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October 14, 2024 | The Four Powers Aligning

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.


Kim Jong un Rocket

COMMENT: Marty, you have been spot on. North Korea, China, and Iran are banning together with Russia. What you have laid out is basic common sense. The ancient saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I don’t understand how common sense seems to be no so common certainly among our journalists who appear to be promoting war all the time.


REPLY: The news is now touting that North Korea has sent troops to fight alongside Russia in Ukraine. When we do this, they are labelled “advisers” not troops. They are helping to operate the launchers for North Korean ballistic missile systems that Pyongyang has supplied to Moscow. There are also Brits there as “advisers” assisting in the same targeting of UK weapons. This is how the media flips things. If North Korean is sending “troops” then that justifies America sending in troops rather than just advisers who provide the target data to strike inside Russia and Russian ships in the Black Sea.

North Korea has been preparing for war with the South constructing a border wall and they are completely severing road and rail ties with the South. Kim Jong Un for the first time openly rejected the goal of an eventual reconciliation or reunification between the two countries. He now sees the South as the enemy. That is a significant departure. This is a project that is preparing for another Korean War and as I have warned, a coordinated attack with China vs Taiwan, Russia takes out Kiev, and Iran sends troops to attack Israel, and you begin to see that these four powers can overwhelm Western forces.



Our Neocons are out of their minds. The mere fact that Dick Cheney is supporting Kamala is confirmation alone this election is all about World War III.  They have staged a coup under Biden of Foreign Policy and this is why they are all supporting Kamala. The presumed the average American is just too stupid to pay attention while the guys are cheering sport and women are protesting abortion, they slide World War III into play on the most dangerous level in human history. NEVER do they consider perhaps they might be wrong and they lost once again as they have lost EVERY war since World War II.

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October 14th, 2024

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

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