high; the 10-year […]

July 8, 2023 | Gold Back Currency Reality

QUESTION: Do you think the BRICS would create a gold-back currency as proposed by Russia? SJ ANSWER: The Neocon has directed the Biden administration to remove Russia from SWIFT. Their single-minded goal is destroying the world economy, but they do not care. They think they will conquer Russia and China and dominate the world so they will […]

July 8, 2023 | Tech Talk for Saturday July 8th 2023

The Bottom Line Equity markets on both sides of the border are on central bank watch. In Canada, the Bank of Canada is expected to increase its interest rate for Canadian banks on Wednesday from 4.75% to 5.00%. The BOC is expected to respond to continuing strength  in Canada’s employment. The June Employment report reported […]

July 7, 2023 | Value Investing Will Come Back

Value investing as a style should be doing better during this period of rising interest rates and growing recession fears. But growth investing continues to perform better than value investing by a wide margin. Will value investors ever dominate again? Value stocks are defined as “cheap” when using metrics like share price to book value […]

July 7, 2023 | Higher Debt Costs Are Economic Death By A Thousand Cuts

Fed minutes on Wednesday telegraphed that voting members plan another 25 bps rate hike this month and 25 more by November. Market implied rates are shown below in blue versus expectations last week (pre-minutes) in orange. While rate cuts are expected to follow from December 2023 through September 2024, the magnitude of easing anticipated is […]

July 7, 2023 | Fed’s Balance Sheet Drops $667 Billion fr. Peak to $8.3 Trillion, Below Aug 2021, as QT Continues, Bank Panic Support Unwinds

The Fed’s total assets dropped by $87 billion in June, and by $667 billion since the historic peak in April 2022, according to the Fed’s weekly balance sheet today. In the 15 weeks since the height of the bank panic in March, the Fed has shed $435 billion in assets, the fastest-ever 15-week drop, as […]

July 7, 2023 | Climate Change Lockdowns Are Coming?

QUESTION: There has been talk that Trudeau will use the fires to claim a climate crisis, and that will justify lockdowns again. Is there any truth to these rumors? FS ANSWER: There is definitely the idea of using climate change to justify lockdowns. However, this is really not for climate change but for crowd control. […]

July 6, 2023 | US Housing Prices Push Higher

  Fannie Mae admitted their forecast of declining home prices was incorrect. They initially projected that housing would fall by 1.2% in 2023, followed by 2.2% in 2024. Housing prices remain strong because this in an inventory crisis. There are 47% less available single-family houses on the market compared to the start of the COVID […]

July 6, 2023 | Silver Analyst Ted Butler Wrote This For Our Broker Staff

We appear to be at a particularly unique point in silver. Never have I witnessed a time when there have been more bullish articles and commentary than there is now. Never has there been greater awareness of the actual demand in silver being stronger than the actual supply.  You can’t find a bearish article. Yet […]

July 6, 2023 | Insolvency Bull Market

Insolvency trustees are the financial undertakers. They endured a bear market when easy credit enabled extend and pretend habits for the masses. Now the undertakers are entering a boom time as their phones “ring off the hook.” Hoyes, Michalos published Canadian stats through the end of May and included this chart. Other trustee firms are also feeling […]

July 5, 2023 | BRICS to Replace the Dollar?

  The goldbugs cling to everything they can to promote gold at the destruction of the dollar. They are pushing the idea that China, Russia, and other BRICS countries are developing a dollar alternative. The truth of the matter is that is more fiction. Even India’s foreign minister S. Jaishankar came out and said, “There […]

July 5, 2023 | Protracted Hangover For Real Estate Investors and Lenders

The seemingly endless party of growth in real estate supported by ever-cheaper finance has reached an end, with a protracted hangover now ahead. This has broad implications for the many sectors that feed off real estate and is why realty-led recessions have historically been the harshest. See, Industries that rely on thriving downtowns suffer, and Office turmoil […]

July 4, 2023 | Russia Accuses US of Preparing for Biowarfare via Mosquitos

This story seemed far-fetched when first public, but now we know the extent of Bill Gates’ plan to modify mosquitos. We have seen a resurgence of once dormant viruses at the precise time that Gates’ allowed Oxitec to release diseased mosquitoes into the environment. Russia has repeatedly said it has information that the US is […]

July 3, 2023 | The Clock is Ticking

Happy Monday Morning! Headline inflation dropped like a stone in the month of May, now down to 3.4%. Mortgage interest costs surged 30% and remains the largest contributor to the year-over-year CPI increase. Strip out self inflicted mortgage interest cost, and CPI sits at 2.5% in May, back within the Bank of Canada’s control range […]

July 2, 2023 | Burning Books in a Brave New 1984 World

“Those who don’t build must burn.” ― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World “Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against […]

July 2, 2023 | Endless Intervention

National leaders are (or should be) reluctant to enter wars because, once begun, they are often hard to end. You could be bogged down for years, vainly trying plan after plan as the damage accumulates. Monetary policy works the same way. Central bankers think they can handle a situation and fire the artillery. It always […]

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