- the source for market opinions


August 29, 2024 | How the Fed Deliberately Fed Inflation

Is author of the newsletter Cycles News and Views and his site which provides investors with a place where they can obtain truthful, non biased, factual information about the financial markets. Tim's primary focus is on the stock market, specifically the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, the Gold market, the Dollar and T-Bonds. The information presented in his website,, is based on technical analysis and not on the Hope and Hype heard by the so-called mainstream "analysts."

What’s the long term outlook for the US Dollar?

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Archives August 29th, 2024

Posted In: Radio

One Comment

  • Darren Massey says:

    The August low was the 4 year cycle low. 4 years from 2020. The Vix spiked to 65 the CNN fear greed index was in the low twenties which is extreme fear indicating the 4 year cycle low is in place. Everyone has nosebleeds and scared of hieghts with the most powerful part of the decennial pattern starting in November snort. Tim has had a good track record over the years but he better stop worrying or he won’t be able to climb the mountain. V bottoms gets them out of the market and leaves them behind everytime. You aint seen nothing yet this market is going a lot higher.

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