- the source for market opinions


September 29, 2023 | Trudeau Removing Attorney Client Privilege For Taxes

Trudeau is Klas Schwab’s pet. He does as he is told. No world leader has sought to destroy the attorney-client privilege, but Trudeau is hunting money for taxes and removing the confidentiality between Canadians and their lawyers. What is next? Priests must report every sin to Trudeau they hear in confession. Trudeau is now passing […]

September 28, 2023 | Rota Resigns – Scapegoat for Trudeau

Speaker for the House of Commons Anthony Rota has resigned after embarrassing Justin Trudeau and Canada as a whole. Rota invited Yaroslav Hunka, former 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, to speak to the Canadian Parliament to impress Zelensky. The video of Zelensky and Trudeau giving this former Ukrainian Nazi a standing ovation is […]

September 27, 2023 | EU Urged to Return Military-Aged Ukrainians Back For War

Behind the curtain, Zelensky has been quietly asking EU countries to send back men of military age who have fled Ukraine. Poland seems to be considering sending military-aged men back to Ukraine to die in this absurd war. Zelensky refuses to negotiate peace and has no problem sending Ukrainians to their death. All of this […]

September 25, 2023 | Zelensky and Trudeau Give Nazi Standing Ovation

Is the propaganda working yet? Do you believe the West is really the good guy here? Ukraine and Russia continually point the finger and accuse the other of supporting Nazis. Well, jet-setting Zelensky recently visited Canada’s Parliament where they invited a literal former Nazi from World War II to speak. Yaroslav Hunka, former 14th Waffen […]

September 24, 2023 | Polish President: Ukraine is Behaving like a Drowning Person Clinging to Anything Available

Polish President Andrzej Duda is taking a harsher stance on aiding Ukraine ahead of the October election. A Reuters poll noted that 91% of the population supported the war when it began, but that figure has dwindled to 69% and continues to decrease. Over 25% of Poles are against accepting Ukrainian refugees as well. Poland, […]

September 24, 2023 | General Mark Milley – A Threat to the Nation?

  Outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley is a Neocon. He has taken every possible action against Donald Trump because Trump was against war. His latest venture to support the neocons is to imply that Trump is a threat to nuclear war. He said that while the president has the […]

September 21, 2023 | Trump Promises Largest Deportation in US History

  Illegal aliens are pouring into America from the southern and northern borders. Cities have been destroyed, public places overrun, and local governments are wiping out their budgets to support these intruders. US citizens are beginning to clash with refugees, as was witnessed in Staten Island, NY, when people tried to prevent migrants from exiting […]

September 20, 2023 | Pix System in Brazil

You likely have not heard of the Pix system unless you live in Brazil. Pix is an “instant payment ecosystem” launched on November 16, 2020, by Brazil’s central bank (BCB). Pix primarily works through the use of QR codes that users use to access their digital accounts for payments. The pandemic helped push people to […]

September 19, 2023 | The Gates of Hell

I think Bill Gates will go down in history as in the list of the top 5 demons who have waged war against humanity. He represents what some call the Gates of Hell. Nobody will stop this guy; he is out to reduce the world’s population, no different than Hitler or Stalin. Nothing this guy […]

September 18, 2023 | Greta Poses for the Cameras Amid Arrest

Greta Thunberg is willing to defy the authorities to fight climate change, or at least that is what they want you to believe. They paint this young girl as a radical activist when she is planted counter-opposition. Greta was arrested for the second time last week for refusing to leave a sit-in at a protest […]

September 17, 2023 | What if Joe Biden Dies?

Someone recently asked what would happen if Joe Biden happened to die leading up to the election. The answer is not as simple as Kamala becoming president, but it all depends on when he hypothetically dies. The majority of states have a filing deadline of January 1, 2024. If any potential presidential candidate dies between […]

September 16, 2023 | Are Social Justice Warriors Ready to Put Their Wallet Where There Mouth Is? #libertyhangout ♬ original sound – Liberty Hangout

September 14, 2023 | Rule of Law & Prosecutors Are ALWAYS Above the Law

Anyone who thinks prosecutors are to be trusted is out of your mind. I have NEVER met one that had an ounce of honesty or ethics. It is extremely rare for any court actually to go after a prosecutor. Perhaps one in a billion. They are on the same team to uphold their 99% conviction […]

September 14, 2023 | G20 & the One World Government Dream

  The movement toward a One World Totalitarian State is proceeding. India is the Chair of the G20. This is the proud symbol of the G20 in Lucknow, (Uttar Pradesh) India. The leaders of the G20 over the weekend reached an agreement to impose by sheer force digital currencies and digital IDs on their respective populations. […]

September 13, 2023 | What is Biden Doing in Alaska?

For the first time in US history, the president did not visit a 9/11 memorial on the day of the worst terrorist attack on US soil. Instead, the president traveled to Alaska to commit his own attack against the American people. Peter Doocy said that he received a response similar to “Well, presidents stopped visiting […]

September 12, 2023 | The Northern Border Has Been Breached

The focus has been on the mass influx of illegals from the open southern border. However, migrants have also found their way into the US by crossing the northern border from Canada. The US Border Patrol declared that more migrants have entered the US via Canada in the past 11 months than in the entire […]

September 11, 2023 | Austria Offers Free Transportation for Tattoos

Notice how all of the voluntary actions connected to the Great Reset include preying upon the young or desperate. These will be the first people to move into 15-minute cities and abide by tyrannical laws in exchange for government aid. They handed out free crypto in Africa in exchange for biometric data, for example. In […]

September 10, 2023 | Why is Bill Gates Buying Anheuser-Buch Shares?

Bud Light, America’s former #1 selling beer, has fallen after the company went woke. So why then would billionaire Bill Gates purchase 1.7 million shares worth around $95 million in parent company Anheuser-Busch? Through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, the fake philanthropist is purchasing numerous shares of alcoholic beverages. He also bought a […]

September 9, 2023 | Britain To Imprison People For Not Complying with Net Zero

  It is time we understand that the climate change agenda and COVID have been adopted for a single reason. The governments can no longer kick the can down the road regarding debt. The current monetary system is unsustainable. As a result, they will default on their national debts, which will wipe out pensions. These […]

September 8, 2023 | Could Pfizer Collapse to $6-7.00 a share?

COMMENT: When will the people stay a boycott of Pfsir as they did with Bud Light? HB   ANSWER: The court in South Africa ordered the government to release the contract with Pfizer that they were preventing the public from having access. Quite honestly, ANY politicians who voted for the vaccines by Pfizer should be voted out […]

September 7, 2023 | African Leaders Aim to Implement Global Carbon Tax

The Africa Climate Summit hosted in Kenya focused on how the world can manipulate the weather through taxation. In no way due to geography or distance to the equator, African leaders honed in on how Africa faces numerous climate-related challenges such as desertification, drought, rising temperatures, and cyclones. “To achieve the necessary emissions reduction targets […]

September 6, 2023 | Trudeau Ignored Warnings that Immigrants Would Worsen Housing Crisis

A leaked memo from June 2022 reveals that Canada’s Justin Trudeau was warned that the mass influx of immigrants would exacerbate the housing crisis. “There is broad agreement among experts that homebuilding has been insufficient in comparison with housing demand in recent years, particularly with the increase in immigration since 2015,” the memo to Trudeau […]

September 5, 2023 | Soros Sets Focus on Defeating Trump

They simply cannot bring Donald Trump down as his supporters are extremely loyal. The globalist elite are in a panic – if the inditement doesn’t work, Trump will come out swinging with a vengeance. Trump has already vowed to prosecute all responsible for this fake witch hunt. Perhaps they underestimated the overwhelming amount of support […]

September 4, 2023 | Mass Graves in Canada Were a Hoax

”Anytime we think about unmarked mass graves, we think about a distant country where a genocide has happened. This is not a distant country,” Dictator Justin Trudeau announced. It was an emotional narrative used to condemn the people of Canada into remembering the ill will of their ancestors. A call for supporting indigenous and minority […]

September 3, 2023 | US Real Estate Market

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You were the only one who forecasted that real estate would continue to rise in conjunction with the rate increases by the Fed. I have been following you only since 2020 and COVID-19. I am impressed with your computer and your analysis, which does not change with every passing headline. Can you elaborate […]

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