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Robert Campbell

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Robert Campbell is a real estate analyst and economist. He's been publishing The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter since 2002. His book (Timing the Real Estate Market) presents a clearly defined method for predicting the peaks and valleys of real estate cycles.

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -                    The pessimist complains about the wind.                  The optimist expects it to change.                   The realist adjusts the sails.

February 21st, 2023 | Bear Market Strategy

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -     If this housing cycle plays out like the cycles of the past 50 years, this bear market is going to be brutal.  Cavaet emptor. Unless you can buy at a significant discount to fair market value, do not buy because of fear of missing out (FOMO). We will use trend and momentum analysis […]

February 2nd, 2023 | Inflation History Lesson

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -    “Once inflation goes above 5%, it has never come back down without the Fed Funds rate exceeding the CPI” ~ Stan Druckenmiller The CPI was 6.5% in December 2022 — while the Fed Funds rate is currently 4.33% Coming in January 2023 To help lower CPI readings, the Bureau of Labor Services is changing […]

December 23rd, 2022 | Liquor, Ladies and Leverage

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -   A smart person knows that leverage comes with forward and reverse gears. Leverage works wonders when home prices are rising – but it can ruin you when prices are falling. I can give you research and signals, but it’s up to you to manage your own risk. Merry Christmas everybody!

December 20th, 2022 | A Tale of Two Housing Bubbles

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter - Home equity increased from $5 trillion to $15 trillion during the previous housing bubble – a 200% increase. During the current housing bubble, home equity increased from $8 trillion to $32 trillion – a 300% increase. What makes a superior real estate investor? Have market timing skills and know when to hold winning positions as […]

December 14th, 2022 | Teach a Man to Fish

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -   The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter provides research and signals but it also teaches you how to make highly profitable buy and sell decisions on your own. Here are important indicators to follow … hint, hint: Existing home sales New home building permits Notice of mortgage defaults Foreclosure sales Mortgage rates Teach a man […]

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter - “It takes five years to learn how to make money … and twenty-five to learn how not to lose it.”  – Nassim Taleb Whether a person realizes it or not, any body who earns more more than he spends is automatically an investor. The objective of investment is basically to store once’s excess purchasing power for future […]

October 31st, 2022 | Say Hello to 7%

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -   30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgages climbed above 7% in October – up from 3.18% 12 months earlier. This is the first time they have been above 7% since 2002. As my followers know, I used technical analysis to correctly forecast this rise in rates in my January 2022 Timing Letter. Furthermore, even though rates have more […]

October 29th, 2022 | The First Rule of Money

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -   Investors over-estimate their tolerance for risk. It’s easy to feel like a genius in a bull market – but it’s only after you lose big money will you understand what it’s like to be on the wrong side of a market. It’s not just the financial loss you take – it’s the emotional toll […]

October 13th, 2022 | San Francisco Exodus

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter - Tens of thousands of people are fleeing San Francisco, due in large part to the city’s problems of increasing crime and homelessness, U.S. Census data and local polling shows. San Francisco County lost 6.7% of its population, or 58,764 residents between April 1, 2020, and July 1, 2021 – according to a March 2022 report […]

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -   As many of my followers know, I use chart patterns and momentum to help make market timing decisions. To illustrate, look at the chart of the US Dollar Index that is featured above. As a result of the Fed raising interest rates to fight inflation, the US Dollar Index has risen 15% in the last […]

September 29th, 2022 | Is a Fed Pivot on the Way?

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -   With inflation at 9.9%, the Bank of England (BoE) had to step in (i.e. “pivot”) yesterday and announce that it would re-start Quantitative Easing in order to lower interest rates and save the British economy from collapse. This was an emergency move by the BoE because leveraged pension funds were getting margin calls on […]

September 21st, 2022 | Look Out Below!

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -                The Fed voted unanimously to raise the Fed Funds rate by 75 basis points today – up to a range of 3.0 to 3.25%. This is the third straight rate hike in a row of this size. With inflation at 8.3% in August, “high inflation is very painful for people at the lower end […]

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter - California wants to ban gas powered cars, yet it can’t keep the lights on and the A/C running during a typical summer heat wave. And they want to add millions of EVs to the grid that can’t even support itself with the current demand. Meanwhile the Texas and Arizona power grid are holding up nicely […]

September 3rd, 2022 | Making a Million – My Way

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter - Buy low, add value, and sell high is my favorite strategy for making money in real estate. My wife Pam and I plan on buying a high-end fixer in San Diego at bottom of the next housing cycle – and then move into it. We will rent out the home we currently live in, and […]

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter - Fed Chairman Jerome Powell gave a hawkish speech today about how the Fed was going to do whatever it takes to get inflation back to 2%. How will this change in Fed monetary policy impact housing prices? If the Fed keeps its word in its commitment to bring inflation down to 2% (it’s 8.5% now), the […]

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -     You:   OMG.  My rent just went up 10%.   Econ PhD at the Fed:   Yes, but when adjusted for 10% inflation, your rent didn’t go up at all.   You:   Are you nuts?  What is wrong with you?   Econ PhD at the Fed:   I went directly into government work after spending 15 years […]

August 21st, 2022 | Wealth Lessons from History

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -    What you see is the normal order of nature – and this distribution has withstood the test of time.    You will get a similar result with 10 baseball players, 10 race horses, or 10 real estate investors.   The median salary of a MLB player was $1.15 million in 2021 – yet Manny […]

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -   Home price volatility is significantly greater in the California housing market when compared to the U.S. housing market. There is more upside potential during the booms – along with more downside risk during the busts.   

August 9th, 2022 | Is This Time Different?

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -      For the fourth time since 1988, the spread between the 10-year and 2-year Treasury yield has moved below 0.0%.    As shown by the shaded areas on the chart, each of these time periods preceded U.S. recessions.                 1989:  Yield Inversion.  Recession                 2000:  Yield Inversion.  Recession                 2006:  Yield […]

August 3rd, 2022 | Inflation Explained

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter - Milton Friedman (1912 – 2006) was an American economist and statistician who received a Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976. In the 1960s, Friedman declared that inflation is ‘always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon’ — a problem of printing too much money. The 29 second video below explains why inflation is  just like alcoholism   […]

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter -  [Exerpt from July 15, 2022 Timing Letter] As reported by NAR, the U.S. Homebuyer Affordability Index for the nation fell from 124.0 in March 2022 to 102.40 in May. That was the lowest reading since July 2006 – which was near the peak of the last housing bubble. In the aftermath of that bubble, the […]

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter - Customers are seeing massive price increases from remodelers, and they are starting to push back.   Instead of hitting the “pause” button – do the work yourself.   I recently built these architectural trusses into my Master Bedroom ceiling.   I did all the work myself – including the design.   Cost of materials:  $350.00 […]

The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter - A wolf’s body is very strong and powerful, making it easier to kill large prey like a deer or elk. But a wolf must also run with great speed and agility in order to catch the faster prey. In humans, upper body strength makes you look strong – but lower body strength makes you invincible. […]
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