April 4, 2023 | The 6th Wave – Do We Ever Learn?

Have you come across a period in history that at the end of the sixth wave, after the political system dies, during the next six waves, human mankind learned from its past errors and corrected it?
ANSWER: Actually, the answer is NO. The fall of the Minoan Civilization brought in a dark age with the invasion of the Sea Peoples from the North who were driven south by climate and conquered all the civilizations during the Bronze Age except for Egypt. Reliefs show the Egyptians in heated battles against the Sea Peoples.
Everything in this universe is fractal. It is a repetitive pattern of self-referral. You have children and they are a blend of both parents’ DNA – self-referral. Thus, what makes 2032 extremely important, is that it is the Sixth Wave since the last upheaval of the overthrow of the Monarchy.
The Roman Empire peaked with the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161-180AD). We know from Chinese documents that he had even sent an ambassador to China which was the first contact.
However, 6 of the 51.6 waves (which are 6 of the 8.6-year) in turn build in a fractal manner into a 309.6-year wave and then we have 6 waves of that which form 1857.6. There are then 6 waves of that building into 11,145.6-year waves. About 11,600 years ago (9,600 BC) was an abrupt period of global warming which accelerated the glacial retreat that was the beginning of the Holocene geological epoch. That is when we begin to find the domestication of sheep and evidence of settlements such as Jericho dating back to 9,600 BC. That wave was the Mesolithic era which refers to the final period of hunter-gatherer cultures in Europe and Western Asia. This was between the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and the Neolithic Revolution. This is also why in back-testing the ECM, it became very clear that it incorporates nature and the swings back and forth on climate change.
There is the period of the Megalithic Monuments in Europe. We do not know why these Neolithic and Copper Age creators were motivated to expend such energy in their creation. Some of these structures appear to have been graves. The sheer weight of the stones shows a very determined culture whose motives are lost to the haze of the period we refer to as prehistory.
Recent studies have implied that these megalithic monuments across Europe originated in northwest France, and the practice of building them spread along the continent’s coastlines in several migratory waves. They first appeared during the second half of the fifth millennium BC. That was about 4300 years before the invention of coinage.
The oldest known city dates back to 6700BC, Catal Huyuk, located in modern Turkey. I have studied the economy of this period. It has all the trappings of modern-day civilization. There are houses with murals on the walls. This confirmed that there was an artist trade. There were a lot of female deities found so there was some artistic trade that carved these out of marble as well as clay. There was no indication of money being used so it was most likely a barter-based society with some people making tools and others growing crops.
Food was money in the shape of olives, dates, seeds, or animals and we also know that financing, lending for interest, dates back to c. 5000 BC, if not even earlier. The fall of Rome prompted the return of the Sin of Usury – denial of interest. Much of the blame for the fall of Rome was attributed to corruption of that sort. Capitalism is born with the Protestant Reformation which allowed Christians to earn money from interest. Martin Luther was funded by Christians who wanted to get into the banking field which had been restricted to the Jews.
What we do see at these events is typically it is a knee-jerk reaction to whatever was in place, the reaction is in the opposite direction. We have gone through a revolution against Monarchy. That led to Republicanism. This time perhaps we move toward Democracy. We should have the right to vote – do we go to war – Yes or No! Some Neocons should not make that decision and then we are imprisoned and called a traitor if you do not die on some battlefield that they decide should take place. This is not any different than Monarchy where King Louis XIV (1643-1715) lamented on his deathbed – “I have been too fond of war.” These people play a sport with the common people as the pawns on the chessboard.
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Martin Armstrong April 4th, 2023
Posted In: Armstrong Economics
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