- the source for market opinions


March 14, 2024 | Cannabis, Gold, Bitcoin, US Dollar

Vernal Equinox, Solar Eclipse, Earthquakes.  Receive 50% Off VR Trader Newsletters! Enter Promo Code 2022HALFOFF.

March 14, 2024 | The Canadian Economy’s Two Biggest Risk Factors

Would you move to Alberta for Five Thousand bucks?

March 14, 2024 | Mush-Brained Zombies, Bye Bye Free Speech, Election Fraud

Gold, Bitcoin, Interest Rates.

March 13, 2024 | Welcome To The Third World, Part 2: When The Cops Don’t Come

Most Americans call or otherwise interact with the police very infrequently. So our sense of how that public service works may not be up to date. For instance, it’s generally believed that if you call the cops, they’ll respond. But that’s not always how it works these days. One 2023 study found big increases in […]

March 13, 2024 | Canada to Incorporate Social Scores in Banking

  The Canadian banking system is set to be radicalized by open banking framework. Proponents are framing this as a way for banks to easily share information and access user data. The truth of the matter is that this is an opportunity to merge social standings with banking to provide government complete control over our […]

March 13, 2024 | This Kind of Housing Market

A house on my walking circuit sold on February 18 for $1,060,000 after 11 months on the market. It was initially listed in March 2023 for $1,798,000 and has been reduced nine times since. The property was relatively modest but updated with a water view and a legal rental suite. Property taxes are $8430 a […]

March 12, 2024 | Biden Proposes Largest Spending Package and American Taxpayer Burden in US History

  The Biden Administration is outright destroying America through reckless spending. The Federal Reserve has warned that Biden’s current spending habits are robbing future generations of Americans. They cannot stablizie prices or make a dent in inflation due to the rising national debt. After his State of the Union address, Joe Biden unveiled his next […]

March 12, 2024 | Grantham: US Stocks Top 1 Percent Most Expensive in History

Jeremy Grantham’s latest update is available and worth reading on the GMO website. He points out that the current Shiller PE over 34 for the S&P 500 represents the most expensive 1% of all historical incidents. It has happened at a time when profit margins have also been at all-time highs and unemployment near all-time lows. […]

March 12, 2024 | Welcome To The Third World, Part 2: When The Cops Don’t Come

Most Americans call or otherwise interact with the police very infrequently. So our sense of how that public service works may not be up to date. For instance, it’s generally believed that if you call the cops, they’ll respond. But that’s not always how it works these days. One 2023 study found big increases in […]

March 11, 2024 | Immunity

  The Constitution doesn’t directly discuss presidential immunity from criminal or civil lawsuits or immunity for other government officials. Instead, this privilege of Presidential has developed over time through the Supreme Court’s interpretation of Article II, Section 2, Clause 3: The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the […]

March 10, 2024 | Higher for Longer?

“There is a difference between you and me. We both looked into the abyss, but when it looked back at us, you blinked.” -Batman, referencing Nietzsche in 2010’s Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths -My first thought on the quote: Think Jerome Powell and the FOMC The idea that “market expectations” tell us anything about […]

March 10, 2024 | P.T. Barnum Would Have Loved Bitcoin

Bitcoin mania looks likely to blow itself out at somewhat higher levels. The bitcoin ETF chart above suggests buyers will encounter significant resistance at 64.95, a Hidden Pivot target that lies 5% above Friday’s closing price. If this impediment gives way easily or is exceeded for two consecutive weeks on a closing basis, however, you […]

March 10, 2024 | Apartment Defaults Highest in a Decade

Nick connects the dots very well in this segment. Similar trends are happening in Canada, too. Apartment landlords around America are going into default on their mortgages at decade-high rates, suggesting that the Commercial Real Estate Crash is going to get even worse in 2024. Here is a direct video link.

March 10, 2024 | The Collapse of a Nation Takes 13 years

  In law, it has been a maxim that bad facts make bad law. Every lawyer knows that. That is why the government will seek the worst case to expand the law and apply it to others. This legal maxim is certainly not new. All of those who go to law school are never taught […]

March 9, 2024 | Trading Desk Notes For March 9, 2024

Wicked price action may signal a shift in sentiment and positioning NVDA gapped higher on Friday’s opening and reached new All-Time Highs (up ~105% YTD) in the first hour of trading. It then dropped and closed below Wednesday and Thursday levels, creating a Daily Key Reversal down. NVDA’s market cap fell >$300 billion from Friday’s highs to lows. […]

March 9, 2024 | This Week in Money

March 9, 2024 | Tech Talk for Saturday March 9th 2024

The Bottom Line Another mixed week for performance by North American equity markets! Signs of investor uncertainty increased: the VIX Index advanced 12%, Gold bullion ETN (GLD) gained 4.3%, Gold Equity ETF (GDX) advanced 8.4% and Bitcoin jumped 9.9%.

March 8, 2024 | Apple Struggles with Slumping Sales in China

China and the iPhone are closely linked, as sales in that country are a key to Apple’s success. China is going through an economic slump which shows up in sales of Apple’s most successful product, the iPhone. Recently competitors in China have been growing sales faster than Apple. Is a China sales slump for the […]

March 8, 2024 | The Coming New Monetary System

    QUESTION: Hello Martin, been reading your passages for a few months now. I had a question for you. What currency do you think BRICS will use to settle trades in the future and if that he bitcoin could be a viable option? Since you don’t see the USD being the world currency by 2035. […]

March 8, 2024 | The Public Bank That Wasn’t: New Jersey’s Excursion into Public Banking

In 2017, Phil Murphy, a former Goldman Sachs executive, made the establishment of a public, state-owned bank a centerpiece issue during his run for New Jersey governor. He regularly championed public banking in speeches, town halls and campaign commercials. He won the race, and the nation’s second state-owned bank following the stellar model of the Bank […]

March 7, 2024 | Central Banks Sit Tight as Pain Spreads

Yesterday, the Bank of Canada announced it would hold its key interest rate at 5%, the highest since 2007. At the press conference, Governor Macklem confirmed that policy discussions considered how long rates should stay at present levels but added, “It’s still too early to consider lowering the policy interest rate.” The main cause for concern remains unaffordable housing […]

March 7, 2024 | OPEC Contemplating Extending Its Quota Cuts To Year End Bouys Crude Prices

GLOBAL ECONOMIC, POLITICAL & MILITARY UPDATE The Bank of Canada announced that they would keep their overnight rate at 5% as underlying inflation still persists. They also plan on keeping their quantitative tightening (QT) measures. The C$ improved 31 ticks to 73.88 on this announcement. Chairman Powell is before Congress today and tomorrow and markets […]

March 7, 2024 | And Here Comes April/May 2024

    The Supreme Court has set April 25th as the oral argument for the decision on whether Trump has immunity. I do not know why events will always show up with our cycle targets. I have come to believe that the PRESSURE in the system compels actions to take place on these cyclical targets. […]

March 7, 2024 | Gasoline Demand Has a Long-Term Structural Problem in the US: Plunging Per-Capita Consumption

Gasoline consumption in the US, in terms of product supplied to gas stations, rose by 1.5% in 2023, to 376 million gallons per day. This was down by 3.9% from 2019 and back where it had first been 20 years ago, in 2003, with two big troughs in between. Gasoline consumption is determined by miles […]

March 7, 2024 | Gold Rally The Real Deal, Bitcoin Biggest Hoax?

Carrington Effect

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