May 11, 2023 | Darwin, Kill Zones, Normie Morons, Oh Shit Moment

Golden Jackass is the site of numerous important mega-forecasts related to the degradation and destruction of the global financial system, the diverse forecasts range from the housing bust in 2007, the mortgage bond bust that followed, the insolvent US banking system, the Dubai debt bust, the Southern European sovereign bond bust, the USTreasury false rally, the extended QE to Infinity policy, and the spread between the COMEX gold price and the real world physical Price of Gold, next the Petro-Dollar demise and the Gold Trade Settlement platform arrival, with the new BRICS Gold Central Bank, and climax USGovt debt default.
Comparing Vaccines to Alcoholism
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Jim Willie Archives May 11th, 2023
Posted In: GoldRadio.FM
Previous: « The Rental Crisis
Next: Stock Markets vs. Economic Data »
Thank you very much for providing your work.
Jim, you look well ! I’m in awe about your comments now Canada, and California in the may interview. It just makes sense. And I have other information about Mexico as well, part of it was when the neo con Rhino Lindsey Graham said we should attack MEXICO.,! Yeah, that just what we need, right?. So strange.