- the source for market opinions


January 20, 2023 | GOP Wants End to Income Tax and Extra Auditors

Bob Hoye has been in investment business for some 50 years, making him one of the more experienced researchers. His historical work has been thorough providing the first recognition of the fascinating transition from speculation in commodities to speculation in financial assets. It was controversial when Bob observed that “No matter how much the Fed prints, stocks will outperform commodities”. In January 2000, the research team concluded that the Dot-Com Bubble would peak in March 2000. In early 2007, the team outlined that the credit markets would reverse in May-June 2007. They did and the stock market followed. The latest was the call in early October for the Bitcoin Bubble to complete in December. Bob’s essays and speeches on political change and on actual climate change have been widely circulated.

Could Central bank actions make rich richer, poor poorer?

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Archives January 20th, 2023

Posted In: Radio

One Comment

  • Rudy M. says:

    A correction to my previous questions for Bob Hoye and Jim Godard. I found out why there is no Trader Joe Stores in Canada. Trader Joes lost a trademark litigation case with a Cajadian Company named “Pirate Joes.” I would like to ask Bob and Jim what is their opinion of investing in Consumer Staples stocks as a defensive move in a slowing economy?

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