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July 23, 2022 | Japan Surpasses China as Top Holder of US Debt

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.

For the first time since 2010, China holds less than $1 trillion in US debt. China held $980.8 billion in US debt in May, a $23 billion decline from April and a $100 billion decline from a year prior. In fact, the US Treasury Department noted that China has been reducing its holdings for the past six consecutive months.

Japan is now the top holder of US debt, reaching $1.212 trillion in May, marking a slight increase from $1.218 trillion in April. Total foreign holdings declined by $7.42 trillion in May as those who see what is coming want no part in government debt.

This did not go well for Japan in the past. You see, the USD remains the last safe haven among currencies. Rates are set to rise, other currencies are set to decline, and the countries left holding US debt will be forced to pay much more than intended. No one seems to understand this simple staple of FOREX.

China unloading US debt could indicate growing geopolitical tensions, which our models indicate could break out in 2023.

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July 23rd, 2022

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

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