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John Rubino

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John Rubino is a former Wall Street financial analyst and author or co-author of five books, including The Money Bubble: What to Do Before It Pops and Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom. He founded the popular financial website in 2004, sold it in 2022, and now publishes John Rubino’s Substack newsletter.

John Rubino Substack - A decade ago, the world seemed like a complex place. But in retrospect, it was pretty simple: The fiat currency experiment had produced a hyper-leveraged financial system that would soon fail spectacularly. Existing currencies would be replaced via a monetary reset, probably involving some kind of gold standard. This would be a messy but survivable […]

John Rubino Substack - The election is over, and the result is pretty close to a best-case scenario. The victory margin is big enough to head off the expected civil unrest, giving us a more-or-less peaceful transfer of power. And if Trump and his team keep their promises, they’ll quickly address the existential threats of global war and mass […]

John Rubino Substack - There are a million diets out there, most of which are simply common sense combined with one marketable hook (grapefruit, red meat, etc). But one — the Ketogenic diet — just got some intriguing scientific backing. From today’s Epoch Times: Researchers Discover New Mechanism Linking Diet and Cancer Risk   Epoch Times, November 3, 2024 MGO, a glucose […]

John Rubino Substack - Higher For Longer (than expected)   When the Fed started cutting interest rates in September, the assumption was that rates would fall and the Fed would maintain the downward trajectory well into 2025. But interest rates didn’t cooperate. Across the yield curve, days like this one (November 2) have become the norm. A rising 10-year […]

John Rubino Substack - Yes, your new car tracks your location and records your conversations. Your smart speaker listens to and records your conversations. Your TV watches you while you watch it. Virtually every new device we install in our increasingly high-tech homes collects data and (at least potentially) sends it to criminals, corporations, and/or governments to use however they like. […]

John Rubino Substack - It’s official: Deepfakes have made it impossible to trust anything we see online: This is epic! — Dr. Clown, PhD (@DrClownPhD) October 24, 2024 Meanwhile, there’s an election where both sides expect to be robbed: Dad Decides It’s Time To Have ‘The Talk’ With Son About Rigged Elections (Babylon Bee) – Local dad Dave […]

John Rubino Substack - The late, great Ted Butler spent the final decades of his life railing against the way the silver market was manipulated on the Comex and other exchanges while capitive regulators looked the other way. In very simple terms, he accused big banks, hedge funds, and commercial silver buyers of using futures contracts to suppress the […]

John Rubino Substack - Incrementum is out with its latest In Gold We Trust chartbook, and to call it compelling for gold and silver would be to wildly understate the case. Here are a few of the highlights:

John Rubino Substack - Paul Tudor Jones, a well-known billionaire hedge fund manager, recently went on CNBC to warn about the impact of America’s soaring government debt. As reported by Kitco: The Tudor Investment founder and CIO expressed concerns that if the U.S. continues to spend beyond its means, a major sell-off in the bond market could ensue, leading to a […]

John Rubino Substack - This first thing isn’t supposed to happen: When the Federal Reserve cuts short-term interest rates, long-term rates generally fall in tandem. But since the Fed’s “shock and awe” 50-basis point cut in September, bond yields have spiked: Bond traders appear to doubt the Fed’s ability to lower rates and hold inflation in check. That’s bad in the […]

John Rubino Substack - The standard silver pitch is that when gold goes up, stackers note the immense number of silver coins they can get for the price of a single gold Krugerand or Maple Leaf. Then they proceed to pile into the cheaper metal, sending its price up by multiples of gold’s subsequent percentage gains. But this time […]

October 14th, 2024 | Is Frugality a “Skill”?

John Rubino Substack - Obviously, one of the best ways to prepare for hard times is to avoid unnecessary spending in good times. So being able to do that across an entire lifestyle might be considered a core prepping skill. Charles Hugh Smith just posted an essay on this concept. Here’s an excerpt: A Core Skill Going Forward: Frugality I ended […]

October 12th, 2024 | Is Frugality a “Skill”?

John Rubino Substack - Obviously, one of the best ways to prepare for hard times is to avoid unnecessary spending in good times. So being able to do that across an entire lifestyle might be considered a core prepping skill. Charles Hugh Smith just posted an essay on this concept. Here’s an excerpt: A Core Skill Going Forward: Frugality I ended […]

John Rubino Substack - A rising gold price boosted second-quarter (June-August) earnings for the best-run gold miners. See: Q2 Gold Miner Earnings Might Liven Up the Summer Doldrums Portfolio Update — Q2 Earnings Edition And earnings for Q3 — which ended on September 30 and will be reported shortly — should be even better, thanks to continued gains for […]

October 6th, 2024 | The Crisis of Free Speech

Thoughts from the Front Line - “Freedom of speech” is a beautiful phrase, strong, optimistic. It has a ring to it. But it’s being replaced in the discourse by “disinformation” and “misinformation,” words that aren’t beautiful but full of the small, pettifogging, bureaucratic anxiety of a familiar American villain: the busybody, the prohibitionist, the Nosey Parker, the snoop. “…The end game […]

John Rubino Substack - So they send the Tennessee National Guard to the Middle East and FEMA (it is widely claimed) spends its rainy day fund on illegal immigrants. And then, because that’s how the universe works, a massive hurricane hits the South and FEMA runs out of money: Now the victims seem to be on their own — further eroding trust in the […]

John Rubino Substack - Law professor Jonathan Turley just posted an article that contains a fascinating stat: “From 2010 to 2021, [university] enrollments fell from roughly 18.1 million students to about 15.4 million.” The decline is apparently continuing, and Turley blames diminishing trust in the quality of the education now offered by American schools. Here’s an excerpt from Turley’s post: What Happens […]

John Rubino Substack - Daniel Lacalle, economics professor, Mises Institute analyst, and publisher of the QTR’s Fringe Finance Substack, just posted a chilling summary of where we’re headed. Here’s an excerpt: An Unprecedented Monetary Destruction Is Coming “There is no escape from debt.” Global money supply has soared by $20.6 trillion since 2019, according to Bloomberg. Additionally, global debt surged by over $15 […]

John Rubino Substack - Most asset classes have their own unique, repeating cycles. For housing, it usually looks like this: Demand for homes rises faster than sales, causing prices to increase. Seeing this, would-be sellers hold off to see how much more they can get a year or two hence. Would-be buyers note the rising prices and shrinking supply […]

John Rubino Substack - This series is monthly, which means the next one was scheduled to drop on October 1. But the first 19 days of September have produced so much absurdity that we have to go a little early this time around to avoid being swamped. Let’s start with a tip o’ the hat to those alarmists who […]

John Rubino Substack - Not so long ago, the coming financial crisis looked more or less manageable. Currencies would plunge, inflation would spike, the monetary system would be reset, and something resembling normal life would return (though of course with gold bugs as the new financial elites). Then the past few years happened, and now what’s coming looks a […]

John Rubino Substack - Normally, when gold and silver are rising, it’s a good idea to buy the related mining stocks on the assumption that they’ll go up even more than the metals. That’s why mining stocks are frequently referred to as “leveraged plays on the price of the underlying commodity.” But for most of the current gold bull […]

John Rubino Substack - Matt Taibbi, superstar reporter who recently turned on his MSM former bosses, just published a cogent explanation for why it’s now trendy to favor the arrest of free-speech social media execs like Elon Musk and Telegram’s Pavel Durov. If you’d prefer to listen rather than read, scroll down to the audio version. Liberalism Removes its Mask Upper-class America […]

John Rubino Substack - Originally published on August 9, 2023, this post featured some extreme predictions from forecaster Martin Armstrong — many of which seem to be coming true. So, as we blunder into WW III while running one of the most bizarre and least trustworthy elections in American history, revisiting some of Armstrong’s thoughts seems appropriate. People We […]

John Rubino Substack - Winter is coming, which means many things depending on where you are and whether or not you like to ski. But one certainty is that millions of people in northern latitudes will get way less sunshine for five or so months. And that’s apparently bad for everything from aging to eyesight to arthritis. One solution […]
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