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July 15, 2024 | Assassinations & Markets – Divided We Stand

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.


1951 The_Day_the_Earth_Stood_Still

The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is reverberating around the world, to say the least. Domestically, it depends if you are a Democrat or a Republican. Each camp naturally views the event through their personal view of the world, which is basically unchangeable. If aliens landed from another planet and started wiping out cities, each side would blame the other for reducing funding for UFOs. The 1951 film The Day the East Stood Still was the first such film my older cousin took me to see. It makes me wonder to this day what it will take to ever unite the people again.

After calling Trump an ally cat during the debate and claiming he can beat him in golf, it is only contrasted by his absurd speech following the assassination attempt on Trump. Biden declared during his speech: “All of us now face a time of testing as the election approaches,” adding, “There is no place in America for this kind of violence – for any violence. Ever. Period. No exception. We can’t allow this violence to be normalized.” 

During every stock market crash, the President comes out and says everything is fundamentally fine. During the first few days of the 1929 Crash, President Herbert Hoover’s message was typical: “The fundamental business of the country, that is, the production and distribution of commodities, is on a sound and prosperous basis. “

Biden called Trump and said he had a “short but good conversation” with Trump following the recent shootings and expressed he is “sincerely grateful” that the former president is “doing well and recovering.”

Point of No Return

The lawsuits against Trump, the imprisonment for outrageous amounts of time since January 6th, and the constant hatred thrown at Trump by the media have so severely divided the nation, and perhaps the Democrats are starting to realize that their hatred has been directed at 50% of the country – not merely Donald Trump. These may be nice words, but we have crossed the point of no return.

House_Schedules_Hearing_on_Trump_Assassination NYT

I greatly appreciate everyone who has emailed their representative forwarding my articles, emphasizing that the Department of Justice should NOT be in charge of any investigation. I can report my screaming at sources in DC has paid off. There are multiple investigations that are going to be launched. I fear that this would end up with stonewalling like the JFK investigation in which the Deep States has refused to release key evidence. I can tell you that there WAS A TAPE of Richard Nixon who threatened the CIA – I know who killed Kennedy. The Watergate operatives were all ex-CIA.

Most people have no idea of what is behind the curtail regarding JFK. I bet you have never heard that former President Richard M. Nixon decided to terminate his Secret Service protection. He chose his own private protection that the taxpayer did NOT pay. Why? Because he did not trust the CIA or the Secret Service. I met the president when he rented a house in Loveladies, New Jersey, in the summer of 1986. A famous incident occurred when he visited a Burger King in Stafford Township and signed autographs for a large Jersey crowd. I also met Arlan Spector, the Senator who came up with the magic bullet theory in the Kennedy assassination. He had a house a few doors from me.

It’s the latest in a line of violent, politically motivated attacks that have reached all corners of the globe. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was gunned down at a campaign event by an assassin wielding a homemade firearm. Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot on May 15 following a government meeting in the central Slovakian town of Handlova. On July 7, 2021, Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated. British lawmaker David Amess was stabbed to death on Oct. 15, 2021, while he was meeting with voters from his constituency in the House of Commons. This is all part of the major shift that we are headed into for 2032.

Kennedy Reagan Assassinations events


1981 Private Wave 51.6 years Pi TargetHow the market responds to such events depends not so much if the head of state survives or not. It depends on when it correlates to the Economic Confidence Model. In the case of the Reagan attempted assassination on March 30th, 1981, this was the end of a 51.6-year wave that peaked on May 7th, just after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to 14% – the historical high.

928 ECM 1959 1968

1882 1934 Private Wave 51.6 years Economic Confidence Model Pi Target


McKinley Teddey

We can see that where McKinley was assassinated, in the case of Teddy Roosevelt, he was shot but not seriously injured. The major problem we face here is that the ECM is pointing to a recession REGARDLESS of who wins. This is a global situation, for even a Trump victory will not prevent European leaders from starting a war with Russia. They lack the debt structure to survive.

ECM Wave 2020 2028 Pi





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July 15th, 2024

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

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