- the source for market opinions


March 4, 2022 | Borrowing to ‘Invest’ is a Well-Worn Path to Magnified Losses

To further compound the financial pain in motion, Canadians have recently increased their allocations to equity portfolios, funds and ETFs.  RSP contributions due by March 1st are now pounding into equity-based products as I write. As usual, these flows are moving without considering value, cycles or the massive downside risk. At the same time, the […]

March 4, 2022 | The Markets & the Solution

  The talks between Ukraine and Russia did not agree on a ceasefire but did agree to create safe corridors for civilians to evacuate. Both sides are clearly at fault here and it is hard to see why there is no settlement to a ceasefire. Agree to a democratic resolution and allow the people of […]

March 4, 2022 | The New “Normal” Not New At All

Russian Ruble now rubble, debt now rated “junk”

March 4, 2022 | American Manganese CEO Discusses How Current Global Disruptions Effect Prices of Battery Metals

CEO Discusses Production of Cathode Precursor from Black Mass Suppliers. Read Armstrong Economics Article – “Russia Bans Short Selling“. Read Business Insider Article – “The Department of Justice is Reportedly Exploring if They can Charge Stock Market Short-Sellers with the Same Law used to Take Down the Mafia“. Read Barron’s Article – “SEC Proposes New […]

March 3, 2022 | Skullduggery Abounds

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency report on Bank of America’s (BofA) move into precious metals clearly indicates that BofA’s precious metals derivatives position increased by more than 100 times or 10,000% in a matter of 18 months. This is so extreme and unprecedented, it warrants a full explanation from the OCC and […]

March 3, 2022 | Canadian Euities are No Safe Haven

Since December, despite a parabolic move in fossil fuels (priced in U.S. dollars), the Canadian dollar has not followed along for the ride.  This is not a bullish vote on Canada (see chart below and Canada’s currency washed out by U.S dollar haven appetite.)  With money supply and trade now retreating globally, asset bubbles are bursting, […]

March 3, 2022 | S&P 500 At Tipping Point To Start A Bear Market And What You Need To See

Is a bear market on the way? My research suggests the downward sloping trend line (LIGHT ORANGE in the Daily/Weekly SPY chart below) may continue to act as solid resistance – possibly prompting a further breakdown in the markets for US major indexes. As we’ve seen recently, news and other unexpected events prompt very large […]

March 3, 2022 | Even Canadian Oil Super Hot

Sanctions making stock picks tricky

March 3, 2022 | Strong US Dollar Biggest Threat to Markets?

Could Inflation kill itself?

March 3, 2022 | Why Haven’t High Oil Prices Boosted the Canadian Dollar?

Borrowing to invest, the highway to madness

March 2, 2022 | Compounding Financial Strain will Yield Opportunity

Macro and market pressures that were intensifying over the past year have been compounded and accelerated by Russia’s assault on Ukraine.  While the cyclical downside for asset markets and the economy is higher than average today, the investment opportunity on the other side also promises to be historic. First, we need to get capital from […]

March 2, 2022 | Will There Be 2024 Presidential Election?

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.” ― George Orwell “Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.” ― George Orwell The smell of tyranny is […]

March 2, 2022 | The WHO Is Developing an International Vaccine Passport

The World Health Organization (WHO) has signed a deal with T-Systems (a Deutsche Telecom subsidiary) for the production of a global QR system to produce an international vaccine passport. The company noted has already implemented vaccine QR codes for over 60 countries, despite the intense resistance by the people. T-Systems is also responsible for implementing […]

March 2, 2022 | The Put / Call Ratio – A Technique Used To Gauge Market Extremes

Perhaps you’ve heard of the “Put / Call Ratio” (PCR) and been unsure of exactly what it is or when and how to use it. First, a quick review of what Calls and Puts are. Calls are option contracts that increase in value from a RISE in the price of the underlying stock or index. […]

March 2, 2022 | Bank of Canada Front-Runs the Fed, Hikes Interest Rates, Citing Hot Inflation & Even More Inflationary Pressures

The Bank of Canada today hiked its overnight rate and its deposit rate each by 25 basis points, to 0.50%. It cited 5.1% CPI inflation that it expects to rise further and faces one of the worst housing bubbles anywhere – both of them fueled in part by two years of interest rate repression and […]

March 2, 2022 | Donating To A Political Cause Is A Constitutional Right

Excerpted from comments on previous posts: “Canada Reveals The ‘End Game’ For Money” – March 2 Although I agree that “non-custodial, decentralized forms of money” are a wise thing to have in general, it should be clear that it was the centralization of the payment system to the “truckers” that enabled the accounts to […]

March 2, 2022 | Ukraine, Vaxxines, Climax of the Cabal

Gold, Silver, Economic Devastation

March 1, 2022 | War and Inflation to Impact US Midterm Elections

Mounting fears of war have caused many to re-evaluate who is leading them. Putin addresses his people sternly and clearly, while Biden can barely hold a press conference or read off the teleprompter. Zelenskyy has joined his troops in battle, whereas Biden cannot walk up a flight of stairs. On top of all of this […]

March 1, 2022 | Canada has to Follow and Seize Illicit Flows Inflating Our Real Estate Prices

Our February client letter is on the housing bubble casting a pall over Canada’s economic prospects and social stability. The last decade of free money has been anything but. Costs are compounding through reduced household formation, non-replacement birth rates, decreased savings, excessive debt, misallocated capital, and a shortage of investment into longer-term productive sectors, activities […]

March 1, 2022 | Mark Nestmann: Canada Reveals The “End Game” For Mo

From the Nestmann Group: For most of human history, “money” was a physical commodity. Ancient peoples traded gold, silver, beads – even giant stone disks. When money was scarce, people bartered. For instance, at the end of World War II, cash was scarce in occupied Germany. Ordinary Germans adapted by exchanging cigarettes for food and […]

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