- the source for market opinions


October 27, 2023 | Canadian Recession is Here

David Rosenberg, founder & president of Rosenberg Research and Ed Devlin, founder of Devlin Capital, senior fellow at C.D. Howe Institute and former head of Canadian portfolio management at PIMCO, join BNN Bloomberg to discuss their economic outlook. They say that even as many believe a soft landing is still accomplishable, there are some metrics […]

October 26, 2023 | Biden: If There Were Not An Israel We’d Have to Invent One

For those wondering if the US is using Israel as a vassal state, simply look at what President Biden has been spewing since the 80s. “If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one,” Biden first said during a Senate session in 1986 after sending Israel $3 billion. Straight from the horse’s mouth, […]

October 26, 2023 | Luxury Losing Its Luster

What about wealthy people not being hurt by higher debt payments? Nonsense, as usual! As financial markets tumble, luxury spending follows. The slowdown is ubiquitous, folks. CNBC’s Robert Frank reports on spending pull backs from the luxury consumer and what it could be signaling for the economy at large. Here is a direct video link. Bank […]

October 26, 2023 | Tread Carefully!

Our mission as an investment newsletter is to research and provide the best information for our subscribers, assisting them to become better, more successful investors. Navigating through the current market environment continues to be challenging, and we don’t anticipate it getting easier in the very near-term. The unique dynamics of this year have made it […]

October 25, 2023 | Mercantilism v Consumerism – China’s Direction

Mercantilism is the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism, according to the Oxford Dictionary. We see nations like Germany rely on this model as they produce various products to export through trade. German manufacturing has provided the […]

October 25, 2023 | A Case of Overkill

It is not just rapid hikes in the overnight rate (525 basis points in 18 months by the US Fed and 475 basis points in Canada), which are contracting credit and slowing spending through the real economy. The drop in equity and bond prices, along with the jump in fossil fuel costs and the US […]

October 24, 2023 | The Unfolding Recession & The Coup

QUESTION: Mrt. Armstrong, Socrates has been a real lifesaver. It is refreshing not to have someone spinning their political views into everything. Socrates called for the high in GDP here in 2023 and that the high took place in May. Here, we have Biden creating money without regard for fiscal responsibility. Socrates has shown the […]

October 24, 2023 | Phase Change Disruption in Energy, Transport and Food

The Saudis see where the puck is going. Does Canada? Tony Seba updates on Phase Change Disruptions of Energy, Transportation, Food & Implications for Humanity. Here is a direct audio link.

October 23, 2023 | Private Equity “Landlords” Endangered By Falling House Prices

Recessions are necessary to clear out malinvestment before it poisons the whole economy. But they also hurt a lot of people who don’t deserve it, so they’re not a cause for celebration. Except when the people being hurt are private equity firms like Blackstone that have been buying up houses (sometimes entire neighborhoods) at inflated prices and then converting them […]

October 23, 2023 | Real Estate Getting a Comeuppance

Pops and financial wipeouts are the historical norm when a billowing housing bubble meets dramatically higher interest rates. On the upside, the pendulum is finally moving in favour of renters and future buyers. Buying housing has rarely been this unattractive relative to renting. The chart below shows that the average new US mortgage payment is […]

October 23, 2023 | Bell Ringer

Happy Monday Morning! It’s a big week for Canadian households living on the edge. The Bank of Canada is poised to meet on Wednesday to deliver an update on their rate hiking crusade. It is largely expected they’ll remain on the sidelines, as they should given the slew of weak economic data in recent weeks. […]

October 23, 2023 | Tyson Foods to Use BUGS to Create Our Food

The climate change psy-ops has simply gone too far. Schwab’s World Economic Forum has become like a cult declaring our last days are ahead unless we abide by asinine laws. Those promoting the Great Reset have said countless times that WE will begin to eat bugs to save the planet, and meat will no longer […]

October 23, 2023 | Watch Out, You Might Get What You’re After

Hold tight Wait ’til the party’s over Hold tight We’re in for nasty weather There has got to be a way Burning down the house Talking Heads – Burning Down the House If you haven’t noticed, we’re in for nasty weather. The swirling winds of a cloudy Fall day, as darkness descends upon the world, […]

October 22, 2023 | Golden Passports

The European Union (EU) has a new excuse to tighten travel restrictions. The European Commission published a report claiming five Caribbean states have sold “golden passports” citizenship to 88,000 individuals from around the globe, including China, Iran, and Russia. “Investor citizenship schemes (or citizenship-by-investment programmes, also commonly referred to as “golden passports”) run by third […]

October 22, 2023 | Supercycle of Debt

We have been looking at big historical/economic/political cycles for the past two months. We reviewed Neil Howe’s Fourth Turning concept, then George Friedman’s twin US institutional and socioeconomic cycles, then Peter Turchin’s “cliodynamics” concept, and then Ray Dalio’s Big Cycle. None of these theories exclude the others. It is quite possible they are describing the […]

October 22, 2023 | The Smell of Napalm in the Morning

It took nearly two weeks for bears to recoup their mojo after getting sucker-punched by a suspiciously buoyant market following the October 7 Israel massacre. Although the attack could lead to a nuclear conflagration and world war, Wall Street kept its cool while trade desk sleazeballs deftly distributed shares to the rubes. But Friday’s are […]

October 21, 2023 | Trading Desk Notes For October 21, 2023

Weekly change: Gold up, bond yields up, crude oil up, stocks down, USD down Gold Gold rallied ~$185 from 8-month lows on October 6 to this Friday’s highs, with the front-month contract closing this week above $1980 for the first time since the mid-July Key Turn Date. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, […]

October 21, 2023 | Has the Rule of Law Collapsed in Germany?

  I want to explain an incident when I was doing a world tour for the Forecaster Movie. In Europe, there would be a question-and-answer period after the film concluded. I was in Frankfurt, and a woman stood up and said this is what was wrong with America. It always protected the bankers. She was […]

October 21, 2023 | Tech Talk for Saturday October 21st 2023

The Bottom Line Brutal equity markets around the world last week! Equity markets responded primarily to rising U.S. long term interest rates. Not surprising, the CNN Fear/Greed Index dropped to 26, a level that borders on the Extreme Fear level. See

October 20, 2023 | Banks Need To Revise Their House Price Forecasts Down a Lot

Forecasts of increasing house prices in Canada by the economics departments of the large Canadian banks are wildly optimistic. This matters because it directly affects the risk assessment for their most important lending division — mortgage and consumer loans. Will they revise these forecasts lower in their reports for the year ending October 31 2023? […]

October 20, 2023 | Bonds Offer Capital Defence, Equities Do Not

  Unlike bonds, equities offer no return of principal dates nor contractually prescribed income payments. Contrary to the investment sales hype bombarding us daily, dividend-paying equities are not capital ‘defensive.’ Defensive for whom, we should ask. From present valuation levels, equities are priced to underperform government bonds by 6.5% annualized over the next ten years […]

October 20, 2023 | German Authorities KIDNAP Reiner Fuellmich in Mexico – Interview with Fuellmich and the COVID Investigation Committee

Reiner Fuellmich, an attorney and international freedom advocate, has been detained by German authorities. Fuellmich is the leader of the International Crimes Investigative Committee and works with the Corona Investigation Committee, which is working to unveil the criminality surrounding the release of Covid and the criminal response that engulfed basically every country in the world. […]

October 19, 2023 | Crash Alert: That “Spinning Out Of Control” Feeling

Let’s start with regional and local banks, where two bad things are happening. First, their “safe” bond portfolios have tanked in the past year, embedding paper losses of around $700 billion industry-wide. These losses will produce a steady drumbeat of bad earnings reports in the coming year. But in the meantime, as interest rates rise, money market […]

October 19, 2023 | Liquidation Mode

  Welcome asset price deflation: motivated sellers are listing everything, everywhere, all at once. And this is with unemployment just starting to rise. Wait for it…  

October 19, 2023 | Soros Open Society Behind the Left’s Support for Hamas

The far left in America is supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization. They make it clear that they are supporting Hamas and not merely the innocent civilians of Palestine. Groups like Black Lives Matter have posted images of paragliders, which would have been akin to someone posting a plane crashing into a building shortly after 9/11. […]

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