Martin Armstrong
Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.
December 19th, 2022 | Criminally Prosecuting Trump?
Armstrong Economics - There was NEVER a question that the Democrats began their January 6th investigation with the intent to charge Trump criminally with an insurrection all to prevent him from running for office again in 2024. They have “recommended” that former President Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attacks. This was […]
December 18th, 2022 | Why the US will Collapse under Civil Unrest
Armstrong Economics - I have been asked about our computer forecast regarding civil unrest that would turn upward from 2014, become critical in 2023, and escalate into 2032. There is the economic breakdown that is being deliberately created by those in the Biden Administration under the misguided vision of Climate Change and how they must end fossil […]
December 15th, 2022 | Biden to Destroy the Fishing Industry Next
Armstrong Economics - The Biden Administration is now targeting fishing. They have argued all along that boats expel more CO2 than cars, Cows, or Airplanes. So it is no surprise to now target boating imposing a 10-knot speed limit. This will end the deep sea fishing period – both for sport and food supply. This is up and […]
December 14th, 2022 | Twitter Exposing the Real Threat – Leftist Revolution
Armstrong Economics - The revelations coming from Elon Musk gaining access to Twitter demonstrate that the LEFT is the greatest danger we face to civilization and there is absolutely no reason still stand for the United States to remain as one nation. The hatred of the LEFT is so pervasive it is off the charts – but then […]
December 13th, 2022 | The Central Bank Dilemma
Armstrong Economics - The Central Bank Dilemma has become a major crisis in and of itself. I have been warning these past years that the ONLY tool a central bank has is manipulating the interest rates. Quantitative Easing was primarily to influence long-term rates indirectly since the Fed can only set short-term rates. During the past nine […]
December 12th, 2022 | The Hypocrisy Behind the Vaccines
Armstrong Economics - COMMENT: Am I just outright stupid, or is something seriously wrong with the majority of people? Bill Gates had his summit on overpopulation and how this is a serious crisis. Yet then he claims he can reduce disease and save the population with vaccines. Gates especially seems to want to save humanity which he on the […]
December 11th, 2022 | China & the Cycles
Armstrong Economics - The Tiananmen Square protests culminated on June 4th, 1989 (1989.424). While the COVID Protests have been rising in China and the lockdowns have been deployed more so for the control of civil unrest which may start to come to a head by October 2023, the Pi Target was October 27th, 2020 and the day before, […]
December 9th, 2022 | Elon Musk is Exposing the Sheer Hatred of the LEFT
Armstrong Economics - Many people are starting to say that Elon Musk should run for president. Musk was born and grew up in Pretoria, South Africa. He has now become the richest man in the world worth around $171 billion. He cannot run for president since he was not born in the USA. He is exposing the corruption […]
December 8th, 2022 | Real Estate Down & Dirty
Armstrong Economics - QUESTION: I want to thank you for Socrates. It picked the turn in the real estate in January amazingly. Do you see the high-end and regional divergences continuing? WH ANSWER: Yes. The Directional Change for 2021 was spot on. Our index began declining in January 2022 anticipating the first rate hike on March 17, […]
December 7th, 2022 | Yellen Direct IRS to Audit Everyone for $600 Transactions Anyway
Armstrong Economics - I really do have to wonder if my dog is smarter than most Americans who seem to have just lost their minds. My dog makes connections, anticipates what I will do, and studies my habits to predict and respond. I never knew a dog was really smart. She has learned numerous words and I have […]
December 6th, 2022 | The COVID Scam Continues
Armstrong Economics - Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that vaccinated and boosted people made up most of the COVID-19 deaths in August. EVERY person I personally know who has had problems from blood clots to being rushed to the hospital was vaccinated. I went to get my hair cut, yes what’s […]
December 5th, 2022 | $80 Trillion Derivatives Market
Armstrong Economics - The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has warned in its latest quarterly report that there are $80 trillion dollar in off-balance sheet dollar debt in the form of FX swaps. This has involved pension funds and other ‘non-bank’ financial firms. What they do not explain is that each “debt” has a counter party that has […]
December 4th, 2022 | How Mainstream Media is Destroying the United States
Armstrong Economics - It is becoming clear day by day why the mainstream media has been so against Elon Musk buying Twitter for as they say in law enforcement, there is a “Blue Code” where cops do not rat on cops and the same is true about judges. Mainstream media is so LEFT it has forgotten how to […]
December 3rd, 2022 | HHS & Children Sex Trafficking?
December 1st, 2022 | Secrets of the Universe
Armstrong Economics - COMMENT: Martin – Thank you for your efforts to write your discoveries down into publications so that they will be available for the benefit of civilization after you have passed on. I am very much looking forward the “The Geometry of Time”. Like many groundbreaking thinkers of the past, you may end up being someone […]
November 30th, 2022 | China & the Future
Armstrong Economics - COMMENT: Hello Marty !! It looks like the ” China as a parking lot for cash has already begun. FXI going to the moon of late in spite of Xi & Co. cutting off their own economic foot to hide behind their troubles and blame it on the darn protestors to the folly, by golly. […]
November 29th, 2022 | Dutch Farming Crisis
Armstrong Economics - This is one of those unbelievable stories of who Climate Change is being taken to such an extreme, we will unleash a serious wave of deaths from both starvation and coming freezing temperatures without fuel. The Dutch government actually is planning to buy out and close as many as 3,000 farms in the country, which […]
November 28th, 2022 | Trudeau Justifies Invoking Martial Law
Armstrong Economics - Trudeau changed the world’s entire perception of Canada after his mishandling of the Freedom Convoy protest. Hard-working Canadian men and women demanded medical freedom and protested the vaccine mandates. The Canadian media was not permitted to question the COVID agenda, and dissenting voices were muffled. The Canadian trucker’s convoy (aka the Freedom Convoy) sparked the […]
November 27th, 2022 | Why I Look at the Dow First
Armstrong Economics - COMMENT: Why do you focus on the Dow over the S&P 500 and others? ANSWER: New analysts claim that the S&P 500 provides a better picture of the markets compared to the Dow. Although the S&P 500 obviously has a larger catalog, the Dow is a direct reflection of international capital flows. Look toward the […]
November 25th, 2022 | G20 To Impose COVID Vaccine to Restrictions on International Travel
Armstrong Economics - The world masters dictating to us, the scum of the earth, have adopted under the pretense of the COVID vaccine the means to shut down migration and travel internationally. This will naturally further restrict global economic growth, and everywhere we turn, these people claiming to be world leaders are leading us into a cliff on […]
November 24th, 2022 | Climate Reparations
Armstrong Economics - The United Nations proposed a new method to funnel money out of developed nations during the COP27 meeting – climate reparations. The United Nations is still negotiating who will pay what, but rest assured, the US will likely pay the most. President Biden fully supports the idea in addition to the $1 billion he was […]
November 23rd, 2022 | Died Suddenly
Armstrong Economics - The question is why are those in government acting so recklessly? They need money that bad?
November 22nd, 2022 | FTX Deep Fake- The Funds are Gone
Armstrong Economics - Disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is hiding out in the Bahamas, where he is allegedly attempting to recover “lost” funds. “I hate what happened and deeply wish that I had been more careful,” Bankman-Fried passively told reporters at CNBC after causing his own customers to lose billions in crypto. No one is going to […]
November 21st, 2022 | There is Nobody Coming on a White Horse to Save the Day
Armstrong Economics - QUESTION: Marty, this was my first WEC. I had already met so many people and made friendships that the trip alone was worth it. I also found it interesting that you said nobody is coming in on a white horse from the Republican Party to save us. That struck me for you are really middle-of-the-road […]