- the source for market opinions


May 12, 2024 | Don’t Be Fooled by Gold’s Stealth Bull

Although there is no publicly traded company called Pirate’s Treasure, the impressive price history displayed in the chart above is real enough. The Canadian company holds royalties to five gold mines that could conceivably rank among the largest in the world someday, according to ‘Spartacus’, a Rick’s Picks regular known for his street savvy, his encyclopedic knowledge […]

May 12, 2024 | Danielle on CBC Weekend Business Panel

The CBC News Network Weekend Business panel takes a look at the top stories of the week. Here is a direct video link. 

May 11, 2024 | Trading Desk Notes For May 11, 2024

Despite a quiet, low VOL week, the leading stock indices continued to rally, with the European benchmark index closing at all-time highs. Last week was chockablock with data and event risk; price action was wickedly choppy, and stocks rose. This week was so quiet that you sometimes wondered if the markets were open – and […]

May 11, 2024 | This Week in Money

May 11, 2024 | Why Does the Government Borrow Its Own Currency?

The problem with people’s attitudes toward the national debt is that everyone has forgotten why we borrowed in the first place. The theory was that if you borrowed rather than printed money, you were NOT increasing the existing money supply, and therefore, in theory, it would not be inflationary.     However, the Democrats forgot […]

May 11, 2024 | Tech Talk for Saturday May 11th 2024

The Bottom Line All-time highs at the close on Friday for the Europe, Africa and Far East Index (EAFE Index) and its related ETF: EFA! Strength in the Index was bolstered by an all-time high set by Europe iShares (IEV) and by strength in Chinese and South African equity indices. Honorable mention is given to […]

May 10, 2024 | Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban in Germany?

Germany is moving full speed ahead to reach their asinine climate targets. The citizens who are in essence the very carbon they wish to destroy must be punished for not sacrificing enough to uphold Angela Merkel’s Climate Protection Act. Transport Minister Volker Wissing is now threatening the German people with “an indefinite weekend driving ban.” “In […]

May 10, 2024 | Because We’re Still Not Sufficiently Indebted…

Zero Hedge just posted a long look at how the “buy now, pay later” (BNPL) industry now accounts for about $700 billion of largely unreported “phantom debt”. This, speculates ZH, is why the economy hasn’t fallen into recession. Now come the unintended consequences: Pernicious effects of BNPL credit are piling up: the Harris Poll survey conducted […]

May 10, 2024 | Monetary Easing Tends To Be Contagious and No Quick Fix

This week, the Swedish central bank followed Switzerland in becoming the second G10 nation to ease base rates in the banking system. Both cited weakening economic activity. The Bank of Canada is expected to follow suit this summer, with 45% of outstanding Canadian mortgages up for renewal this year and next. Most were taken out when […]

May 10, 2024 | The U.S. Government Sliding Deeper and Deeper into Debt

The U.S. federal government will set a new record for borrowing this year, in the trillions of dollars. Government deficits reached a record high in 2020, due to government help to the private sector during COVID. But now, even without a crisis, the deficit has soared to new high levels. Will income taxes increase? The […]

May 10, 2024 | Are the “Magnificent 7” Stocks Unbeatable?

Should you be bullish on Gold long term?

May 9, 2024 | Finally, Some Good-Looking Gold/Silver Miner Charts

Long-suffering mining investors have been wondering how high gold and silver would have to go to finally breathe some life into their portfolios. It looks like $2300/oz gold and $27/oz silver have done the trick. Behold the (suddenly very pretty) price charts:     Higher Metals Prices = Wider Profit Margins These price moves aren’t […]

May 9, 2024 | Mind those “defensive” equities

Danielle DB does a good job of summarizing the latest data, suggesting that a US recession is nigh and corporate revenues and employment are set for a drubbing. From the NYSE site, Caroline Woods and Danielle DiMartino Booth discuss the Fed’s continued fight against inflation, the spending power of U.S. Consumers and how A.I. could […]

May 9, 2024 | Strategized Civil Unrest Staged Across the World

Protestors throughout the West are protesting on behalf of Palestine in a deliberate effort to destabilize national politics. Greta Thunberg, a girl with no knowledge of war or science, took part in a Swedish pro-Palestinian protest that attracted a group of up to 12,000. These events are clearly staged when they use a famous social […]

May 9, 2024 | Speed Bump on the EV Adoption Highway Doesn’t Affect Battery Recycling

Honda makes historic auto investment in Canada. Read Financial Post Article – “Honda To Build $15 Billion EV Assembly Plant and Battery Complex in Ontario“. Read Article – “Tesla Short Sellers Lose Nearly $5.5 Billion Over Four Days, S3 Partner Says“. Read Yahoo Finance Article – “Battery Recycling Shatters the Myth of Electric-Vehicle Waste“. […]

May 9, 2024 | Climax Events, Real Estate Depression, Trump 2020

Election Fraud, Civil Disorder, Sleeper Cells

May 8, 2024 | Canada Feeling The Burn of High Debt and Weakening Employment

The Nanos Pocketbook Index, a component of the broader Bloomberg Nanos Canadian Confidence Index and a measure of how Canadians perceive their personal finances and job security, fell to 50 last week, the same level as the pandemic low in April 2020. Fifty percent of respondents said that their finances had worsened in the past […]

May 8, 2024 | WTI Crude Oil Falls on Weaker US Demand and Rising Inventories

GLOBAL ECONOMIC, POLITICAL & MILITARY UPDATE Inflation pressure persists in the US leaving the Fed little room to lower rates at the coming meetings. Insurance, housing, food, electricity costs are all making consumers less able to afford what would have been considered basics. Going to McDonald’s, Starbucks, Pizza Hut or KFC with the family is […]

May 8, 2024 | AstraZeneca Pulls COVID Vaccine

  I reported that AstraZeneca was recently forced to admit that its vaccine could produce lethal side effects amid a class action lawsuit in the UK. The British-Swedish pharmaceutical company was required to finally admit that their vaccine can lead to Thrombocytopenic Syndrome TTS, an autoimmune response that can cause blood clots, internal bleeding, and death. […]

May 7, 2024 | So That’s Who’s Screwing Everything Up

Most normal Americans have a sense that the people now running the country are off in some fundamental way. But the specifics have been fuzzy. Are they morons or evil geniuses? Are they controlled by foreign powers or home-grown mind viruses? Or are the aliens pulling their strings? Venerable pollster Scott Rasmussen claims to have found a […]

May 7, 2024 | Ukrainian Military Attempts to Assassinate Zelensky

    As I have warned, Zelensky is seen as a puppet of the West, and they are starting to realize that he is destroying all of Ukraine on orders from the American Neocons. I have been warning that any assassination of Zelensky will come from within. Ukraine has reached the same realization where there […]

May 7, 2024 | Rethinkx: Simultaneous Mass Disruptions Now Unfolding

In the fifteen years between 1907 and 1922, horses went from providing 95% of all private vehicle miles travelled on American roads to less than 20% (see chart below). But since cars travel a far greater distance per year than horse-drawn wagons for a fraction of the cost per mile, the fate of the horse […]

May 7, 2024 | Used Car Prices Continue Historic Plunge, Wholesale Prices Gave up 59% of Crazy Pandemic Spike

Seasonally adjusted, prices of used vehicles that were sold at auctions across the US fell 2.3% in April from March, to $18,151, the lowest since April 2021, and down by $5,423 (-23%) from the peak in January 2022, according to today’s Used Vehicle Value Index by Manheim, the largest auto auction house in the US. […]

May 6, 2024 | Value Clients Exiled from Fast Food Chains

  Blue states that implemented minimum wage hikes are seeing a drastic rise in food prices. Fast food chains like McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle Jack in the Box, Burger King, Domino’s, and more have reported menu item hikes in places like California that now require a much higher minimum wage. This comes at a time when […]

May 6, 2024 | China Exporting Deflation to the World

China’s economy is teetering on the brink of widespread deflation—a scenario that could cause even more problems than high inflation. We look at Japan’s “lost decade” to explain why China’s economy is struggling and what it means for the global economy. Here is a direct video link. 

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