November 14, 2022 | Too Poor to Continue Living with Dignity – Canadian Eugenic

Canada is not hiding its depopulation and eugenics efforts. The Trudeau Administration recently expanded the MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) program to include those with treatable illnesses or those suffering from poverty. Almost anyone, including children, can request a medically assisted death in Canada with a quick turnaround. Families are unable to protect their loved ones from the law. The MAID program was originally designed for those living in unbearable chronic pain and/or a terminal illness. Poverty or temporary hardship is now considered a terminal illness for which there is no cure besides death.
The Canadian health system is coercing people at their lowest point to end their lives. Canada could prioritize health care and expand assistance to disabled Canadians who are unable to work. Instead, they are clearly discriminating against those suffering from poverty or mental health issues, and doctors are no longer required to treat their patients. The system is encouraging suicide over treatment as it is the most cost-effective option. There is no guarantee those murdered while under medical supervision are capable of making an informed decision; the law will be used to depopulate the undesirables.
The Netherlands and Belgium, where assisted suicide is offered on a medical basis, forbid doctors from suggesting the method unless all other options are exhausted. Canadian doctors are encouraged to offer the option to those deemed too poor to live. “Euthanasia” will not appear on the victim’s death certificate, depending on the province in which they were murdered by their government. In 2021, the number of those requesting MAID in the country rose by over 32% from the year prior, and that number will rise. As the economy turns down, those “too poor to continue living with dignity” will feel obligated to choose a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
“[MAID is] probably the biggest existential threat to disabled people since the Nazis’ program in Germany in the 1930s,” stated Tim Stainton, director of the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship at the University of British Columbia. Pope Francis condemned the treatment of the elderly, mentally ill, and poor in Canada. “Patients who, in place of affection, are administered death,” the pope warned.
Adolf Hitler killed off “useless eaters” who did not contribute to his ideal version of society. They were forcibly taken to camps or executed on the spot. Canada is attempting to murder “useless eaters” under the guise of health care and compassion. The general public is turning a blind eye to what could become a genocide of the poor.
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Martin Armstrong November 14th, 2022
Posted In: Armstrong Economics
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