- the source for market opinions


August 12, 2023 | Tech Talk for Saturday August 12th 2023

The Bottom Line Now is the time for intermediate swing traders to become patient! Led by the “Magnificent Seven” big cap technology stocks, U.S. equity indices came under short term trading profit taking pressures last week. Intermediate term and long term momentum data available at the end of this report shows that the S&P 500 […]

August 11, 2023 | London Riots

Hundreds of teenagers formed a mob and descended upon Regent Street in London after police issued a riot dispersal order at Oxford Street, as they were storming local stores and just looting everything. There has been a growing trend on social media calling for riots and looting in JD Sports. They shared posts on TikTok […]

August 11, 2023 | Deflation Risk in China is Real

The risk of deflation in China is real. A moderating pace of growth, large private sector debts and a slowdown in the crucial property sector suggest lower income, prices and deflation. Is China entering a debt deflation spiral? China has enjoyed a longer-than-four-decades income and wealth expansion that has rarely happened in the thousands of […]

August 11, 2023 | Recession Watch: October Surprise?

One of the things that kept many Americans financially afloat these past few years is the fact that student loan payments were suspended. That bought some time but apparently didn’t solve the underlying problem of low wages in an increasingly expensive world. Because it’s now becoming common to use credit cards to cover day-to-day expenses. […]

August 11, 2023 | Oxford Economics: Canada’s Real Estate Downturn “Far From Over”

After past housing bubble peaks in Canada and elsewhere, home prices contracted 25%+ nationally and stayed relatively flat in the following decade or so. That allowed incomes to advance on shelter costs and restore affordability over time. A similar pattern is the base case this time, as well. Much needed. Tony Stillo, director of economics […]

August 10, 2023 | JUST US – The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

I have said that the reason they indicted Trump’s valet as a co-defendant in the Mar-a-Lago, was to pull the standard “extortion” where he is to perjure himself for the government or face 120 years in prison. This is how they win Conspiracy Cases. Federal Judge Jed. S. Rakoff wrote a book on the extortion […]

August 10, 2023 | Record Debt Payments and Rising Unemployment

US household debt has surpassed a fresh record of $17.1 trillion. $12 trillion is in mortgages (more than twice the 2006 bubble top), $1.6 trillion in auto loans, and over $1 trillion in credit card debt, all with the highest interest rates in 22 years and rising unemployment. Courtesy of Bloomberg, the chart below shows the […]

August 9, 2023 | Ramaswamy has Near Fatal Plane Accident

There is a price to pay for going against the global elite. I reported how GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy sued the World Economic Forum and won. Shortly after, his plane lost oxygen mid-flight and was forced to make an emergency landing. “Due to an unexpected cabin depressurization issue in his plane, Vivek Ramaswamy was […]

August 9, 2023 | People We Should Know: Martin Armstrong

Martin Armstrong has led a complex and tempestuous life — see this and this. But we’re not going there. His current work is what lands him on the list of People We Should Know. Armstrong is a consultant and forecaster who uses a prediction model he calls Socrates to identify and extrapolate trends in politics, economics, and finance. […]

August 9, 2023 | No Time For Delusions

Bullish sentiment roared back in the first half of 2023 on the blind belief that low unemployment numbers mean that this time is different and the sharpest monetary tightening in 40 years is not triggering a recession. In reality, changes in unemployment lag behind changes in monetary policy by 12 to 24 months, and mainstream […]

August 9, 2023 | Ellen Brown: War By Other Means: Short Selling JPMorgan Chase

When the FDIC put Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank into receivership in March, a study reported on the Social Science Research Network found that nearly 200 midsized U.S. banks were similarly vulnerable to bank runs. First Republic Bank went into receivership in May, but the feared contagion of runs did not otherwise occur. […]

August 8, 2023 | Ramaswamy Sued the WEF and Won

This story has not gained enough attention. GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy took on the globalist elite of the World Economic Forum (WEF) for “creating a false perception” that he was involved in their organization. The WEF attempted to list Ramaswamy as a Young Global Leader but he denied their invitation. After repeatedly asking the […]

August 8, 2023 | “Normalized” Rates and Record Debt Mean Tough Times

Canadian banks are offering mortgage rates above 6% for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6-year terms on new purchases (below via Ratehub). Home equity lines of credit are above 7%. These are historically average mortgage rates. The trouble is that after 13 years of unnaturally low rates (2009-2022), people are carrying debt loads far above the long-term […]

August 7, 2023 | Marines Deployed as US-Iran Tensions Rise

World War III continues to heat up as the US Marines have been deployed to the Strait of Hormuz. The military also plans to deploy F-16 and F-35 warplanes and an Amphibious Readiness Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit containing 3,000 troops. France24 says that Iran has attempted, sometimes unsuccessfully, to take control of 20 internationally flagged ships […]

August 6, 2023 | The Long Wave Versus the Printing Press

This is a reprint [with a few edits] of an article I wrote way back in 2010 — when a supercycle crash was already overdue: The fascinating thing about “long wave” analysis (broadly defined to include Kondratieff waves,  Elliott waves, and William Strauss and Neil Howe’s Fourth Turning) is that while each theory uses its own indicators and terminology to show […]

August 6, 2023 | AAPL Takes the Lead…Lower

Last week’s commentary said the first big correction of 2023 had a ways to go, and that is still the case. If there were any doubts about this, Apple’s swan dive Thursday on punk Q2 earnings released after the close should have dispelled them. The most valuable stock in the world fell by nearly 5%, […]

August 6, 2023 | Turning Time, Part 2

My friend Neil Howe titled his latest book The Fourth Turning Is Here because, well, the Fourth Turning is here. It is no longer the decades-away crisis he and the late William Strauss described in their 1990s books. As noted last week, each “turning” is generally 20 to 25 years. We are in the last half of […]

August 6, 2023 | The Democrats Trying to Destroy the Supreme Court – AGAIN!

The Democrats sent a letter demanding Alito recuse himself on any such question regarding the power of the Supreme Court. Once again, just as FDR tried to stack the court to turn the United States into his vision of a Marxist Utopia following Stalin after he recognized the Communists as a legitimate government, they are […]

August 5, 2023 | Trading Desk Notes For August 5, 2023

Stock market sentiment took another step away from “irrational exuberance” this week I wrote in the July 22 TDNotes: I’ve been skeptical of the “Magnificient Seven” rally for a few months, thinking that sentiment bordered on “irrational exuberance.” However, I respected the power of the rally and patiently waited for an opportunity to fade it. I thought the “$100 Billion in […]

August 5, 2023 | Wikipedia is now Officially Government Propaganda DO NOT DONATE ANYTHING

Larry Sanger, one of the founders of Wikipedia, states plainly it is now all propaganda DO NOT DONATE TO WIKIPEDIA

August 5, 2023 | Tech Talk for Saturday August 5th 2023

The Bottom Line North American equity indices reached an intermediate peak on or about July 27th. Thereafter, volatility increased significantly as prices moved lower. The period for increased volatility in North American equity markets has arrived. Intermediate downside risks exists between now and mid-October.

August 4, 2023 | Trudeau’s Tinder Profile

Must be a quadruple-vaccinated conformist who rejects all freedoms. Open to all genders or non-genders! Must enjoy long plane rides to Davos, the occasional lockdown, and be interested in implementing the New World Order with me and my friends at the World Economic Forum. Absolutely no truckers or family members of truckers — swipe left […]

August 4, 2023 | Ratings Agency Downgrades US Debt Triggering Widespread Criticism

  The U.S. government bonds were downgraded a notch by the ratings agency, Fitch. This means the safety of the US treasuries has slipped and there is growing concern about the longer-term outlook for debt. Is the U.S. government at risk of default? Economists reacted negatively to the downgrade with Larry Summers calling it “absurd” […]

August 4, 2023 | Food Inflation: 7.1% or 22.6% Per Year?

  If you want to know how much food has gone up in the last 12 months, don’t ask the US government – ask people who shop for food everyday. Based on a survey of 8,000 US grocery shoppers nationwide, they said food at home prices rose by an estimated 22.6% from April 2022 to […]

August 4, 2023 | Becoming Invisible, Part 7: Android Phone Privacy Settings

Google makes its (many) billions by spying on its customers, mining the resulting personal information, and using/selling the profitable bits. So it’s no surprise that phones based on Google’s Android platform have default settings that violate rather than protect customer privacy. But Android phones — especially the latest versions — do offer settings that allow […]

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