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March 5, 2025 | Hungary and Slovakia to Vote Against Ukrainian Aid Package

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.



The war in Ukraine has disproportionately hurt Hungary and Slovakia. To add insult to injury, Zelensky declined to renew a gas line deal that was providing the two European nations with essential energy. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico have once again broken ties with the European Union and shot down the latest Ukrainian aid package.

Fico has said that he would not send Ukraine another euro and called “peace through strength” measures “unrealistic.” Furthermore, Fico sees through Zelensky’s victimization and is reportedly “sick” of his games. “He roams Europe begging and blackmailing, asking others for money. This needs to stop,” Fico adamantly said.

Hungary’s Orban wrote a letter to Brussels in which he urged for peace. “I am convinced that the European Union – following the example of the United States – should enter into direct discussions with Russia on a ceasefire and a sustainable peace in Ukraine,” Orban wrote to Antonio Costa, who heads the Council of the EU’s 27 member states. Instead of seeing this man as someone who wants to prevent death and destruction, Western media is pinning him as a Russian tool and Putin ally.

“If the summit does not respect that there are other views than continuing the war, the European Council on Thursday may not be able to agree on conclusions on Ukraine,” Fico said in a Facebook post. Orban said that the differences in opinion “cannot be bridged” but believes that the EU must vote unanimously on the next aid package.

Costa replied to Orban’s letter with a biased anti-Russian stance, claiming that the EU does, in fact, want peace—but they’re unwilling to take any measures to ensure peace. Brussels does not protect its member states. Slovakia and Hungary repeatedly urged Brussels to take their energy crisis into consideration but the EU dismissed their pleas. Now, they’re asking all member states to continually pour money into one of the most corrupt nations in Europe for nothing in return. Brussels is akin to some cult leader begging members for all their funding, promising to protect them from some inevitable threat that will never come before asking them to commit (economic) suicide.

The European Union cannot survive for a plethora of reasons, one being that certain nations no longer wish to see their people live through World War III. We will see on March 6 if the EU respects the vote of all member states or if they blatantly move ahead without unanimous support.

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March 5th, 2025

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

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