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February 1, 2023 | Was COVID Just a Rehearsal for WWIII?

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.


You’ve taught through many historic examples that politicians drag us to war because they need an external enemy to hide their failures.  Wag the dog.  Have you considered this time around the U.S. will enter ww3 to cover up the reveal of the covid vaccine blunder?  Yes, war will still hide the debt crisis of western nations, but maybe the vaccine reveal kicks this thing off.  The barrage of sudden deaths is starting to overwhelm the bullshit.  Our leaders, especially Biden, are incredibly compromised by pushing the shit vaccine.


ANSWER: The COVID lockdowns were created as an exercise in controlling the sheep. This war was set in motion for some time. John McCain ran to Ukraine and he was all exited in December 2016 as soon as Trump was elected. He assumed he could manipulate Trump and promised unlimited funding to wage war against Russia.

I know for a fact, that this war was set in motion in 2014 but it was in the planning stages well before even that. In 2015, McCain was meeting opening with the Nazi movement. COVID was clearly just a rehearsal in their exercise of the abuse of power.

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February 1st, 2023

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

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