- the source for market opinions


April 4, 2022 | End of the Housing Bull Market?

It’s official, mortgage rates have hit 4% here in Canada. Several of the large banks have increased their popular 5 year fixed rate mortgage above 4%. You’d have to go back to about 2013 when rates were this high. Also worth adding that 2013 was a pretty slow year for housing and so I expect […]

April 4, 2022 | Waiting For GLD To Make New Highs – Gold Rally Is Still Intact

The calm of the last 3-weeks has resulted in a risk-on environment. This, in turn, has led to a nice recovery rally in stocks. For the time being, volatility has subsided. However, we believe there are many underlying market risks that can still resurface without any warning. From late 2015 to August 2020, the price […]

April 4, 2022 | Sri Lanka Crisis Sends Inflation Warning Worldwide

From Reuters:  Sri Lanka’s collapse is front of mind for many. Protesters fed up with crippling shortages of essential food and fuel items are on the streets, prompting multiple members of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa’s cabinet to offer to resign late on Sunday. Social unrest will probably accelerate a restructuring of some $44 billion of […]

April 3, 2022 | DeSantis Defends Vulnerable Children – Groomers are Outraged

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has signed the Parental Rights in Education Act, which the media refers to as the “don’t say gay act,” despite those words not appearing in the bill. The act will save young children from kindergarten through third grade from being taught about adult sexuality and gender theory. “We will make […]

April 3, 2022 | “Success is Just One Long Street Fight”

Life would be a whole lot easier if someone just gave us $1 million, but unfortunately the chance of that happening is, well, probably zero. Instead, making a $1 million is going require brains, guts, and the will to never give up – and like it or not, it’s going to be one long street […]

April 3, 2022 | Demographics Is Destiny In More Ways Than One

[Counting on the Fed to ride to the rescue when the bubble finally pops?  You had better have a Plan B, and for good measure a Plan C, since America could be in for something far worse than mere recession when the asset boom ends.  In the commentary below, my friend Charles Hugh-Smith spells out […]

April 3, 2022 | Wolf Richter: The Greatest Economic Injustice in Recent History

From Wolf Street:  The Fed’s own data on the distribution of wealth in the US is a quarterly report card on the Fed’s official policy goal of the “Wealth Effect.” It has now released the data for Q4. The Fed uses monetary policies, such as QE and interest rate repression, to create asset price inflation […]

April 2, 2022 | Trading Desk Notes For April 2, 2022

The Fed is finally ready to roll After much hesitation, the Fed is signalling that it will raise interest rates aggressively over the next several months. Here’s what the market expects from the Fed (h/t to The Macrotourist): The Chicago Mercantile Exchange futures market pricing of Fed funds through March 2023: After the sharp rise […]

April 2, 2022 | This Week in Money

April 2, 2022 | Another Train Wreck in the Making

Below is the chart showing the present 46% allocation of household net worth to equities, versus just 15% to bonds and 16% to cash. This level of risk-concentration to equities was seen at the 2000 tech bubble top and, to a lesser extent, the 2008 bubble top. However, allocations to the least risky bonds and […]

April 2, 2022 | Sprott Money: Perfect Storm for the Dollar

From David Brady at Sprott Money News: The two primary drivers of the markets in general from my perspective were and are the following: The ongoing situation in Ukraine and the escalation of tensions between the East and West Inflation and monetary policy tightening in response by the Fed, BoC, and BoE to name a […]

April 1, 2022 | How To Get Inflation and The Housing Bubble Under Control Again

The current inflation surge in Canada and around the world demands answers from government. Will inflation be brought under control? How? I was invited along, with others, to present on March 28, 2022, to the Standing Committee on Finance for the House of Commons on a Zoom call. The topic is inflation, and the housing […]

April 1, 2022 | One in Five of Americans Broke Before Payday

Inflation is at a 40-year high with no indication of slowing. People are feeling the lower buying power of the USD as one in five Americans now run out of liquid funds before payday, according to a survey by Salary Finance as reported by CNBC. Over three-quarters stated that they have been feeling the effects […]

April 1, 2022 | Charles Hugh Smith: Cancel the Funeral for the US Dollar: The “Patient” Just Leaped Out of the Coffin

From Of Two Minds: Sealing the USD’s coffin requires conjuring up a replacement reserve currency, and that turns out to be a lot more challenging than many understand. You know the scene in movies where the body-bag is being zipped up or the coffin lid slid into place when the recently deceased startles everyone by […]

April 1, 2022 | American Manganese CEO Discusses Rare Earth Targets on the Rocher Deboule Property

President Biden Recognizes the Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries as Being Essential to the Battery Material Supply. Read April 1, 2022 News. Read March 29, 2022 News. Read CleanTechnica Article – “Biden to Invoke Defense Production Act to Boost EV Mineral Production“. Read Energy Storage Article – “India Needs End-of-Life Collection and Recycling for Battery Manufacturing […]

April 1, 2022 | Private Jets Creating Airport Gridlock

Will Canada nationalize Gold production?

April 1, 2022 | Better Dwelling: Nope, We are Still Not Running Out of Land

Better Dwelling co-founder and housing analyst Stephen Punwasi offers an archival antidote to the “running out of land” mania now dominating the consensus view.  Headlines from past Canadian housing bubbles since the 1930s confirm that this baseless sales pitch has resurfaced before the bust each time.  Well worth the review, see:  Canada is running out of […]

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