November 16, 2022 | KTX is Part of Financial Scam Ethos

After 26 years with a front-row seat in the revolving door, wild-west finance sector, I am not surprised at the unfolding crypto-doom; neither am I confident that better public protection policies will follow, nor the disgorging of ill-gotten gains from those who promoted and perpetrated the carnage. I have also long noted that people can be hard to help, and many play a leading role in their financial suicide through wilfully blind choices and behaviours. That said, the discussion below is cathartic in its unvarnished assessments–foul language alert.
One month after warning investors about the shady dealings going on at FTX on the Hedgeye Investing Summit, legendary short-seller Marc Cohodes returns to HedgeyeTV to discuss the company’s recent fallout with Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. Here is a direct video link.
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Danielle Park November 16th, 2022
Posted In: Juggling Dynamite
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