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September 10, 2024 | Health & Fitness: All the Things That I Have Done

Robert Campbell

Robert Campbell is a real estate analyst and economist. He's been publishing The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter since 2002. His book (Timing the Real Estate Market) presents a clearly defined method for predicting the peaks and valleys of real estate cycles.


I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives – and that includes how healthy you are, how fit you are, and how you age.

Everything thing you do – every thought you think – is within your control.  So take control guys.

Yup, I am living proof that if you do this, this, this and this – plus a little of this and this – and you do all (or most) of those things over the course of your lifetime – you DO have the power to stay healthy and fit, and control whether you age slowly or rapidly.

What’s the Biggest Secret?

Most people think it’s all about exercising and what you eat.

While those activities are super-important – it’s not enough.

It has been my experience that mental health (and strength!) have been equally important in keeping me healthy, strong, lean and young looking.

If you haven’t taken care of yourself prior to, your health can change in an instant from good to bad when you reach 65.  That’s why you should do everything humanly possible to maintain an optimal level of health BEFORE you hit age 65.  Because of this, I’m going to write a 40-50 page report on all the things that I have learned and done to stay super-healthy (and happy) for the past 77 years.

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