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September 19, 2024 | Dodging Bullets vs Dodging Interviews

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.


While this joke has been circulating around, sad to say, it is true. The debate was clearly rigged and Kamala came off articulate and not the typical random reasoning that leaves you wonder what the hell is she talking about. This is a clip from overseas dated August 4th, and they said there that they are afraid to allow her to speak without a teleprompter or a fancy pearl earring as a microphone.



FP Harris no show

Outside the United States, the world seems terrified and shocked that Kamala Harris is even the Democratic candidate, no less the heavy-handed manipulators threaten the US press to keep saying she is fantastic and way ahead in the polls when nobody knows what she stands for. Of course, 40% of Americans lack the intelligence to question anything and will vote for her just because she is a Democrat. Welcome to real politics in the 21st century. Kamala is not really the person running the country. That is the NON-ELECTED bureaucrats who make all decisions – nobody who is actually elected and is allowed to vote their own concerns.

1 Caesar Crosses Rubicon

Thus, anyone who thinks the USA will remain intact is just out of their mind. The people lost all control of this republic, which was not much different when Caesar crossed the Rubicon, and the people cheered while the Senate fled to Asia. The Senate was out of control, and there was a major DEBT CRISIS, which is why the people cheered Caesar. The question is, will history repeat again? Who will be the 21st-century Caesar?

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September 19th, 2024

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

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