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January 27, 2022 | Trudeau Can’t Hide

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.

Days before the Freedom Convoy was expected to arrive in Ottawa, Justin Trudeau announced that he would be self-isolating after being exposed to COVID. Luckily the protestors are in no rush. In fact, they plan to gridlock Ottawa until all vaccine mandates are eliminated.

“This is not about the vaccine, by the way. There’s nobody in here that’ll tell you it’s about vaccines on this entire convoy. We’ve got double jabbed, we’ve got single jabbed, we’ve got no jabbed, we’ve got the boosted,” said James Bauder, founder of the Canada Unity Foundation, one of the groups organizing the Freedom Convoy.

Trudeau has dismissed the movement that he feels represents a “small fringe minority of people” with “unacceptable views.” Trudeau is so out of touch with reality that he does not realize that most Canadians are fed up with mandates and are not willing to give up their remaining freedoms. Even the Ottawa police have said that the Freedom Convoy has been cooperative and peaceful. “We don’t have any risk information to suggest that people or business owners need to barricade themselves into their homes or businesses or that they need to close,” said Chief Peter Sloly.

Trudeau can run, but he can’t hide. This is not about the vaccine itself. This is about retaining freedom and taking back liberties that Trudeau ripped away from Canadians. According to the Guinness World Records, the longest convoy occurred in Egypt during 2020 and reached almost five miles. Will the Freedom Convoy 2022 break this record? The parade of trucks in Egypt consisted of 480 trucks, but the Toronto Sun estimates 50,000 trucks could participate in this demonstration.

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January 27th, 2022

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

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