Danielle Park
Portfolio Manager and President of Venable Park Investment Counsel (www.venablepark.com) Ms Park is a financial analyst, attorney, finance author and regular guest on North American media. She is also the author of the best-selling myth-busting book "Juggling Dynamite: An insider's wisdom on money management, markets and wealth that lasts," and a popular daily financial blog: www.jugglingdynamite.com
August 21st, 2023 | Historic Opportunity Now in the Making
Juggling Dynamite - As the riskiest asset prices rebounded into July, most strategists and investment advisers proclaimed the all-clear (as usual), and bullish sentiment roared back near levels seen at the cycle top in early 2021 (shown below courtesy of The Daily Shot). This is typical behaviour: market sentiment moves in lockstep with price. As stocks have […]
August 20th, 2023 | Grantham: Recession “Running Perhaps Deep into Next Year”
Juggling Dynamite - This is a teaser preview of the full interview that has not yet been released. Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of the Boston-based investment firm Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo (GMO), predicts a US recession “running perhaps deep into next year.” Grantham says we have entered a period of “moderately higher inflation.” Grantham speaks in an interview taped […]
August 19th, 2023 | China’s Great Slowdown
Juggling Dynamite - A glut of Chinese homes and goods, with falling domestic consumption, suggests less demand for global commodities and a deflationary impulse through the rest of the world. China’s momentum is fading after decades of supercharged growth. A much anticipated post-pandemic recovery appears to have flopped, with data flashing warning signs across the economy. The government’s […]
August 18th, 2023 | Harsh Credit Cycle Has Broad Impacts
Juggling Dynamite - Historical context is critical in assessing where we are in this credit, business and employment cycle. Facts demand sobriety, and the discussion below is lucid. This overall strength in U.S. equities is painting a misleading picture as to where the global economy is heading, especially with the Chinese market indicating signs of a slowdown, David […]
August 17th, 2023 | Improving and Extending Healthful Years
Juggling Dynamite - I am just reading Attia’s latest book, Outlive, and I appreciate the proactive focus on extending health quality rather than just the number of years lived. The good news is that it’s possible to improve our health and fitness as we age. If you’ve been wanting to invest in your health, you probably have so many questions […]
August 16th, 2023 | Seeing Truth Through Financial Market Noise
Juggling Dynamite - Chief Strategist of QI Research Danielle DiMartino Booth points out that downward revisions in economic data are revealing the truth about the economy far too late and when few are paying attention. As many hail a new bull market, Danielle sees a number of alarming indicators that are outside the focus of the mainstream media […]
August 15th, 2023 | Tumbling Property Prices Bring Opportunity
Juggling Dynamite - In the second quarter of 2023, distressed commercial real estate volume grew by $8 billion–the largest quarterly increase since the second quarter of 2020. The WSJ reports that Wall Street firms are raising new funds to acquire office buildings, apartments and other troubled commercial real estate at a fraction of the price investors paid a few […]
August 13th, 2023 | Danielle on CBC Weekend Business Panel
Juggling Dynamite - Danielle was a guest with Linda Ward on the CBC Weekend Business Panel. You can view a video of the segment here.
August 12th, 2023 | ECRI: Recession Still Imminent
Juggling Dynamite - Independent measurements and insights (i.e., not coming from investment sales firms) are very rare and valuable. You have to know where to look and also want to see. ECRI’s Lakshman Achuthan updates on the business and market cycle in the segment below, starting at 3:50 on the play bar. MacroVoices welcome ECRI @businesscycle co-founder Lakshman […]
August 11th, 2023 | Oxford Economics: Canada’s Real Estate Downturn “Far From Over”
Juggling Dynamite - After past housing bubble peaks in Canada and elsewhere, home prices contracted 25%+ nationally and stayed relatively flat in the following decade or so. That allowed incomes to advance on shelter costs and restore affordability over time. A similar pattern is the base case this time, as well. Much needed. Tony Stillo, director of economics […]
August 10th, 2023 | Record Debt Payments and Rising Unemployment
Juggling Dynamite - US household debt has surpassed a fresh record of $17.1 trillion. $12 trillion is in mortgages (more than twice the 2006 bubble top), $1.6 trillion in auto loans, and over $1 trillion in credit card debt, all with the highest interest rates in 22 years and rising unemployment. Courtesy of Bloomberg, the chart below shows the […]
August 9th, 2023 | No Time For Delusions
Juggling Dynamite - Bullish sentiment roared back in the first half of 2023 on the blind belief that low unemployment numbers mean that this time is different and the sharpest monetary tightening in 40 years is not triggering a recession. In reality, changes in unemployment lag behind changes in monetary policy by 12 to 24 months, and mainstream […]
August 8th, 2023 | “Normalized” Rates and Record Debt Mean Tough Times
Juggling Dynamite - Canadian banks are offering mortgage rates above 6% for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6-year terms on new purchases (below via Ratehub). Home equity lines of credit are above 7%. These are historically average mortgage rates. The trouble is that after 13 years of unnaturally low rates (2009-2022), people are carrying debt loads far above the long-term […]
August 4th, 2023 | Homeownership Becoming a Nightmare for Many
Juggling Dynamite - Each week I hear from people who bought Canadian homes over the past few years–whether as primary residences, secondary homes or rentals–and now they realize that they will need to sell. Most are facing capital losses in doing so, but the cost of continued ownership is simply unsustainable. Some recognize that location changes they made […]
August 2nd, 2023 | Dan Ariely: Don’t Make These Money Mistakes
Juggling Dynamite - When it comes to money, because it’s so quantifiable, you’d expect people to make very rational decisions. But they don’t. Because we’re humans, we’re more driven by our evolutionary wiring and our emotions. We make “predictably irrational” decisions, as today’s guest expert would say. Dan Ariely is the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and […]
August 1st, 2023 | Rising Stock Markets Overlook Broad Economic Deterioration
Juggling Dynamite - The year-over-year leap in the Fed Funds Rate (inverted on the lower right in orange) is leading ISM new orders down (green line on the lower right). ISM new orders (lower left, in orange, since 2002) lead corporate revenues (green). The chart below, courtesy of Francois Trahan, suggests the trends in motion. Jubilant corporate bond and […]
July 31st, 2023 | Lacy Hunt: Incoming Credit Crunch and Recession
Juggling Dynamite - This discussion offers an important overview of current financial conditions and what they suggest from here. Dr. Lacy Hunt says a credit crunch is now at hand that will start freezing up the gears of the US economy. Here is a direct video link. Hoisington’s Q2 2023 Quarterly Review and Outlook is available at this link.
July 26th, 2023 | Conditions Least Favorable for Equities Since 2007
Juggling Dynamite - For those who pay attention to risk/reward dynamics, the prospective compensation for equity risk over Treasury bonds is today the lowest since the market peak in 2007-08 (S&P 500 forward earnings yield minus the ten-year Treasury yield). David Rosenberg, founder and president of Rosenberg Research, talks about the lasting effects of Covid-19 stimulus checks on […]
July 26th, 2023 | The Bank of Canada Goal is to Crash the Economy
HoweStreet.com Radio - Time for Canada to Ease Up on Mass Immigration
July 25th, 2023 | Canadian Equity Market: High Capital Risk Amid Falling Earnings
Juggling Dynamite - Canada’s TSX index has rebounded 6%, year-to-date, while its corporate earnings have contracted. As of today, the S&P/TSX Composite is expected to report a Q2 (year-over-year) earnings decline of -20.4%, compared to the estimated (year-over-year) earnings decline of -17.4% on June 30 and the estimated (year-over-year) earnings decline of -12.5% on March 31. See Canada Earnings […]
July 24th, 2023 | Moody’s: Financial Conditions Pose Growing Threat To Non-Banks
Juggling Dynamite - A new report from Moody’s highlights the clear and present risks posed by “less regulated and transparent parts of the global financial system.” In particular, financial institutions carrying “more leverage, less liquidity and weak risk management will find it harder to navigate the cycle.” But wasn’t this time supposed to be different? See Shadow Banking Stress Lurks, Moody’s warns: Tighter […]
July 21st, 2023 | Fat Pitches and Market Cycles
Juggling Dynamite - Near-zero interest rates and trillions of asset buying by central banks (QE) enabled twelve years of increasingly deranged financial behaviour between 2011 and 2023. In the process, gambling became an international preoccupation, and investable assets were traded to uneconomically high valuations. A global standout, at the market peak in 2022, the S&P 500 index (shown […]
July 20th, 2023 | The Elevator Pitch for Capital Preservation
Juggling Dynamite - The challenge is to explain complex systems in simple enough terms that people can comprehend. I attempt to do this every day in finance. But people can be hard to help. We have to want to learn and remember why capital preservation is our dominant goal. Financial enlightenment is made harder because most “experts” in […]
July 19th, 2023 | Those Who Overlook History
Juggling Dynamite - Like today, soft-landing hopes were all the rage in the summer of 2007 too. The US Fed tightened its overnight rate from 1% in May 2004 to 5.25% by June 2006 and then paused there for 15 months. As the economy slowed and credit stress mounted, the Fed administered a first cut (50bps) in September 2007, and […]
July 18th, 2023 | Real Estate Speculators Start to Blink
Juggling Dynamite - Nick Gerli, Reventure Consulting Founder and CEO, joins ‘Last Call’ to explain his recent viral tweet claiming AirBnB is seeing declining revenue in several major markets. Here is a direct video link. Also, see Nick’s update on developments in the commercial property sector. Commercial real estate values have already dropped 11% in the last year, with […]