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Danielle Park

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Portfolio Manager and President of Venable Park Investment Counsel ( Ms Park is a financial analyst, attorney, finance author and regular guest on North American media. She is also the author of the best-selling myth-busting book "Juggling Dynamite: An insider's wisdom on money management, markets and wealth that lasts," and a popular daily financial blog: Radio - People still putting their money in the wrong places.  Link to Charts.

Juggling Dynamite - The May 2023 Dallas Fed bank credit survey results were just released, and the data is recessionary. It’s not just consumer credit that’s in decline. Commercial and industrial loans have contracted at a 14% annualized pace since mid-March and loans to commercial real estate at a -4% annualized rate. See Banking outlook continues to deteriorate amid further […]

Juggling Dynamite - The segment below offers a good big-picture overview of the interplay between incomes, consumer spending, economic growth and home prices. Canadian data looks worse than the US, but, so far, Canadian banks have allowed negative amortization to compound principal higher where payments are insufficient to cover principal and interest payments.  Many variable-rate borrowers have had […]

Juggling Dynamite - Baby boomers and two decades of rock-bottom interest rates drove a structural boost to housing demand as older buyers/investors sought bigger homes as well as recreational and rental properties. As interest rates have risen and boomers die off, the question is who will buy from them and at what price? The pandemic and a shortage […]

Juggling Dynamite - Pandemic-era debt deferrals, government handouts and easy credit all worked to kick insolvency problems down the road. Now many are out of extend and pretend options. Doug Hoyes, co-founder of Hoyes, Michalos & Associates, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss the record number of consumer proposals in Canada. He says that the upward trend in insolvency […]

Juggling Dynamite - A paper from the Swiss Finance Institute‘s working paper series tracked data from more than 29,000 finfluencers on financial social media site StockTwits and came to some predictable conclusions. Those with the least skill tend to be the most followed. The democratization of finance? Not so much; see, Investors flock to loudest, least skilled voices on social […]

Juggling Dynamite - Eyes on the recessionary bear prize. Valuable investment opportunities are in the making. Peter Boockvar, Bleakley Financial Group CIO, joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the results from the Fed’s quarterly Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey, and why a recession is likely unavoidable. Here is a direct video link. The chart below shows the Senior Loan Officers Survey […]

Juggling Dynamite - Three-quarters of NASDAQ companies have reported Q1 2023 earnings thus far, and the aggregate year-over-year EPS decline is 10.2%. After rebounding 17% year to date, the NASDAQ remains -23.4% from its peak in November 2021, and the average individual brokerage portfolio is down 27% over the same 17 months. Canada’s S&P/TSX Composite is expected to […]

Juggling Dynamite - Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO and chief strategist at QI Research, returns to Forward Guidance to share her thoughts on May 3rd’s Federal Reserve’s meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) as well as the ongoing issues at several regional U.S. banks. Here is a direct video link. Radio - Are Canadian and European Central banks making rational decisions?

Juggling Dynamite - Will spreading strife in banks prompt the US Fed to pause its tightening efforts this month? We will soon find out. Some worthwhile insights in this segment… We’ve had the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th largest bank failures in American history in the last two months, notes Jim Bianco. He discusses what collapse of First Republic […]

Juggling Dynamite - An April 2023 NBER paper warns that the Fed’s rapid tightening actions since 2022 were a monetary shock that has negative economic impacts for this year and next. Mind the lags. See Does Monetary Policy Matter? The Narrative Approach after 35 years; the conclusion: “Based on the empirical estimates of the effect of previous shocks, one would expect substantial negative impacts […]

Juggling Dynamite - A decade of near-zero policy rates allowed banks to boost profits by paying next to nothing on customer deposits from 2011-2021. Then, everything changed. Below is a list of the largest seven US bank failures by asset size courtesy of  Suddenly and all at once, three of the four largest have happened over the last […]

Juggling Dynamite - Hoisington Investment Management’s First Quarter 2023 Review and Outlook is now available; see Financial Cycles lead Business Cycles. The bottom line is that (lagging) inflation is receding with economic activity. Rising unemployment and higher government bond prices (falling yields) are par for this course as riskier assets keep losing lift. “…with low or declining economic activity, […]

April 22nd, 2023 | Back to ZIRP?

Juggling Dynamite - Good big picture discussion in this segment. When today’s guest was last on this program in early February, he warned that markets were “in La La Land” — meaning they were too optimistic at a time the macro data was warning of an approaching recession. Well, here we are, a quarter later and — after […]

Juggling Dynamite - About 200 companies in the TSX Composite index are expected to report Q1 earnings over the next month. Although it’s typical for companies to “beat” lowered earning estimates, the earnings trend is recessionary, with a second sequential quarter of negative growth in 10 of 11 sectors. See Factset, Canada Earnings Season Preview Q1 2023: Analysts lowered […]

Juggling Dynamite - Mark Z. Jacobson’s latest book No Miracles Needed. How today’s technology can save our planet and clean our air lays out the facts on why and how we transition to more efficient, cheaper, cleaner energy. He offers an excellent overview in the presentation below and answers common questions and concerns at the end. Well worth listening! Understand the […]

Juggling Dynamite - Believe it or not, the violent monetary tightening of the last 13 months has only started to be felt throughout the economy. Job losses are just beginning to drive the lagging unemployment rate up from cycle lows. As risk markets rebounded of late (again) in the prospect of coming rate cuts, the credit crunch lies […]

Juggling Dynamite - The sharpest monetary contraction in decades (US M2 below since 1960) has hit highly leveraged people and sectors like a meteorite from outer space. After twelve years of TINA reaching for yield and levered gambling, a new financial mantra is sweeping the land: survival. Real estate investors are increasingly responding to the math of higher […]

Juggling Dynamite - David Rosenberg, founder and president of Rosenberg Research, joins BNN Bloomberg for his reaction to Canada’s latest rate hike decision. Rosenberg adds investors should be focusing on what the BoC will say 6 months from now as the jobs market will be completely different. Here is a direct video link.   Recessions are a regularly recurring […]

Juggling Dynamite - We welcome back a very special guest, and that is billionaire and legendary investor Mr. Jeremy Grantham. I have been continuously amazed at how accurately Jeremy has been predicting future events over the last couple of years that we’ve been chatting. Still, it should be no surprise because he’s one of the few who have […]

Juggling Dynamite - As mortgage rates have more than doubled year-over-year, defaults are spreading through the commercial property space, from offices to shopping centers and rental apartments. A record $151.8 billion backed by US rental apartment buildings is up for renewal this year, and $940.1 billion over the next five years (Trepp data). The good news for tenants […]

Juggling Dynamite - A negative US 10-year minus 3-month yield spread has signalled every incoming recession of the last 60 years (grey bars below courtesy of Charlie Bilello). The current reading, at -1.67%, is the most negative ever recorded. Still, bullish hopes spring eternal. While most economically-sensitive sectors have floundered for two years: small cap stocks (-27% from […]

Juggling Dynamite - Taleb is a character, to be sure, and he offers many cogent insights in this segment. I especially resonate with the idea that, unlike sales skills, expertise comes from first-hand risk work: seeing what goes wrong and cleaning up mistakes and messes; then designing systems and approaches to minimize the impact of bad outcomes. The […]

Juggling Dynamite - Some seniors across Ontario are at risk of losing their homes in an elaborate scam that involves door-to-door equipment rental contracts, low-quality renovations and unaffordable high-interest mortgages. Marketplace speaks to people who feel they’ve been scammed, some on the brink of losing their homes and someone who already has. Here is a direct video link.
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