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November 25, 2022 | G20 To Impose COVID Vaccine to Restrictions on International Travel

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.

The world masters dictating to us, the scum of the earth, have adopted under the pretense of the COVID vaccine the means to shut down migration and travel internationally. This will naturally further restrict global economic growth, and everywhere we turn, these people claiming to be world leaders are leading us into a cliff on the other side of 2032.

We were hoping to hold a WEC in Dubai where everyone can fly into without vaccines — an international reunion face to face. These leaders of the world’s largest economies at the Bali G20 drafted and signed a declaration in which the 20 countries agreed to adopt vaccine passports with the purported goal of promoting global travel and tourism. In fact, any country adopting this will have the opposite impact. I have resigned myself that I will never see Australia, New Zealand, or Europe ever again. Whatever these people can do to destroy the world economy, they are doing

Those who understand what is really taking place and that we are on the edge of global defaults post-2024 are not likely to take these vaccines. Hence, they are really trying to prevent movements that will overthrow governments. Just like communism fell in 1989, our Western economies will collapse, and they cannot prevent it. It will not necessitate massive civil unrest. People are not buying their long-term debt anymore, and when they cannot keep funding this insanity, they will collapse of their own accord. This is not some child’s game of blowing bubbles. We live in the real world.

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November 25th, 2022

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

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