September 17, 2021 | CEO Discusses Current Market Conditions

RecycLiCo™ Battery Materials, is a battery recycling and upcycling company headquartered in Vancouver, Canada that developed the RecycLiCo™ patented process. The RecycLiCo™ process is a closed-loop, hydrometallurgical process with minimal processing steps and up to 100% extraction of lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese from lithium-ion battery waste. From waste to cathode, RecycLiCo™ creates valuable lithium-ion battery materials, with low environmental impact, for direct integration into the re-manufacturing of new lithium-ion batteries.
Inflation and Gold.
Read Sept. 13, 2021 News.
Read Sept. 16, 2021 News.
Read Nasdaq Article – “Sibanye Stillwater Buys Half of Ioneer’s Nevada Lithium Project in $490 Million Deal“.
See AMY Lithium-ion Recycling Technology – Updated Jan. 2021.
Watch AMY’s Video – “Our Revolutionary Lithium-ion Battery Recycling Technology”.
Questions? Email Larry or Phone: 778.574.4444
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RecycLiCo™ Battery Materials Inc. Archives September 17th, 2021
Posted In: Company Showcase
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GM´s recall for thousands of Chevy Bolts to replace battery packs due to a few battery failures leading to fire is going to create a pile of discarded batteries to recycle. These are bad news for the big automaker but good news for the critical metals recycling industry, and those working on battery chemistry.,5%20In%20a%20bind.%20…%20More%20items…%20