Danielle Park
Portfolio Manager and President of Venable Park Investment Counsel (www.venablepark.com) Ms Park is a financial analyst, attorney, finance author and regular guest on North American media. She is also the author of the best-selling myth-busting book "Juggling Dynamite: An insider's wisdom on money management, markets and wealth that lasts," and a popular daily financial blog: www.jugglingdynamite.com
March 7th, 2024 | Don’t Hold Your Breath for Rate Cuts
HoweStreet.com Radio - Are Government’s addicted to receiving “laundered” money?
March 6th, 2024 | Sam Cooper Updates on Money Laundering in Canada
Juggling Dynamite - Sam Cooper is an investigative journalist and publisher of The Bureau. We discuss a massive CCP mortgage fraud network he uncovered in Toronto, how it relates to what’s internationally known as the Vancouver Model, and how deeply interwoven Chinese money laundering is in Canada’s economy. Here is a direct audio link.
March 5th, 2024 | What China’s Slowdown Means for the World Economy
Juggling Dynamite - For decades, China’s economic growth was tremendous. But now the nation is seeing a significant slowdown. Its housing sector is in its third year of decline, the stock market is touching new lows and youth unemployment remains high. These issues may be a major headache not only for the Chinese people and President Xi Jinping, […]
Juggling Dynamite - Current estimates are that we have six years to solve 80% and eleven years to solve 100% of the air pollution, climate & energy security problems caused by fossil fuels and bioenergy. We cannot afford to waste time and money on useless technologies that will not help us advance the cause of sustainable human life on […]
March 3rd, 2024 | Equity Outflows as Layoffs Rise and Baby Boomers Draw Down Savings
Juggling Dynamite - Looking beneath the glossy marketing of investment products and their promoters is essential to managing our savings prudently. In the discussion below, Mike Green explains the nuts and bolts of the current long-always system and how it threatens financial strength and stability. Individuals cannot afford to be oblivious. Michael Green, Portfolio Manager and Chief Strategist […]
March 2nd, 2024 | Markets Not Priced For Downturn in Real Estate
Juggling Dynamite - Historically, downcycles in real estate have led to the harshest economic downturns. This cycle is global and highly interconnected. Charlie Bobrinskoy, Ariel Investments vice chair and head of the investment group, joins ‘The Exchange’ to discuss the ripple effects of China’s real estate issue on U.S. markets, which sectors would be most impacted, and more. […]
March 1st, 2024 | Chinese Capital Retreating From Foreign Realty Markets
Juggling Dynamite - Thirteen years of ‘easy money’ spurred debt complacency and a global credit boom that inflated asset prices, particularly real estate, worldwide. Now, higher rates are triggering the great unwind in a dash to reduce overhead and raise cash everywhere, all at once. Countries that saw the most significant influx of foreign investment and property appreciation- […]
February 29th, 2024 | Commercial Real Estate Investors Cutting Losses
Juggling Dynamite - 2024 is a big year for commercial real estate refinancing (US loans maturing by year graphed below, via Liz Ann Saunders). Interest rates, insurance, taxes and ongoing maintenance costs are on the rise as occupancy rates decline. Investors who bought and held when prices were high are now selling at huge discounts to cut their negative […]
February 28th, 2024 | Insolvencies Leaping as Credit Demand Slumps
Juggling Dynamite - Business insolvencies are rising globally (chart below via The National Post), and Canada is seeing twice the G7 average. Canadian business insolvencies rose 35% quarter-over-quarter in the final quarter of 2023. They doubled compared with the same quarter in 2022 and were at the highest level in 13 years (Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy). The […]
February 27th, 2024 | Unaffordable Homes are Dead Weight
Juggling Dynamite - Thirteen years of ultra-easy money (2009-2022) drove an epic malinvestment of resources on a global scale. Now, we are grappling with the weight of those choices. From here, there’s a lot of room to make wiser investments that will increase efficiency and free cash flow while reducing waste, especially around energy, housing, transportation and food. […]
February 26th, 2024 | Real Estate Leading Economic Stall
Juggling Dynamite - Some illuminating facts on the ground in this segment. Starwood Capital Group CEO Barry Sternlicht says regional banks have a “giant skeleton in the closet” when it comes to real estate loans. Speaking on Bloomberg Television, Sternlicht also discusses the state of the real estate market and his support for presidential candidate Nikki Haley. Here […]
February 24th, 2024 | China Exporting Deflation To The World
Juggling Dynamite - Consumer prices in the world’s second-largest economy fell 0.8% in January compared with a year earlier–the most significant deflation in over a decade. With demand weak at home and inventories piling up, Chinese producers have the incentive to dump excess goods onto world markets, and they are. Chinese export prices have dropped steadily since […]
February 23rd, 2024 | Mortgage Renewals Driving Shelter Inflation and Slower Economy
Juggling Dynamite - As I have been pointing out…years of easy money and housing speculation have left Canada’s economy between a rock and a hard place. Shelter costs (28% of Canadian CPI) are inflating as mortgages come up for renewal month after month. Households are cutting spending significantly in response. The result is stubborn shelter inflation and slowing […]
February 22nd, 2024 | Commercial Real Estate Stress is Spreading
Juggling Dynamite - In 2023, the national office space vacancy rate reached 19.6%, above the 19.3% historic peak in 1991. The overcapacity, over-valuation and debt write-downs needed in commercial real estate are themes that will persist for some time. No quick fix. Federal regulators in recent weeks have signaled concerns about commercial real estate, a financial sector that […]
February 21st, 2024 | Inflation Retreating But Shelter Remains The Problem
Juggling Dynamite - Canada’s January Consumer Price Index (CPI) report came in softer than expected at an annualized rate of 2.9%, down from 3.4% in December and 8.1% from the cycle peak in June 2022. This brings the CPI within the Bank of Canada’s 1% to 3% target range for the first time since June 2023. The share […]
February 20th, 2024 | Rosenberg: The Economy is Weaker Than The Narrative Suggests
Juggling Dynamite - Economist David Rosenberg, founder and president of Rosenberg Research, shares his macroeconomic view of the economy and explains why he’s not throwing in the towel on his recession call. Here is a direct video link.
February 19th, 2024 | Grantham: Pollution, Population & Purpose
Juggling Dynamite - Thought-provoking, far-reaching discussion about things that matter in this segment. Worth a listen. On this episode, Nate is joined by co-founder of GMO Financial Holdings, Jeremy Grantham, to discuss how finance, human population, ecology, and pollution interact to shape current trends and what they could tell us about the future. Mr. Grantham unpacks why the […]
February 18th, 2024 | Harder To Get Insurance is a Game Changer
Juggling Dynamite - In the US inflation estimate for January, auto insurance premiums rose 20.6% year over year, while tenant and household insurance rose 6% annualized over just the last three months. Across the developed world, insurers are exiting some areas and demanding higher premiums and deductibles in others; affordable insurance — often a condition of mortgage and vehicle debt […]
February 17th, 2024 | Too Many Payments, Too Little Income
Juggling Dynamite - In the fourth quarter of 2023, 7.7% of US auto loans transitioned to delinquency on an annualized basis (New York Fed data)—the highest rate in 13 years. The total annual cost of owning a new car, including expenses such as gas and insurance, climbed to $12,182 in 2023, up from $10,728 in 2022 (latest estimates […]
February 17th, 2024 | High Home Insurance Rates Driving Away Would-Be Buyers
Juggling Dynamite - A wave of new multifamily residential projects are coming online as migration slows and high mortgage rates weigh on housing demand. Add to the mix an insurance crisis, and a seller’s market is becoming a buyer’s one. See, In Southwest Florida, high home insurance rates are driving away would-be buyers: Florida’s southwestern coast — long one […]
February 16th, 2024 | Bad Loans Mount in ‘Greatest Real Estate Crisis Since The Financial Crisis’
Juggling Dynamite - The credit cycle is alive and well. But credit cycles typically move with multi-quarter time lags, and that’s longer than the attention span of most. Moreover, massive government subsidies slowed the monetary impacts more than average this time. Nevertheless, twenty-three months since this epic tightening cycle began, wheels are coming off all around for those […]
February 15th, 2024 | New Tax Filing Requirements For Jointly Held Assets in Canada
Juggling Dynamite - New bare trust reporting requirements for the 2023 tax year include accounts where adults have been added to the bank and investment accounts of another relative. For Bare Trusts ending December 31, 2023, you have to file a T3 tax return, says Ali Spinner, tax partner at Crowe Soberman LLP. Here is a direct video link.
February 14th, 2024 | What It Means To Restore Home Affordability in Canada
Juggling Dynamite - To restore Canadian home affordability to historically sustainable levels, prices need to halve, incomes double or some combination of both. All options are painful in the short to medium term for asset prices, the leveraged and Canada’s real estate-concentrated economy. Charles St. Arnaud, Chief Economist at Alberta Central and former economist at the Bank of […]
February 13th, 2024 | Sam Cooper Details Mortgage Fraud and Canadian Banks
Juggling Dynamite - So-called “liar loans” helped fuel the US property bubble and bust, leading to the 2008 recession. Unfortunately, Canada has followed suit since. Sam Cooper BREAKS NEWS on Mortgage Fraud and Canadian Banks. Here is a direct video link. Read more at “Fake Chinese income” mortgages fuel Toronto Real Estate Bubble: HSBC Bank Leaks.
February 12th, 2024 | China Exporting Deflation To The World
Juggling Dynamite - Since China entered the World Trade Organization in December 2001, US producer prices (black line below since 2000) have tracked up and down with China’s Consumer Price Index (CPI in green). Awash in excess capacity today, China is exporting deflationary pressures to the rest of the world. In several key manufacturing sectors, goods are […]