- the source for market opinions


June 6, 2021 | Charts For A Crazy World: Hot Money Spawns Weird Trends

This is a time of almost supernaturally-easy money. US financial conditions, in fact, have never been this accommodative, which is why junk bonds, CLOs, NTFs, cryptos, and meme stocks have been able to attract so much hot money. But the velocity of money – i.e., how often a given dollar is spent in a given […]

June 6, 2021 | Biden, Trump & More Insanity

  I am sure that Joe Biden made another huge gaff. He actually just said that nobody making less than $400,000 will pay a penny in tax. I’m sure he meant they will not pay “more” but I would love to see him put that in an executive order. Everyone who even gets $500,000 in […]

June 5, 2021 | This Week in Money

June 5, 2021 | No Silver Eagle Sales For the Last Two Months

05 June 2021 — Saturday YESTERDAY in GOLD, SILVER, PLATINUM and PALLADIUM The gold price traded flat in Far East trading on their Friday morning until a few minutes before 10 a.m. China Standard Time on their Friday morning. The bids got pulled at that point — and the price cratered by a bit over ten bucks […]

June 5, 2021 | Trading Desk Notes For June 5, 2021

Markets were anticipating a robust US May employment report – but they didn’t get it The major stock indices had a huge rally from March 2020 to May 2021 (the S+P rose ~90%), but the indices seemed to lose their upside momentum and drifted sideways for the last six weeks. Given that a big part […]

June 4, 2021 | Founder of Moderna Canceled by Twitter for Confirming Truth

  It is time that the people DEMAND the end to censorship. The immunity given to platforms was to prevent them from being sued for posts of others. Not that they are now the Censors of society. They are endangering people’s lives and they should be dragged out of their offices and put on trial […]

June 4, 2021 | Head Spinning Crash Course In Share Price Volatility (VIX vs VVIX) – Learn How to Take Advantage of Volatility And Profit From It

Volatility is the most common way to measure risk in the financial markets. While there are a plethora of methods, calculations, and derivatives to calculate volatility, they are all trying to accomplish the same goal: what is the price of a security going to do in the future? Without a crystal ball, there’s no perfect […]

June 4, 2021 | Activist David Threatens Exxon Mobil Goliath

Exxon Mobil suffered a setback at its annual shareholder meeting in voting for members of the board of directors. Exxon lost the vote on three members, giving an activist investment fund a quarter of the seats on the twelve-member board. This new firm, called Engine No. 1, says that it is “pursuing long-term value by […]

June 4, 2021 | Look Out

On Wednesday local Ottawa politicians will thumbs-up an empty-house tax. The average property sells for $742,000 now (+35% in a year), so the tax would be $600 a month on a place not rented or owner-occupied for 184 days a year. Of course, Vancouver does this, too. The tax there is an astonishing 3% of […]

June 4, 2021 | The Feds’ Bubble Will Pop

I picked a hell of a day to quit drinkin’ – Russell Casse in Independence Day YOUGHAL, IRELAND – Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. Today, we look at another institution that has been zombified by the feds – the stock market. The stock market is supposed to allow investors to exchange shares in profit-making, wealth-increasing, goods-and-services-producing businesses. Nobody […]

June 4, 2021 | Do Most Stock Market Crashes Happen in the Fall?

Can Gold and the US Dollar rise at the same time?

June 4, 2021 | American Manganese CEO Reports on Results of the June 1st NMC Cathode Scrap Press Release

Don’t Forget the Annual General Meeting on June 9, 2021 At 11:00 AM PST. Read the Latest News. Watch American Manganese Chief Technology Officer Zarko Meseldzija interview with Stephen Gunnion from Proactive – “American Manganese Produces Cathode Precursor Material Directly From Recycled NMC Cathode Waste“. Read Reuters Article –  “Biden’s Electric Vehicle Plan Includes Battery […]

June 4, 2021 | There Are No Solutions (PART TWO)

In Part One of this article I described the circumstances which make it impossible to change the system from within. The past year should put the final nail in that coffin. Now on to what is in our control. “Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes […]

June 3, 2021 | Hitting the Wall

Tougher stress test. Mortgage creep. Buyer fatigue. It’s all having an impact on the market. See the stats below. But the biggest impact of all? That’s price. Now that less than 16% of all Canadians can afford real estate we’re hitting that inevitable, hulking wall of absolute unaffordability. Governments and central bankers ignored the effects […]

June 3, 2021 | Cyberattacks Demand Increasing Response From Governments

Cyberattacks are a booming new business model that is enabled by cryptocurrencies.  Striking at critical energy, transportation and food systems, these are acts of terrorism like any other, and when state-backed, acts of war.  Government responses will have to intensify accordingly. The Steamship Authority of Massachusetts, which operates a ferry service between Cape Cod, Martha’s […]

June 3, 2021 | Fauci Under Global Attack

Fauci is under attack globally and has shown himself to be unreliable and should be fired – PERIOD! All the emails that have come out from an FOIA request are interesting, and it shows he has information that was credible concerning a leak from the lab in Wuhan. Let me make this PERFECTLY clear! This […]

June 3, 2021 | Biden Policies Boosting Canadian Oil and Gas

Buy the dips and hold doesn’t work anymore

June 3, 2021 | Spectacular Short Squeezes Happening

What’s behind oil’s higher climb? Special Offer! Receive 50% Off VR Trader Newsletters! Enter Promo Code 2021HALFOFF.

June 3, 2021 | $200 Silver Target

Silver seriously undervalued?

June 3, 2021 | US Economy Much Worse Than Government Admits

The Fed does an instant $1.3 trillion fix and no one blinked

June 2, 2021 | New Age of Authoritarianism

QUESTION: With over 1 million millionaires and billionaires fleeing the north to the south, why do these people not see the handwriting on the wall? Willful ignorance? Or are they planning to try to prevent non vaccinated people from even engaging in any commerce? PG ANSWER: This reminds me of how Spain fell. Indeed, Spain […]

June 2, 2021 | Top 5 Forestry Facts That Anti-Logging Protesters Would Prefer You Don’t Think About

As British Columbians are bombarded with emotional claims about old growth forest practices, the trained professionals who work in the field see a very different picture. Stewart Muir examines the facts. Got a forest question? Ask a forester While news media outlets continue the daily pilgrimage out to Fairy Creek to see what fresh and […]

June 2, 2021 | Investment Banks are a Mercenary Business Model–Cut the BS

It is often said that Canadians love their banks.  They should not.  Banks have a mercenary business model.  The fake news is any suggestion that they, and the finance sector broadly, are interested in how best to ‘serve’ the real economy, families, retirees, a sustainable environment or social progress. A ‘greater good’ mythology has been […]

June 2, 2021 | Light it up

One day this week, I told Dorothy this morning as I left for the wee bank, expect to see a few courier boxes arrive on the porch. Contactless delivery, of course. “Presents?” she cooed, expectantly. Well, kinda, I said. For Canada. Days ago I ordered enough fireworks to win a smallish rebellion somewhere. The intention […]

June 2, 2021 | After Reaching A Trend Channel High, The Russell 2000 (IWM) Flags Out

The Russell 2000, which had experienced an incredible 48% upside price rally after the November 2020 US elections, has recently peaked near an upward sloping price channel that originated shortly after the 2010 Housing Crisis bottom.  The incredible aspect is that the post-COVID price rally accelerated at such an extreme rate that the current peak […]

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