- the source for market opinions


December 20, 2023 | Becoming Invisible, Part 11: Privacy Land Trusts

The Nestmann Group is doing great work on privacy-related topics like second passports and offshore investing. Here’s their take on “privacy land trusts” that make it possible to own real estate anonymously — which sounds useful in this increasingly litigious, authoritarian world. What is a Land Trust and How Does it Work? (Mark Nestmann) – You […]

December 20, 2023 | Going Down

Over the past three years, the growing physical shortage in silver (more demand than supply) has resulted in a dramatic reduction in recorded world inventories. Each week, I highlight the shrinkage in the two largest stockpiles of recorded silver inventories, the COMEX warehouses and in SLV, the largest silver ETF. Together, these two stockpiles represent […]

December 20, 2023 | Here Come the New Listings of Existing Homes, Prices Drop Further, Demand Remains at Collapsed Levels

The national median price of existing single-family houses, condos, and co-ops whose sales closed in November dropped to $387,600, down by 6.3% from the peak in June 2022, according to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) today. 2023 is the first year since the Housing Bust when the seasonal high in June was below […]

December 19, 2023 | Over Half of Democrats Want a New POTUS

  The Democrats simply have no voice within their own party, and the Republicans are no better. Joe Biden admitted that he is only seeking a second term to prevent a Trump victory. Biden does not want to be in the Oval Office and has no passion for the job, but it is expected of […]

December 19, 2023 | Geopolitical Risk and the Case For Physical ETFs

In November, Panama’s government caved to growing protests and shut down a large copper mine. This was serious but survivable for one of our portfolio’s royalty companies (see Just How Bad Was Franco-Nevada’s Bad News), but it’s an existential threat for First Quantum Minerals, which owns and runs the Cobre Panama mine. The new normal? Until recently, an event […]

December 19, 2023 | China Offers Warning on Euphoric Asset Prices Elsewhere

China’s economy is struggling through a multi-year downturn in the property market, a slump in manufacturing activity and falling exports. Other countries and markets should take note. A triple whammy of falling real estate and stock prices amid credit defaults has hurt household net worth and consumer confidence. See, China’s real estate meltdown is battering the […]

December 19, 2023 | Will Trudeau Resign?

  Will Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, step down from his position? Seven in 10 Canadians think that Justin Trudeau should resign as the leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister of Canada in 2024, according to a survey by Ipsos. However, a majority of six in 10 Canadians do not believe he will […]

December 18, 2023 | Circling the Drain

Happy Monday morning! The worlds largest and most important central bank shook financial markets this past week, signalling rate cuts are now on the table next year. The feds dot plots, which are basically forecasts from fed members point to three rate cuts in 2024. Markets are currently expecting six!! Source: Jim Bianco Suffice to […]

December 18, 2023 | Brighteon Covers “The Great Taking”

Readers have been asking me to check out and comment on David Webb’s The Great Taking. It’s on the to-do list. But in the meantime, other people have started covering it. Brighteon’s Mike Adams just posted a video that uses Webb’s insights as a launching point for a discussion of real assets and why they’re more crucial than ever. […]

December 18, 2023 | The Equity Bear Market is Likely Only Started

Asset markets leapt last week as the US Fed (and Bank of Canada) held monetary policy unchanged for the 5th consecutive month, having hiked last in July. US Chair Powell fueled euphoria when he said the Fed was talking about rate cuts in 2024–the crowd went wild. Just weeks before, Powell had said they were […]

December 18, 2023 | The Great Taking – or the Great Misconception

QUESTION: I have watched this video of David Webb, who distorts the history of the Great Depression, making it sound like the Fed was created to take all the gold when it was formed in 1913. Roosevelt’s “taking” was in 1933, 20 years later. As you and Milton Friedman pointed out, there was a shortage […]

December 17, 2023 | Finding Revenue

If you really want to reduce the federal debt, you don’t have to convince Congress of anything. You can just write a check. The Treasury Department gladly accepts gifts from anyone so inclined. Few are, apparently. So far this year, donations totaled less than $1 million. Shocking, no? <grin> The government’s revenue is mostly involuntary via taxes, […]

December 17, 2023 | CBDC – The End of All Freedom

QUESTION: Marty: You have mentioned that Trudeau’s freezing of accounts of anyone who donated to the Truckers was a test run for CBDCs. Do you think this is the end goal to control 100% of our lives? GD ANSWER: Hopefully, this will become a Presidential campaign issue. But they are desperate to stop Trump. Congress, including the […]

December 17, 2023 | Gold Can’t Pussyfoot Forever

    Most of us had been expecting gold to explode through the $2000 “barrier” and soar into the wild blue yonder. Instead, it spasmed to $2152 for a nanosecond on December 4, then crashed back down below $2000 like an anvil dropped into an elevator shaft. What happened? Gold is most certainly in a […]

December 16, 2023 | Where to Hide – & What to Consider

  QUESTION: Dear Martin and the team. Perhaps the chances are very low that this would somehow reach Martin. However, I would like to try to use “the power of the internet.” I have to try, so at least I am not blaming myself. I would like to ask a question and if somehow, possibly […]

December 16, 2023 | Trading Desk Notes For December 16, 2023

Powell kicked the Everything Rally into Overdrive! Markets were expecting “some” pushback from Jay, “We’re a long way from neutral” Powell after a sizzling 6-week stock market rally, but he waved the white flag instead, and the Everything Rally ripped higher!   The bullish rip took Dec 2024 SOFR futures to ~9630 at Thursday’s high, effectively pricing in […]

December 16, 2023 | Solar, Seismic & Gold Intensity Cycles

The Golden Canary 11-29-23 – The fulfillment of Middle East War Cycles, in October 2023, was just the latest validation to the outlook for 2023 – 2025. Reinforcing these geopolitical cycles has been the action and analysis for Gold & Silver. In many ways, Gold acts as the proverbial ‘canary in the coal mine’ – […]

December 16, 2023 | Tech Talk for Saturday December 16th 2023

The Bottom Line North American equity indices are entering their strongest period of seasonal strength in the year. According to “Santa Claus delivers a positive bias surrounding the end of  the year with the traditional rally period spanning from December 15th to January 6th. The average return of the S&P 500 during the approximately […]

December 15, 2023 | Get Ready for a 1986 Repeat of a Real Estate Crash?

Whenever those in Congress mess with real estate, they have ALWAYS, and without exception, caused a major crash. The Entire Savings & Loan (S&L) Crisis was a catastrophic disaster that wiped out nearly one-third of all the 3,234 savings and loan associations in the United States between 1986 and 1995. I previously mentioned that hedge funds were created […]

December 15, 2023 | The Federal Reserve Makes a Full Pivot To Rate Cuts

The Federal Reserve announced a pivot to rate cuts, hinting at an end to the period since March 2022 of rate increases and tightening of financial conditions. When the Fed cuts rates, will it help? The Fed meeting ended on Wednesday with chair Jerome Powell confirming the consensus view — the next Fed move will […]

December 15, 2023 | Fed Holds Policy Rate at 22-year High–That’s The Good News

As expected, the US Fed did not hike yesterday and held its policy rate at a 22-year high while signalling rate cuts to start in 2024. Asset markets are jubilant across the board. Relief rallies are typical at the end of central bank hiking cycles. Optimism makes sense for government bonds, which become more valuable […]

December 14, 2023 | House Moves to Impeach Joe Biden

  In a 221-212 vote, the House of Representatives voted on a resolution to produce a formal inquiry into the impeachment of Joe Biden. Every Republican supported the measure. Perhaps those in the middle had a change of heart after Biden invited Zelensky back to Washington to tell politicians how they should vote and spend […]

December 14, 2023 | The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles in Canada: Toronto -19% from Peak, back to Sept. 2021. Hamilton Area -25%, Back to Feb. 2021. New High in Calgary

Home prices in Canada dropped 1.7% in November from October, after having dropped by 1.6% in October from September, the fifth month in a row of month-to-month declines, according to the Home Price Benchmark Index for single family houses by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) today. These drops whittled down the year-over-year gain to […]

December 14, 2023 | No shame in seeking debt help

A generation of people has been devastated by monetary and fiscal policies aimed at ‘helping’ them to borrow financially suicidal sums for housing. Grave mistakes have been made, encouraged by many well-meaning family members, policy-makers and commissioned realtors and lenders. In many cases, costs will be impossible to sustain even as interest rates retreat because […]

December 14, 2023 | A Glimpse Of The Future For Gold/Silver Miners

One of the (many) disappointing things about the gold/silver miners has been their failure to respond when precious metals have gone up. Gold, though not exactly on fire for most of 2023, did touch a new all-time high in early December. But (as far as I know) not a single gold/silver miner was anywhere near […]

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