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July 29, 2024 | “Well Hello Mr. Coyote”

Robert Campbell

Robert Campbell is a real estate analyst and economist. He's been publishing The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter since 2002. His book (Timing the Real Estate Market) presents a clearly defined method for predicting the peaks and valleys of real estate cycles.


My  two beagles and I were in a coastal canyon this morning, and a coyote started following us.



A man has a duty to protect his wife and family, so I yelled to try to scare him away.

That didn’t work.  The coyote kept following us.

So I tried Plan B

I threw a small stick in his general direction – but the coyote didn’t budge.  I didn’t want to hurt him because he had as much right to be in that canyon as we did.  Plus, I love animals.

However being that I am a very protective father, I’m not going to let any living thing mess with my beagles.

So I rolled into Plan C

I picked up a rock, reared back and threw it at the coyote, who was about 75 feet away.

When the coyote saw the rock coming right at him, his survival instincts kicked in and he said “F this” and finally ran away.

So yeah, Mr. Coyote – I would never hurt you unless I had to, but now you know I have a good enough arm to paint you from 75 feet away.  So here’s the deal my friend, as long as you keep your distance and don’t try to mess with my beagles, it’s all good.

More Canyon Fun

About a month ago, I met a guy hiking in this canyon who said he saw a mountain lion about a month ago.  He now carries a machete with him.  I know there are a few in the area – but I’m in that canyon 3-5 times a week, and I have never seen a mountain lion in seven years.



The biggest danger is rattlesnakes – and there are a ton of them in the sage brush.   But as long as you stay on the paths, you should be OK.


PS:  If want to put a little adventure in your life and want to hang out with me and my beagles in Gonzales Canyon, give me a call.  If you are afraid of mountain lions, bring a machete.

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