- the source for market opinions


February 7, 2024 | EU Proposes New Climate Target for 2040

  The European Union is leading the climate change psyop and releasing recommendations that are completely unattainable and unnecessary. Brussels would now like to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an astonishing 90% by 2040. “Setting a 2040 climate target will help European industry, investors, citizens and governments to make decisions in this decade that will […]

February 7, 2024 | What’s Cheap — And What’s Cheaper — In 8 Charts

Incrementum, creator of the epic annual In Gold We Trust chart-fest, just posted its monthly Gold Compass update. As usual, the charts tell an interesting story: Let’s start with the fact that no “strong” fiat currencies are left out there. All are evaporating when measured against real money, just at different rates (though the yen is clearly one to watch […]

February 7, 2024 | Powell Focused on Killing the Fed Put?

Danielle DiMartino Booth believes Fed Chair Powell is sticking to prudent interest rate levels in an effort to crush the Fed put and do the “right thing” in the long term for the economy. Here’s hoping… Powell: We Wouldn’t Wait to Get to 2% Inflation to Cut Rates — DiMartino Booth with Charles Payne of […]

February 7, 2024 | “Fueling Success: Exploring Explosive Investment Opportunities in Energy”

Martin re-recorded his presentation from the World Outlook Financial Conference in Vancouver on February 2/3, 2024. In the presentation he outlines key energy sources and gives 12 stocks for investors to consider in the natural gas, uranium, and oil sectors.   

February 6, 2024 | DC Court of Appeals Has Judicially Declare Trump is Guilty Without a Trial

DOWNLOAD: DC Court Appeal Trump Has No Immunity I have read the DC Court of Appeals decision stripping Trump of any immunity. In doing so, they are stripping judges and prosecutors of immunity as well for all you had to argue is they acted against their appointment and oath. Their statement of facts calls everyone on […]

February 6, 2024 | China Stumbles Under Debt and Real Estate Bust

Our September 2021 client letter “Shifting Foundations” examined the default of China’s second-largest property developer, Evergrande, and the implications of a real estate bust leading to a slump in the Chinese and global economy. You can read the entire letter at this link. Here’s a taste: Insolvency problems in China’s real estate sector sent shock […]

February 5, 2024 | Capital Flow Analaysis

  COMMENT: I found Lagarde’s comment about “those savings actually stay here to finance what needs to be financed” to be an admission that they are well aware of Socrates. You are the inventor of Capital Flow Analysis. It took an actual international hedge fund manager to see the flow of capital and change world […]

February 5, 2024 | Risk

                 Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t there.                  It pays to be paranoid.

February 4, 2024 | One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit to Fraud

  We know that the mail-in voting system was implemented as a measure to control the vote. The question becomes how far does the fraud go? The Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute conducted a survey that found one-in-five mail-in voters committed voter fraud during the 2020 US Presidential Election. These are merely the people […]

February 4, 2024 | Danielle presents at VRIC 2024: Capital Prospects in 2024

Danielle presents at VRIC 2024. Here is a direct video link.    Further to real interest rates (nominal rates minus inflation) being demand-crushingly high for borrowers (but attractive for savers), the chart below shows the US Fed Funds Rate (FFR) minus the 5-year inflation swap rate is the highest today in over 20 years.  

February 4, 2024 | Industrial Size Surplus

Modern economies, even small ones, are unfathomably complex. The number of variables is far more than any human can comprehend or any model can track. It’s really no wonder so many forecasts are wrong. In my 2024 forecast letter I predicted “A Muddle-Through Year.” That’s still what I expect… but not for everyone, nor for every […]

February 4, 2024 | Wall Street Guns Its Perpetual Motion Engine

Here are a couple of headlines concerning the economy that appeared atop Bloomberg’s front page on the same day last week. Taken together, they could make one’s head spin. First the happy news: IMF Lifts World GDP Outlook on U.S. Strength. But here’s the article just beneath: UPS to Cut 12,000 Jobs. A case of schizophrenia on the […]

February 3, 2024 | Surviving Nuclear War

    COMMENT: I just read Newsweek. I now know why you live on the beach. You can convert the water to fresh and live off of seaweed. Very interesting. Paul REPLY: Paul, I also like the fresh air, the white sand, blue water, and the sky is different every day.

February 3, 2024 | Tech Talk for Saturday February 3rd 2024

The Bottom Line Exceptional price gains on Friday by Meta Platform (Up 20.32%) and Amazon (Up 7.87%) after their release of better-than-consensus quarterly results significantly distorted performance of the S&P 500 Index relative to the Equal Weighted S&P 500 Index and its related ETF: RSP. Since December 28th the S&P 500 Index has gained 3.66%% […]

February 2, 2024 | Judge Postpones Trump’s Trial Indefinately

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who has Trump’s Washington case brought by Jack Smith, wrote an order that means something is wrong. Her order has postponed the trial indefinitely, and rightly so, given the fact that the questions presented involve what one would classify as Subject Matter Jurisdiction, which can NEVER be waived. She wrote: “The court […]

February 2, 2024 | Canada Might Abandon Its Inflation Target in a Recession

The Bank of Canada (BOC) held interest rates steady at 5 percent in January, highlighting growing weakness in the Canadian economy. But unfortunately, inflation is not declining as fast as the central bank would like. Will the central bank abandon its inflation target? While the weakness in the economy would normally allow the Bank of […]

February 2, 2024 | Thoughts From The Front Line of Commercial Real Estate

As Meta and Amazon further fan animal spirits in the tech sector, the melt in commercial real estate is spreading through the economy and financial system. US regional banks are -54% since January 2022, and the contagion is international, see Commercial Property Losses Hammer Banks on Three Continents: Investors have wondered when the pain from the […]

February 2, 2024 | A Big New Development

A recent development in COMEX silver futures positioning has been unusual enough that I didn’t detect it at first, because it has been somewhat gradual. Over the past five reporting weeks, from the COT report as of Dec 19, 2023 to the most recent report as of January 23, 2024, the number of long traders […]

February 1, 2024 | Lacy Hunt on Thoughtful Money

Is the soft landing camp being proven right? Have we been able to side step the Lag Effects so many expected from the Fed’s aggressive campaigns of rates hikes and Quantitative Tightening? Is inflation indeed on its way to being tamed this year? For answers, we have the great fortune to sit down today with […]

February 1, 2024 | Time For A Trust? If So, What Kind?

Let’s say you own a bunch of uranium stocks and your nest egg is becoming an “estate.” Well done! Now it’s time to avoid excessive taxes and make the eventual transfer to your kids and grandkids seamless and stress-free. One way to do this is via a trust, a legal entity that holds and disburses money while […]

February 1, 2024 | Migrants Violently Attack Police – Released Without Bail

There is no law and order in Biden’s America, where not even the police are safe. A mob of migrants attacked two New York police officers in Times Square. Surveillance cameras captured the attack that occurred in broad daylight. You can see the migrants drag two officers to the sidewalk, where they proceed to kick […]

January 31, 2024 | Biden Arms Greece in Loophole Deal

  The Biden Administration’s top priority is setting the stage for the next global conflict. The federal government has refused to fund US infrastructure, address rising homelessness and crime, or secure the border. They claim that they do not have the funds to [fill in any severe problem the US is facing]. However, the US […]

January 31, 2024 | Art of the Collapse, February 2024

Civil War?… So the US opens its borders and millions of people stream across. Border states are inundated, and Texas blocks one of the more popular illegal entryways with razor wire. The Supreme Court rules that the Feds can take the wire down, Texas says “try it and see,” and a bunch of other states […]

January 31, 2024 | Layoffs Leaping in 2024

Companies could be expected to ramp up layoffs come March, according to research by Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO of QI Research. Here is a direct video link.  

January 30, 2024 | Farmers Descend on Paris

  Farmers throughout the world have been protesting the increasing regulations on agriculture. The media is barely covering the story, and when they do mention it, they say that the farmers are protesting due to Russia blocking supplies from Ukraine. This is simply untrue. The farmers are protesting against over-regulation, taxes, and the climate change […]

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