Martin Armstrong
Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.
August 12th, 2024 | UK Govt Arresting Citizens over Mean Tweets
Armstrong Economics - British Police: You’ve Made Some “Offensive” Comments on Facebook, and We’re Here to Arrest You After 3 young girls were brutally murdered, speech is the crime that police focus on. This type of sh*t is why Elon Musk believes, “Civil war is inevitable.” pic.twitter.com/WERQw79haJ — The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) August 6, 2024 The UK […]
August 11th, 2024 | Is this Election Going to All Fake Photos?
Armstrong Economics - Is anything real anymore? This photo appears to be Photoshopped, for when you look at the reflection on the underbelly of the plane and on the engine, you do not see the crowd. Normally, Harris and her leftist attendant would pause and waive to people if they were really there. The polls will be rigged […]
August 9th, 2024 | Why Republics Will Fall
Armstrong Economics - Republics are the worst form of government, for every representative can be bribed. Those who are honest get very frustrated, for they will pass rules to prevent anyone from actually even making a motion on the floor. Motions will have to come from Committees. If you do not play nicely, the speaker decides who gets […]
August 8th, 2024 | The Riots in the UK – Coming to the USA Soon
Armstrong Economics - Our computer has been forecasting a major rise in civil unrest on a global scale. We are witnessing this from Nigeria to Europe and even in Britain. It will migrate to the United States, and we should be prepared for NOBODY to accept this election REGARDLESS of who wins. The mainstream press will […]
August 7th, 2024 | Emergency Rate Cuts Never Work
Armstrong Economics - COMMENT: Marty, it is always obvious why you were named Economist of the Decade, Hedge Fund Manager of the Year, and FX Analyst of the Year for the Swiss Peg break. As you said on the private blog; “Let’s see but it appears that we could have a bear trap forming with a plunge […]
August 6th, 2024 | Americans Prepared for Lasting Inflation
Armstrong Economics - Americans are preparing for a prolonged inflationary period, based on new data from the New York Fed. The New York Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Expectations found that Americans are still pessimistic about inflation waning, with no one now believing it is transitory. The median expectation is that inflation will remain at the 3% level […]
August 5th, 2024 | Americans Prepared for Lasting Inflation
Armstrong Economics - Americans are preparing for a prolonged inflationary period, based on new data from the New York Fed. The New York Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Expectations found that Americans are still pessimistic about inflation waning, with no one now believing it is transitory. The median expectation is that inflation will remain at the 3% level in […]
Armstrong Economics - Our computer model warns that we are headed into tremendous civil unrest because those behind the curtain are NOT about to let Trump thwart their agenda of World War III. I warned that they would attempt to assassinate Trump, for it was on the 13-year Assassination Cycle. The last non-Deep State assassination attempt was […]
August 2nd, 2024 | War & Freedom of Speech – Then the Default
Armstrong Economics - I had the privilege of knowing Normal Rockwell back in the 1970s. His most famous war poster, created to raise money for World War II, asserted that if we lost, we would lose our freedom of speech. It is good that Norman is no longer with us. If he were alive today, he […]
August 1st, 2024 | Digital Ruble 2025
Armstrong Economics - Russia has announced that it will implement a digital ruble by next July. Moscow will begin using cryptocurrency for some foreign transactions to bypass sanctions and SWIFT. As of November 2024, Russia will permit crypto mining, so long as it is carried out under the watchful eye of the government. The Bank of Russia […]
July 31st, 2024 | Study: Canadians Experiencing Worst Standard of Living in 40 Years
Armstrong Economics - The Fraser Institute conducted a study that found Canadians are experiencing the worst standard of living in the past 40 years. Conditions are beneath what was experienced during the 89 recession, the Great Recession, and even the early stages of the post-pandemic. What is going on in Canada? Justin Trudeau uprooted Canada’s fiscal landscape and […]
July 30th, 2024 | Yellen Eyes $3 TRILLION ANNUALLY for Climate Change Initiatives
Armstrong Economics - US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen once admitted that the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest spending package in American history, was deliberately designed to combat climate change. “The Inflation Reduction Act is, at its core, about turning the climate crisis into an economic opportunity,” Yellen candidly said this April. The act was never intended to curb […]
July 29th, 2024 | DEI the Hidden “REAL” Global Agenda
Armstrong Economics - COMMENT: It’s akin to a multi-billion marketing campaign I have family in UK, Sydney, and Galway, Ireland All are getting “diversity” pushed. It’s like a weapon now to prevent unity, common heritage against govt I made these for friends. The end game of diversity? There will be OLYMPIC teams in 30 years! RL REPLY: […]
July 28th, 2024 | The Trust in Government is Collapsing – Is Anything Real Anymore?
Armstrong Economics - As we head into the end of this cycle in 2032, this process concerns the collapse of Republican forms of government that is rapidly approaching on a global scale. I believe that this has become far more obvious since the COVID-19 scam. Even in Germany, friends think that something has seriously changed. We are dealing […]
July 26th, 2024 | June Home Sales Drop in Line with ECM
Armstrong Economics - I noted that real estate in the United States would turn into a buyer’s market in May 2024 going into August 2028 in a reversal from the buyer’s market we’ve experienced since 2020. The 2007 high on the Shiller Index was the precise day of the Economic Confidence Model. So far, all the indicators […]
July 25th, 2024 | It’s a Recession Not a Depression
Armstrong Economics - The government insists that the economy is fine, thriving perhaps, and has asked the public to pay no mind to their current financial situation. No one, aside from those living off government assistance, are better off now than they were four years ago. Americans cannot be gas lit into believing the economy is sound […]
July 24th, 2024 | Who Really Controls Your Access to Politicians? The SWAMP!
Armstrong Economics - QUESTION: Marty, I watched Rep. Anna Paulina Luna interrogating the questionable Secret Service Director Cheatle. Paulina accused her of perjury. She says that Garland probably told her to stonewall. Paulina is your representative. Why has she not asked the Inspector General to investigate your case with all the evidence you presented in the Plot to […]
July 23rd, 2024 | US Banks Experiencing Rising Unrecoverable Debt
Armstrong Economics - I’ve long been sounding the alarm on the private debt crisis sweeping the Build Back Better nations. US government debt equaled 122.3% of the nation’s GDP in 2023, a cost that will be passed on to the taxpayers. As of Q1 2024, US household debt stood at $1.77 trillion; $12.44 trillion held in mortgage […]
July 22nd, 2024 | Zelensky Prepared for a Trump Presidency
Armstrong Economics - Donald Trump has guaranteed to end the war in Ukraine if elected president, vowing to do so before his first day in office. The recent outpouring of support for Donald Trump has led world leaders to consider the possibility of a second Trump presidency. Perhaps no one would dread a second Trump term more than […]
July 21st, 2024 | Tax Code Change for Emergency Retirement Withdrawals
Armstrong Economics - Low-income Americans are in such dire straits due to the elevated cost of living that lawmakers are making changes to the tax code. No, naturally, the politicians are not voting to decrease taxes for those who can barely get by. Instead, they’re permitting Americans to pull a mere $1,000 out of their retirement accounts without […]
July 20th, 2024 | One of Reagan’s Best Jokes
July 19th, 2024 | CNN’s Report 3 Guns Fired
Armstrong Economics - We have these reports that the sound implied that there were three separate guns fired, and thus, there had to be a second shooter. I think if there were a second shooter, Trump would be dead. I tend to think they stood down, let it happen, and hoped for the best. The same routine in 911 […]
Armstrong Economics - I can tell you that when Regan was elected, the Republicans were beside themselves. When I asked: What’s the problem? They said: “You don’t understand!” They explained that they would have to “train” him because he was a “governor” and not one of them from the swamp. The Neocons tried their best to prevent […]
July 16th, 2024 | KIM Questions the Assassination Attempt – It Does Not Add Up
July 15th, 2024 | Assassinations & Markets – Divided We Stand
Armstrong Economics - The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is reverberating around the world, to say the least. Domestically, it depends if you are a Democrat or a Republican. Each camp naturally views the event through their personal view of the world, which is basically unchangeable. If aliens landed from another planet and started wiping […]