Martin Armstrong
Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.
October 22nd, 2022 | Montage of Washington Claiming Vaccines Prevent Transmission
October 20th, 2022 | Florida Agriculture Losses from Ian
Armstrong Economics - The damages from the hurricane are still being evaluated, but preliminary estimates state that Ian caused Florida’s agriculture industry to lose up to $1.56 billion. Around five million acres of farmland were destroyed by the hurricane, 60% of which was grazing land for cattle. An additional 500,000 acres were affected but not destroyed. Florida produces […]
October 19th, 2022 | Australia to Pay Funeral Expenses of Those Who DIED From Mandatory Vaccine
Armstrong Economics - Australia imposed some of the harshest lockdown laws in the world. They built quarantine camps and forcibly imprisoned citizens. They mandated the “safe and effective” vaccine – and now, they are offering to cover the funeral expenses of those who have died from the jab. This is not a parody. The Australian Government has implemented […]
October 18th, 2022 | Eagles Fans Heckle Jill Biden — Will Philly Turn Red?
Armstrong Economics - COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong – Did you see this at last night’s game in Philadelphia (practically Biden’s backyard right near Delaware)? With the crowd so direct in a public manner, it’ll be tough to believe that Democrats would win in PA … maybe? REPLY: As someone who grew up in South Jersey, let’s just […]
October 17th, 2022 | The Next Winter of Death
Armstrong Economics - Remember when Biden publicly chastised the unvaccinated population last year? Do the “right thing,” and you will “get through this.” Those selfish enough to choose medical autonomy, the president stated, were “looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.” We have definitive proof […]
October 16th, 2022 | Elon Musk Revoking Ukrainian Aid
Armstrong Economics - Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. SpaceX founder Elon Musk came to Ukraine’s rescue when they lost access to the internet. Musk’s sent Ukraine 20,000 Starlink satellite units at the cost of $80 million. After Elon Musk posted a poll regarding allowing the Ukrainian people to vote on the matter of joining Russia and […]
October 15th, 2022 | The Plot to Seize Russia
Armstrong Economics - The latest book, The Plot to Seize Russia, will be handed out at the WEC. This work has been made possible by the declassification of the documents from the Clinton Administration. This book contains even the transcripts of phone calls between Yeltsin and Bill Clinton thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. This book will […]
October 14th, 2022 | Canadians Beware
Armstrong Economics - QUESTION: Martin If we are going to have a war is my money safe in my Canadian banks, or should I have some cash? Regards ANSWER: Canadians should keep some US dollars in cash. Trudeau canceled high-value notes. As of January 2021, he obtained the power to cancel Canadian currency as they do in Europe. Once […]
October 13th, 2022 | Pfizer Never Tested the Vaccine Against Transmission
Armstrong Economics - Socrates has been predicting a downturn for Pfizer’s stock. Could this newly released admission be one of the culprits? A senior Pfizer executive, Janine Small, testified before the European Parliament’s COVID committee. When Dutch MEP Rob Roos asked about the vaccine’s ability to prevent transmission, Small revealed a well-kept secret. “Did we know about stopping […]
October 12th, 2022 | Noncitizens Encouraged to Vote
Armstrong Economics - This is yet another reason why voter identification is crucial. We show identification at the airport, DMV, and even at the doctor’s office. There is absolutely no reason that we should not prove our citizenship via identification when we vote on policies that impact the direction of our country. Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s […]
October 12th, 2022 | America Quietly Prepares for Nuclear War
Armstrong Economics - I mentioned in a prior post that the US was purchasing anti-radiation medication. The media is urging the public not to fear as this is simply a precaution. Yet, the US would not have shelled out $290 million on a drug if the intelligence agencies did not fear the potential of a nuclear attack. The […]
October 10th, 2022 | The Bank of Canada Should Admit QE FAILED
Armstrong Economics - In 2020, Pierre Poilievre, chief Conservative spokesman on finance issues, said Canada’s central bank “should not be an ATM for Trudeau’s insatiable spending appetites.” Conservatives cooperated with the Liberals when it came to COVID-19 emergency spending. Everyone was in on that power grab. Now the nation is in worse shape, further in debt, and inflation […]
October 9th, 2022 | Russia v USA
Armstrong Economics - Reports are coming in from a protest in Moscow against the United States after the Ukrainian attack upon the Crimea Bridge Saturday. Russians are calling for nuking Washington DC. No matter what country you go to, there is always going to be a pro-government and an anti-government position. The Ukrainian propaganda keeps claiming that some […]
October 7th, 2022 | US National Debt Reaches Historic High
Armstrong Economics - The US national debt has reached a historic high under Biden after surpassing $31 trillion. The national debt has always been chaotic as politicians push spending agendas with no plans to pay their debts. The only time the national debt was paid in full was in January 1835 under President Andrew Jackson. The US fell […]
October 6th, 2022 | The Japan Outlook
Armstrong Economics - QUESTION: Marty, I greatly appreciate all you do to try to prevent this war cycle. You have said many times Socrates beats you. With missiles flying over Japan here, what do you see ahead? AS ANSWER: Nice to hear from you. It does not look very good. A year-end closing below 6805 will warn of a major […]
October 5th, 2022 | Poland Goes Nuclear as NATO Breaks Past Promises
Armstrong Economics - The war in Ukraine escalated as a direct result of NATO’s interference. Russia felt backed into a corner, on the defensive, and felt it had no choice but to invade Ukraine in response to heightened tensions with NATO. Even the pope came out and said that NATO was antagonizing Russia by “barking at the Gates […]
October 4th, 2022 | Trump Sues CNN
Armstrong Economics - Former President Trump has filed a defamation lawsuit against CNN. It is of no surprise that the network repeatedly bashed the president before, during, and after his presidency. Trump’s attorney claims the network “has sought to use its massive influence — purportedly as a ‘trusted’ news source — to defame the Plaintiff in the minds […]
October 3rd, 2022 | Canadians Not Willing to Hand Over Guns
Armstrong Economics - The Trudeau Administration wants to eliminate all freedoms. Provinces are fighting back at Trudeau’s gun confiscation, deemed a “mandatory gun buyback” for assault rifles. As usual, the government put this plan in place without a plan for enforcement. Two years ago, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, in the video above, explained that firearm ownership is already […]
October 2nd, 2022 | The Federal Reserve is Raising Rates – Get Used to It
Armstrong Economics - The title speaks for itself. The Fed is going to continue raising rates until inflation shows notable improvement. Some still question whether the Fed will ease on its hawkish policies, but there is absolutely every indication to believe they will continue at full speed. Core PCE rose 4.9% in August from the year prior and […]
September 30th, 2022 | Hello from Florida & Fake News
Armstrong Economics - Thank you for all the emails of concern. I am fine. My dog is fine. Never lost power and nothing damaged. All of the newscasters go to the worst possible spots they can find and just stay there showing the very same backdrop all the time. The problem with such sensational broadcasting is that the […]
September 29th, 2022 | Who Sabotaged the Nord Stream Pipelines?
Armstrong Economics - I rarely believe in coincidences. Everyone is perplexed as to why there are sudden leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea connecting Russia to Germany. The first explosion was recorded on Monday near the Danish island of Bornholm. The second blast happened later that evening and was so powerful that scientists equate […]
September 28th, 2022 | Canada to End Vaccine Mandates
Armstrong Economics - Canada is finally ending the absurd COVID vaccine mandates. No, Trudeau did not come to his senses. The truth of the matter is that the majority of people dying from COVID are the triple and quadruple vaccinated. In fact, they account for 90% of COVID-related deaths in the past three months. There is true mass […]
September 27th, 2022 | Newsom Begs Illegals and Out-of-State Citizens for Votes
Armstrong Economics - The left is so afraid of a red wave this November that they will do anything to allow illegals to vote. California’s Gavin Newsom, who admitted his party is “getting crushed,” signed into law an act that will permit illegal immigrants to obtain an official government-issued ID. “We’re a state of refuge – a majority-minority […]
September 26th, 2022 | US Housing Due for a Correction?
Armstrong Economics - Fed Chair Jerome Powell stated that the US housing market would “probably” go through a “correction” period. It is of no surprise as home prices were steadily rising from 2020 until recently after mortgage rates rose and many were simply priced out of the market. The supply chain shortages continue to present a problem for builders. Investors […]
September 25th, 2022 | Do You Feel Safe in America?
Armstrong Economics - Crime has been rampant across America over the last two years. The economic downturn hurt low-income communities the most, and some are turning to crime for quick money. The borders are open, and anyone can enter America from the south. Laws have been repealed to permit an assortment of crimes, sweetheart deals for violent offenders […]