John Rubino is a former Wall Street financial analyst and author or co-author of five books, including The Money Bubble: What to Do Before It Pops and Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom. He founded the popular financial website in 2004, sold it in 2022, and now publishes John Rubino’s Substack newsletter.
We of course have to start with Oliver Anthony, the good ol’ boy from Virginia who wrote a little protest song called Rich Men North of Richmond, recorded it on his phone, posted it on YouTube — and watched it blow up into the number-one song in the world. Here’s the original video …
… and the White House version …
… and the response of an establishment spokesman:
Otherwise, it’s the same new normal. Central bank digital currencies are still making our lives more convenient:
A new covid variant is here right on schedule, reminding us to vote our anxiety:
Big Pharma still wants us sick and compliant strong and healthy:
Our senile warmongers beloved public servants are still on the job:
WASHINGTON—Granting the cleaning implement full legal authority over her personal affairs, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) reportedly ceded her power of attorney on Friday to a broom resembling her daughter. “At my age, it’s important to have a dependable family member I can rely on, and there’s no one I trust more than my beautiful hardwood daughter,” said Feinstein, who whispered, “You make me so proud every day, Kathy,” as she ran her hand gingerly along the corn broom’s bristles. “She flew out all the way from California today to lean against the corner of my office. Clearly, I’m in good hands with her. I’m also going to make sure she helps me leave all of my life savings to a very handsome bucket I met in the coat closet.” At press time, Feinstein was panicking after her daughter had been kidnapped by a custodian.
War is still a great investment:
Julian Assange is still getting free room and board:
Satirical “Bond villains” still kid around about their plans for a future dystopia. He is kidding, right?
Ron Paul still appeals to crackpots:
Californians are still optimists with a bright future:
Currencies are still the same, more or less:
Maui is being cleaned up by altruistic “real estate investors”
Do you own a home? Haha, of course you don’t! No one does anymore. But there’s still hope! We assembled the brightest economic minds to bring us these incredible life-changing tips for affording your own home, even in today’s economy.
Check out these sweet home-ownership tips:
Save your money for 1000 years: Your thousand-year-old self will thank you.
Lower your expectations and buy a sensible and sturdy refrigerator box: It’s an investment!
Be born the heir to a kingdom and murder your siblings for the throne: As a bonus, your home will be tax-free.
Move into someone else’s house while they’re on vacation and when they come home tell them no take backsies: Squatter’s rights are human rights.
Last but definitely not least, August was the 31st anniversary of the Ruby Ridge massacre rescue:
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