December 31, 2024 | NATO & Invoking Article 5

COMMENT: Martin,
REPLY: That is very correct. Trump would not be bound to join WWIII. That is why they are scheming to try to delay his inauguration so they can invoke Article 5. Just for the record, the last time Article 5 was invoked was 911 to justify invading Iraq, which had nothing to do with 911 and never had weapons of mass destruction. It was Dick Cheney who schemed to invade Iraq, and then they intended to go right into Tehran.
It was Dick Cheney who crafted the intelligence, and to cover his ass, he invoked Article 5 to start his war, which was, I believe, to conquer the Middle East. The US pitched it in October 2001, and as this article quotes, they provided “clear and compelling” evidence. Everything presented to justify this quest to conquer the Middle East was a lie, as always. They are preparing the very same strategy to conquer Russia and divide the spoils of the wealthiest nation on earth in terms of natural resources.
They have lied to start every single war because they get to expand the government and line their pockets. They have no remorse for the people who die in these actions. These people who constantly push for war are Psychopaths and are classified as people with little or no conscience but can follow social conventions when it suits their needs. They are far more dangerous than a mere Sociopath who cannot feel empathy and remorse but possesses merely antisocial personality disorder (APD) rather than a deliberate and conniving Psychopath.
Here is Lyndsey Graham for once telling the truth. This is not about democracy, and nobody cares if any Ukrainians remain. This is about strip-ming Russian assets. They will invoke Article 5, and the main country NATO is pushing to be the attack-dog is Poland.
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Martin Armstrong December 31st, 2024
Posted In: Armstrong Economics